
时间:2013-03-05 15:33:50

标签: algorithm haskell



*主> combFreq [[1,2,3,5,7,8],[2,3,5,6,7],[3,5,7,9],[1,2,3,7,9], [3,5,7,10]]
[([3,5],[0,1,2,4]),([2,3],[0,1,3]),([3,5,7],[0,2,4 ]),([5,7],[0,2,4]),([2,3,5],[0,1]),([1,2],[0,3]),( [1,2,3],[0,3]),([7,9],[2,3])]

import Data.List
import Data.Function (on)


tupleCat x y = (fst x, sort $ nub $ snd x ++ snd y)
isInResult x result = case lookup x result of
                        Just a  -> [a]
                        Nothing -> []

sInt xs = concat $ sInt' (csubs xs) 0 (length xs) where
    csubs = map (filter (not . null) . concatMap inits . tails)
    sInt' []     _     _       = []
    sInt' (x:xs) count origLen = 
        let result = (zip (zip (replicate (length xs) count) [count+1..origLen]) 
                 $ map (\y -> intersect x y) xs)
        in concatMap (\x -> let a = fst x in map (\y -> (y,a)) (snd x))
                 result : sInt' xs (count + 1) origLen

concatResults [] result     = result 
concatResults (x:xs) result = 
    let match = isInResult (fst x) result 
        newX  = (fst x, [fst $ snd x, snd $ snd x])
    in  if not (null match)
        then let match'    = (fst x, head match)
                 newResult = deleteBy (\x -> (==match')) match' result
             in concatResults xs (tupleCat match' newX : newResult)
        else concatResults xs (newX : result)

combFreq xs =
  filter (\x -> length (fst x) > 1)
  $ reverse $ sortBy (compare `on` (length . snd)) $ concatResults (sInt xs) []

2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:2)

以下是我将如何去做。我没有比较性能, 这当然是天真的。它列举了所有连续的子序列 每个列表并将它们收集到Map。它应该符合你的要求 但更简洁。

import Data.List as L
import Data.Map (Map)
import qualified Data.Map as M

nonEmptySubs :: [a] -> [[a]]
nonEmptySubs = filter (not . null)
             . concatMap tails
             . inits

makePairs :: (a -> [a]) -> [a] -> [(a, Int)]
makePairs f xs = concat $ zipWith app xs [0 .. ]
    where app y i = zip (f y) (repeat i)

results :: (Ord a) => [[a]] -> Map [a] [Int]
results =
    let ins acc (seq, ind) = M.insertWith (++) seq [ind] acc
        -- Insert the index at the given sequence as a singleton list
    in foldl' ins M.empty . makePairs nonEmptySubs

combFreq :: (Ord a) => [[a]] -> [([a], [Int])]
combFreq = filter (not . null . drop 1 . snd) -- Keep subseqs with more than 1 match
         . filter (not . null . drop 1 . fst) -- keep subseqs longer than 1
         . M.toList
         . results

请注意,此版本将提供相同的定性结果,但它会 没有相同的顺序。

我最大的建议是更多地分解并利用你的东西 可以从一些标准库中做一些繁琐的工作。请注意我们 可以把很多工作分解成不同的阶段然后组成 获得最终功能的阶段。

答案 1 :(得分:0)


import Control.Arrow (first, second)

compFreq ls = cF [] [] ls
  where cF rs cs ls | all null ls = rs
                    | otherwise   = cF (rs++rs') (cs'' ++ c ++ cs') ls'
          where m = minimum $ map head $ filter (not . null) ls
                ls' = map (\l -> if null l || m < head l then l
                                                         else tail l) ls
                is = map snd $ filter ((==m) . head . fst) $ filter (not . null . fst) $ zip ls [0,1..]
                c = if atLeastTwo is then [([m], is)] else []
                fs = filter (\(vs, is') -> atLeastTwo $ combine is is') cs
                cs' = map (\(vs, is') -> (vs++[m], combine is is')) fs
                cs'' = map (second (filter (not . (`elem` is)))) cs
                rs' = filter ok cs'
                combine _ [] = []
                combine [] _ = []
                combine (i:is) (i':is') | i<i' = combine is (i':is')
                                        | i>i' = combine (i:is) is'
                                        | i==i' = i:combine is is'
                atLeastTwo = not . null . drop 1
                ok (js, ts) = atLeastTwo js && atLeastTwo ts

这个想法是通过始终查看最小值m来处理列表,该值从所有列表中删除以获得ls'。索引列表告诉m被删除的位置。内部工作函数cF有两个额外的参数:到目前为止的结果列表rs和当前子序列的列表cs。如果最小值出现至少两次,则该最小值开始新的子序列c。 cs'是以m结尾的子序列,cs''是没有m的那些。新结果rs'都包含m作为最后一个元素。

