我正在尝试创建一个多线程的Eratosthenes Sieve
我试图在几个不同的线程中同时标记数组中所有素数的间隔。因此,包含0或1的数组将拆分为arrayElements / threadNumber。
所以,例如,让我们假设您想要达到的数字是20,并且您有4个线程。线程0将从0开始并上升到20 / 4-1。接下来将从20/4 * threadNumber开始,然后上升到(20/4 * nextThreadNumber)-1,依此类推。
如下所示,我发现startingPosition是否可以被素数整除。如果是的话,我将其设置为该线程" nonPrime seek"起始点,并从那里增加素数,将范围内的每个实例标记为非主要。如果它不是,那么我计算下一个非素数是什么(基于素数)并将其作为开始。
长话短说,我必须使用最多32位整数(大约20亿左右)的数字。它可以在较小的数字下正常工作,但在对140万个数字进行一些基准测试后,需要13.4秒。 540万,需要37.3秒。 1000万,需要68秒。 对于20亿,它只是继续工作(我让它运行10分钟或更长时间),看不到尽头。
定义maxNum 10483646
int numThreads; //number of threads
int innerCounter;
int composite[maxNum];
//need to find all prime numbers up to unsigned 32 bit integer
//creating n threads, (start to 1/n -1) 0, (1/n to 2/n -1) , (2/n to 3/n -1) until it's (n-1/n to n/n) are starting positions for looking for primes so threads aren't accessing same area
void* markPrimes(int i){
//Prime number should be innerCounter
//printf("Threaded process: %d\n", i);
//starting position in array: (maxNum/threadNum) * i
//ending position in array: ((maxNum/threadNum)) * (i+1) - 1
int startingPosition;
int compositeCounter;
int firstNonPrime;
int endingPosition;
int primeInRange;
startingPosition = (double)(maxNum/numThreads) * i;
endingPosition = (double)(maxNum/numThreads) * (i+1)-1;
if(i == numThreads-1){
endingPosition = maxNum;
if(startingPosition <= innerCounter && innerCounter <= endingPosition){ //the prime number is in range, and should be ignored
primeInRange = 1;
firstNonPrime = startingPosition%innerCounter;
if(firstNonPrime != 0){
int temp = innerCounter - firstNonPrime;
firstNonPrime = temp + startingPosition;
firstNonPrime = startingPosition;
if(primeInRange == 1){
firstNonPrime = innerCounter + innerCounter;
if(firstNonPrime <= endingPosition){
for(compositeCounter = firstNonPrime; compositeCounter <= endingPosition; compositeCounter += innerCounter){
composite[compositeCounter] = 1;
return (void*)0;
int main(int argc, char** argv[]){
clock_t start; //start time
clock_t stop; //end time
double total_time;
int rc;
int nextNum;
int prevNum = 0;
int i;
int numPrimes;
//unsigned int maxNum = INT_MAX; //maximum unsigned integer value to go up until
//bit array for threads to check primes for
for(i = 0; i < maxNum+1; i++){
composite[i] = 0;
if(argc > 1){
numThreads = atoi(argv[1]); //argument given for n number of threads
numThreads = 4; //default if no argument given is 4 threads
pthread_t threads[numThreads]; //array of threads
start = clock(); //start timing
//Sieve algorithm here! When prime found, spawn threads!
int outerCounter = 1;
while(outerCounter < sqrt(maxNum)){
//searching numbers above the current for prime numbers
for(innerCounter = outerCounter+1; innerCounter <= maxNum; innerCounter++){
//not composite
if(composite[innerCounter] == 0){
//setting all multiples of innerCounter to 1, creating threads to split up the work!
for(i = 0; i < numThreads; i++){
rc = pthread_create(&threads[i], NULL, markPrimes, (void*) i);
//Detecting Error
//perror("Thread creation error!");
for(i = 1; i < numThreads; i++){
pthread_join(threads[i], NULL);
outerCounter = innerCounter;
stop = clock(); //stop timing
total_time = (double)(stop - start) / CLOCKS_PER_SEC;
printf("Time for threads: %.5f\n", total_time);
printf("Number of primes: %d\n", numPrimes-1);
return 0;
编辑2:我以How to sleep or pause a PThread in c on Linux为例尝试引导一些条件锁定和解锁。因为我基本上想要暂停和取消暂停素数的标记。我在我的线程函数中将while语句(使用lock和unlock语句)作为上面的组来发现启动/停止部分。当在带有lock / unlock语句的算法的内部if语句中找到素数时,我将int的标记设置为1,并在具有lock / unlock语句的if语句之外将该变量设置为0。