
时间:2009-10-03 10:33:34

标签: python

根据this page,不能使用像

if variable = something():
#do something with variable, whose value is the result of something() and is true


if a = something():
#do something with a
elif a = somethingelse():
#5 more elifs


9 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:10)

我在2001年就遇到过这个问题 - 因为我从C语言中的参考算法转换为Python,它使用了大量的分配和测试,我很想为初稿保留类似的结构(然后重构后来一旦正确性得到很好的测试)。所以我在食谱中写了recipe(另见here),归结为......:

class DataHolder(object):
    def set(self, value): self.value = value; return value

因此if / elif树可以变为:

dh = DataHolder()
if dh.set(something()):
  # do something with dh.value
elif dh.set(somethingelse()):
  # ...


答案 1 :(得分:3)


a = something()
if a:
    #do something with a
    a = somethingelse()
    if a:
        #5 more nested ifs


def f():
    a = something()
    if a:
        #do something with a
    a = somethingelse()
    if a:
    #5 more ifs

答案 2 :(得分:3)


# Functions to be tested (can be expanded):
tests = [something, somethingelse, yetsomethingelse, anotherfunction, another]
for i, f in enumerate(tests):
    a = f()
    if a:
        if i == 0:
            # do something with a
        elif 1 <= i <= 3:
            # do something else with a
            # ...


tests = [something, somethingelse, yetsomethingelse, anotherfunction, another]
for i, f in enumerate(tests):
    a = f()
    if a: break
if not a:
    # no result
elif f == something:
    # ...
elif f == somethingelse:
    # ...


tests = [lambda: something(args), somethingelse, lambda: something(otherargs)]
for i, f in enumerate(tests):
    a = f()
    if a: break
if not a:
    # no result
elif i == 0:
    # ...
elif i == 1:
    # ...

答案 3 :(得分:2)


class ConditionValue(object):
    def __call__(self, x):
        self.value = x
        return bool(x)


# example code
makelower = lambda c : c.isalpha() and c.lower()
add10 = lambda c : c.isdigit() and int(c) + 10

test = "ABC123.DEF456"
val = ConditionValue()
for t in test:
    if val(makelower(t)):
        print t, "is now lower case ->", val.value
    elif val(add10(t)):
        print t, "+10 ->", val.value
        print "unknown char", t


A is now lower case -> a
B is now lower case -> b
C is now lower case -> c
1 +10 -> 11
2 +10 -> 12
3 +10 -> 13
unknown char .
D is now lower case -> d
E is now lower case -> e
F is now lower case -> f
4 +10 -> 14
5 +10 -> 15
6 +10 -> 16

答案 4 :(得分:1)

你可以使用这个memorize这样的装饰器 - 假设它们总是返回相同的值。请注意,您可以根据需要多次调用expensive_foo和expensive_bar,并且函数体只能执行一次

def memoize(f):
    mem = {}
    def inner(*args):
        if args not in mem:
            mem[args] = f(*args)
        return mem[args]
    return inner

def expensive_foo():
    print "expensive_foo"
    return False

def expensive_bar():
    print "expensive_bar"
    return True

if expensive_foo():
    print "FOO"
elif expensive_bar():
    print "BAR"

答案 5 :(得分:1)

我可能会遗漏一些内容,但您无法将顶级if语句中的每个分支都分解为单独的函数,创建一个 test 列表到动作元组并循环遍历它们?您应该能够应用此模式来模仿if (value=condition()) {} else if (value=other_condition()) {}样式逻辑。

这实际上是redglyph's response的扩展,可能会被压缩到iterator,一旦达到真值,就会提升StopIteration

# These are the "tests" from your original if statements. No
# changes should be necessary.
def something():
    print('doing something()')
    # expensive stuff here
def something_else():
    print('doing something_else()')
    # expensive stuff here too... but this returns True for some reason
    return True
def something_weird():
    print('doing something_weird()')
    # other expensive stuff

# Factor each branch of your if statement into a separate function.
# Each function will receive the output of the test if the test
# was selected.
def something_action(value):
    print("doing something's action")
def something_else_action(value):
    print("doing something_else's action")
def something_weird_action(value):
    print("doing something_weird's action")

# A simple iteration function that takes tuples of (test,action). The
# test is called. If it returns a truth value, then the value is passed
# onto the associated action and the iteration is stopped.
def do_actions(*action_tuples):
    for (test,action) in action_tuples:
        value = test()
        if value:
            return action(value)

# ... and here is how you would use it:
result = do_actions(
             (something, something_action),
             (something_else, something_else_action),
             (something_weird, something_weird_action)

答案 6 :(得分:1)


def do_correct_something():
    a = something()
    if a:
        # do something with a
        return a

    a = somethingelse()
    if a:
        # do something else with a
        return a

    # 5 more function calls, if statements, do somethings, and returns

    # then, at the very end:
    return None

a = do_correct_something()


def find_in_3d_matrix(matrix, x):
    for plane in matrix:
        for row in plane:
            for item in row:
                if test_function(x, item):
                    return item
    return None

你也可以通过编写一个只迭代一次的for循环解决所述问题,并使用“break”进行早期退出,但我更喜欢函数返回版本。它不那么棘手,而且更加清晰; function-with-return是打破Python中多个循环的唯一干净方法。 (在每个for循环中放置“if break_flag: break”,并在想要中断时设置break_flag,不是恕我直言。)

答案 7 :(得分:0)

如果我们使用字符串,这是可能的 - 因为我们可以将字符串转换为列表并使用方法extends作为列表,逻辑上使内联将一个字符串附加到另一个字符串(以列表格式):

>>> my_str = list('xxx')
>>> if not my_str.extend(list('yyy')) and 'yyy' in ''.join(my_str):
...     print(True)


if my_str += 'yyy' and 'yyy' in my_str:

答案 8 :(得分:-1)

从Python 3.8.0a1 +开始,我们可以使用assignment expression语法。


>>> if a := 0:
...     print('will not be printed')
... elif a := 1:
...     print('print value of a: %d, a should be 1' % a)
... else:
...     print('will not be printed')
print value of a: 1, a should be 1