
时间:2013-03-07 20:40:13

标签: php oop inheritance abstract-class abstract


abstract class ClassName{
 const CONSTANT_NAME = "test";
 protected static $variable_1 = "value";
 protected $variable_2 = "value_2";
 protected $variable_3 = "value_3"
 abstract function doSomething();
 protected function doSomethingElse();


public class ChildClassName extends ClassName{

   public function accessParentClassMembers()
    echo parent::$variable_1;  // WORKS FINE
    echo parent::$variable_2; // OBVIOUSLY DOESN'T WORK because it is not a static variable

问题是,如何访问$ variable_2,即子类如何访问抽象父类 * 成员变量 *?

2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:2)


//    |------- public is not allowed for classes in php
//    |
/* public */ class ChildClassName extends ClassName{

       // has to be implemented as it is declared abstract in parent class
       protected function doSomething() {


       public function accessParentClassMembers() {

           // note that the following two lines follow the same terminology as 
           // if the base class where non abstract

           // ok, as $variable_1 is static
           echo parent::$variable_1;

           // use this-> instead of parent:: 
           // for non static instance members
           echo $this->variable_2;


protected function doSomethingElse();


abstract protected function doSomethingElse();

protected function doSomethingElse() {}

答案 1 :(得分:2)

abstract class ClassName{
  protected static $variable_1 = "value";
  protected $variable_2 = "value_2";
  protected $variable_3 = "value_3";
class ChildClassName extends ClassName{
  protected $variable_3 = 'other_variable';
  public function accessParentClassMembers()
    echo parent::$variable_1;
    echo $this->variable_2;
    echo $this->variable_3;
    $parentprops = get_class_vars(get_parent_class($this));
    echo $parentprops['variable_3'];