我在使用模拟退火算法解决n皇后问题时遇到了一些麻烦。基本上,我让它寻找更好,更好,但然后我运行一个公式来检查,看看它是否应采取“坏”的举动。根据我的理解,公式是e ^(板状态计算的变化)/ CurrentTemperature。这个数字应该与随机双数或浮点数进行比较,如果随机数大于等式,算法应该采取“坏”移动。我得到的问题是公式总是接近1或大于1.这里有一些我的代码(让我知道是否应该提供更多代码):
temperature = n*100; //initializes starting temperature
currentTemp = n*100;
int cooldown = n*2; //initializes cool down temperature
float examine = 0; //this is the change in board calculation
int cost = 1;
boolean betterMove = false;
queen = new int[n];
int[][] board = graph; // generates a board of n size
float ran = 0; //random float to compare to
double compareAgainst = 0; //formula variable
cost = calculate(board, n); //calculates the cost
while (cost > 0 && currentTemp > 0)
// chooses a random queen to move that has a heuristic higher than zero
int Q = rand.nextInt(n);
while (queen[Q] == 0)
Q = rand.nextInt(n);
betterMove = false;
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
for (int j = 0; j < n; j++)
if (board[i][j] == 1 && j == Q)
while (!betterMove)
int move = i;
while (move == i)
move = rand.nextInt(n); //pick a random move
tempBoard[i][j] = 0; //erase old position
tempBoard[move][j] = 1; //set new position
examine = calculate(tempBoard, n) - calculate(board, n); //calculates the difference between the change in boards
ran = rand.nextFloat(); //generates random number to compare against
compareAgainst = Math.pow(Math.E, (-examine / currentTemp)); //formula out of the book, basically is e^(change in board state divided by currentTemp)
if (calculate(tempBoard, n) < calculate(board, n)) //if this is a better move
for (int a = 0; a < n; a++)
for (int b = 0; b < n; b++)
board[a][b] = tempBoard[a][b]; //set it to the board
cost = calculate(board, n);
currentTemp -= cooldown; //cool down the temperature
betterMove = true;
else if(calculate(tempBoard,n) >= calculate(board,n)) //if this is a worse move
if(verbose == 1) //outputs whether or not this is a bad move and outputs function value and random float for simulated annealing purposes
System.out.println("This is a worse move");
System.out.println("The numbers for Simulated Annealing:");
System.out.println("Random number = " + ran);
System.out.println("Formula = " + compareAgainst);
System.out.println("Examine = " + examine);
if(ran > compareAgainst) //if the random float is greater than compare against, take the bad move
for (int a = 0; a < n; a++)
for (int b = 0; b < n; b++)
board[a][b] = tempBoard[a][b]; //take the move
cost = calculate(board, n);
currentTemp-= cooldown;
betterMove = true;
else //if not, do not take the move
for (int a = 0; a < n; a++)
for (int b = 0; b < n; b++)
tempBoard[a][b] = board[a][b];
currentTemp-= cooldown;
betterMove = true;
i = n;
j = n;