public interface PropertyConverter<T>
public String convertObjectToString( T object );
public T convertStringToObject( String string );
//Concrete Converter
public class FooConverter implements PropertyConverter<Foo>
public String convertObjectToString( Foo object )
throw new UnsupportedOperationException( "Not implemented yet." );
public Foo convertStringToObject( String string )
throw new UnsupportedOperationException( "Not implemented yet." );
public class Foo
public enum PropEnum
BOO(new BooConverter()),
FOO(new FooConverter());
PropertyConverter<?> converter;
private PropEnum( PropertyConverter<?> converter )
this.converter = converter;
public PropertyConverter<?> getConverter()
return converter;
但由于我的PropertyConverter使用了通配符,因此我只使用对象字符串和字符串到对象方法而不是具体类型,如Foo To String和String To Foo,当我像下面这样使用它时: