$_product_id = YOUR_BUNDLE_PRODUCT_ID;
// highest possible price for this bundle product
$return_type = 'max'; // because I used this in a helper method
// lowest possible price for this bundle product
// $return_type = 'min';
$model_catalog_product = Mage::getModel('catalog/product'); // getting product model
$_product = $model_catalog_product->load( $_product_id );
$TypeInstance = $_product->getTypeInstance(true);
$Selections = $TypeInstance->getSelectionsCollection($OptionIds, $_product );
$Options = $TypeInstance->getOptionsByIds($OptionIds, $_product);
$bundleOptions = $Options->appendSelections($Selections, true);
$minmax_pricevalue = 0; // to sum them up from 0
foreach ($bundleOptions as $bundleOption) {
if ($bundleOption->getSelections()) {
$bundleSelections = $bundleOption->getSelections();
$pricevalues_array = array();
foreach ($bundleSelections as $bundleSelection) {
$pricevalues_array[] = $bundleSelection->getPrice();
if ( $return_type == 'max' ) {
rsort($pricevalues_array); // high to low
} else {
sort($pricevalues_array); // low to high
// sum up the highest possible or lowest possible price
$minmax_pricevalue += $pricevalues_array[0];
// echo $minmax_pricevalue;
echo ''.Mage::helper('core')->currency($minmax_pricevalue, true, false).'';
背景的是,我已经制作了自定义扩展程序,并希望在此处显示此类配置的“最低可能价格”和“最大可能价格”。 Magento-Setup是:原生“捆绑产品”几个“捆绑产品选项”连接我的“捆绑产品”。每个“捆绑选项”都有多个简单的产品,其中包含不同的价格。我认为这就是重点。
希望所有人都能帮助 - 喜欢分享这些东西: - )
答案 0 :(得分:9)
答案 1 :(得分:5)
$_product_id = YOUR_BUNDLE_PRODUCT_ID;
// highest possible price for this bundle product
$return_type = 'max'; // because I used this in a helper method
// lowest possible price for this bundle product
// $return_type = 'min';
$model_catalog_product = Mage::getModel('catalog/product'); // getting product model
$_product = $model_catalog_product->load( $_product_id );
$TypeInstance = $_product->getTypeInstance(true);
$Selections = $TypeInstance->getSelectionsCollection($OptionIds, $_product );
$Options = $TypeInstance->getOptionsByIds($OptionIds, $_product);
$bundleOptions = $Options->appendSelections($Selections, true);
$minmax_pricevalue = 0; // to sum them up from 0
foreach ($bundleOptions as $bundleOption) {
if ($bundleOption->getSelections()) {
$bundleSelections = $bundleOption->getSelections();
$pricevalues_array = array();
foreach ($bundleSelections as $bundleSelection) {
$pricevalues_array[] = $bundleSelection->getPrice();
if ( $return_type == 'max' ) {
rsort($pricevalues_array); // high to low
} else {
sort($pricevalues_array); // low to high
// sum up the highest possible or lowest possible price
$minmax_pricevalue += $pricevalues_array[0];
// echo $minmax_pricevalue;
echo ''.Mage::helper('core')->currency($minmax_pricevalue, true, false).'';
答案 2 :(得分:0)
我有一段时间遇到过类似的问题并提出了这个问题(在Inchoo's blog的帮助下获得了捆绑的产品系列)。它将与主product_id
和array_slice($bundled_prices, -1, 1, false)
$product_id = YOUR_PRODUCT_ID;
$bundled_product = new Mage_Catalog_Model_Product();
$selectionCollection = $bundled_product->getTypeInstance(true)->getSelectionsCollection(
$bundled_product->getTypeInstance(true)->getOptionsIds($bundled_product), $bundled_product
$bundled_items = array();
foreach($selectionCollection as $option) {
if ($option->getPrice()!="0.0000"){
$max_price_tmp=array_slice($bundled_prices, -1, 1, false);
echo "Min: " . $min_price . '<br>';
echo "Max: " . $max_price;