My Vanilla Code根本不在我的博客页面上,所以我需要一些额外的脚本。经过大量挖掘后,我在网上找到了https://gist.github.com/lincolnwebs/700805,如果登录则会给出user_id,如果没有登录就会给出0。所以看起来效果很好,因为我不需要包含整个vanilla框架
作为一个相对新手,有人可以解释这是否是一种安全可靠的方式来验证用户是否已登录?我花了很长时间才找到它,它似乎被隐藏起来/没有被公开。此外,脚本不是100%完美,因为它在静态函数中使用$ this。
* @copyright Vanilla Forums Inc.
* @license GNU GPL2
* Instantiating this class will store current user's ID from cookie as $this->UserID.
class VanillaIdentity {
# Copy these from Vanilla config
public $CookieName = 'Vanilla';
public $CookieSalt = '';
public $CookieHashMethod = 'md5';
public $UserID = 0;
* Returns the unique id assigned to the user in the database (retrieved
* from the session cookie if the cookie authenticates) or FALSE if not
* found or authentication fails.
* @return int
public function __construct() {
if (!$this->_CheckCookie($this->CookieName)) return 0;
list($UserID, $Expiration) = $this->GetCookiePayload($this->CookieName);
if (!is_numeric($UserID) || $UserID < -2) // allow for handshake special id
$this->UserID = 0;
$this->UserID = $UserID;
public static function GetCookiePayload($CookieName) {
if (!self::CheckCookie($CookieName)) return FALSE;
$Payload = explode('|', $_COOKIE[$CookieName]);
// Get rid of check fields like HashKey, HMAC and Time
return $Payload;
protected function _CheckCookie($CookieName) {
return self::CheckCookie($CookieName);
public static function CheckCookie($CookieName) {
if (empty($_COOKIE[$CookieName])) {
return FALSE;
$CookieHashMethod = $this->CookieHashMethod;
$CookieSalt = $this->CookieSalt;
$CookieData = explode('|', $_COOKIE[$CookieName]);
if (count($CookieData) < 5) {
return FALSE;
list($HashKey, $CookieHash, $Time, $UserID, $Expiration) = $CookieData;
if ($Expiration < time() && $Expiration != 0) {
return FALSE;
$Key = self::_Hash($HashKey, $CookieHashMethod, $CookieSalt);
$GeneratedHash = self::_HashHMAC($CookieHashMethod, $HashKey, $Key);
if ($CookieHash != $GeneratedHash) {
return FALSE;
return TRUE;
* Returns $this->_HashHMAC with the provided data, the default hashing method
* (md5), and the server's COOKIE.SALT string as the key.
* @param string $Data The data to place in the hash.
protected static function _Hash($Data, $CookieHashMethod, $CookieSalt) {
return Gdn_CookieIdentity::_HashHMAC($CookieHashMethod, $Data, $CookieSalt);
* Returns the provided data hashed with the specified method using the
* specified key.
* @param string $HashMethod The hashing method to use on $Data. Options are MD5 or SHA1.
* @param string $Data The data to place in the hash.
* @param string $Key The key to use when hashing the data.
protected static function _HashHMAC($HashMethod, $Data, $Key) {
$PackFormats = array('md5' => 'H32', 'sha1' => 'H40');
if (!isset($PackFormats[$HashMethod]))
return false;
$PackFormat = $PackFormats[$HashMethod];
// this is the equivalent of "strlen($Key) > 64":
if (isset($Key[63]))
$Key = pack($PackFormat, $HashMethod($Key));
$Key = str_pad($Key, 64, chr(0));
$InnerPad = (substr($Key, 0, 64) ^ str_repeat(chr(0x36), 64));
$OuterPad = (substr($Key, 0, 64) ^ str_repeat(chr(0x5C), 64));
return $HashMethod($OuterPad . pack($PackFormat, $HashMethod($InnerPad . $Data)));
答案 0 :(得分:2)
首先,在HTTP身份验证之后,应用程序将用户cookie设置为浏览器。 下次请求时,浏览器会向服务器发送cookie。请注意,在cookie集合中使用的路径是重要的。如果路径为“/”,则浏览器会将cookie发送到服务器上的所有应用程序。
cookie可以被劫持并用于访问应用程序。请注意,黑客可能无法解密cookie - 只需使用它即可。请参阅以下链接:https://www.owasp.org/index.php/Session_hijacking_attack。要防止会话被劫持,您可以使用HTTPS。
解决您需要的问题 1)对mydomain.com/forums和mydomain.com/blog使用相同的用户存储库 在这种情况下,用户“bob”将是两个应用程序的同一用户。 2)确保Vanilla使用路径“/”设置cookie 在这种情况下,浏览器会为mydomain.com/forums和mydomain.com/blog发送cookie。
我找到了以下Vanilla插件 - 它可以完全解决您的问题: http://vanillaforums.org/page/SingleSignOn