
时间:2009-10-05 16:32:35

标签: c++ multithreading wav sapi


void Pan_Channel::TextToPlaybackFile( CString Text, CString FileName )
 // Result variable
 HRESULT Result = S_OK;

 // Voice Object
 CComPtr<ISpVoice> cpVoice;

 // Create a SAPI Voice
 Result = cpVoice.CoCreateInstance( CLSID_SpVoice );

 // Audio format
 CSpStreamFormat cAudioFmt;

 // Set the audio format
 if( SUCCEEDED( Result ) )
  Result = cAudioFmt.AssignFormat( SPSF_8kHz16BitMono );

 // File Stream
 CComPtr<ISpStream> cpStream;

 // Call SPBindToFile, a SAPI helper method,  to bind the audio stream to the file
 if( SUCCEEDED( Result ) )
  Result = SPBindToFile( FileName, SPFM_CREATE_ALWAYS, &cpStream,
   &cAudioFmt.FormatId(), cAudioFmt.WaveFormatExPtr() );

 // set the output to cpStream so that the output audio data will be stored in cpStream
 if( SUCCEEDED( Result ) )
  Result = cpVoice->SetOutput( cpStream, TRUE );

  // Speak the text syncronously
 if( SUCCEEDED( Result ) )
  Result = cpVoice->Speak( Text.AllocSysString(), SPF_DEFAULT, NULL );

 // close the stream
 if( SUCCEEDED( Result ) )
  Result = cpStream->Close();

 // Release stream

 // Release voice object

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