如何在Zend Framework 1.12中集成paypal?

时间:2013-02-28 09:53:02

标签: php zend-framework paypal sandbox



this link,他们提出了太多的解决方案,我不知道哪一个适合我的情况。当然,我想使用免费服务(直接付款需要月费)



  1. 哪种方式适合我的情况。
  2. 在这种情况下需要cron工作吗?或者只需要使用paypal提供的定期付款?
  3. 是否有链接或示例(即沙盒中的编码实现)
  4. 先谢谢。

2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)

您可以使用PayPal Payments Pro和直接付款API来处理初始信用卡交易。然后,您可以将事务存储在系统中,并将系统设置为运行cron作业并执行引用事务API调用以再次向买方收取费用。这将为您提供设置定期付款配置文件的效果,而无需通过PayPal实际获得服务。

但是,如果您希望减少编码并设置系统以执行cron作业等,那么您只需注册PayPal的定期付款/定期结算服务,这样您就可以只调用API PayPal设置个人资料。然后,PayPal会在收取费用时对您的买家进行结算。

答案 1 :(得分:0)


public function processPaymentAction()
    $methodName = 'CreateRecurringPaymentsProfile';
    // from nvpHeader function
    $API_Endpoint = 'https://api-3t.sandbox.paypal.com/nvp';
    $version = '65.2';
    // But you can use here your own Sandbox API credentials of Business account
    // and you can get through Payapl Sandbox API Credentials Link on Left.

    $API_UserName = 'platfo_1255077030_biz_api1.gmail.com';
    $API_Password = '1255077037';
    $API_Signature = 'Abg0gYcQyxQvnf2HDJkKtA-p6pqhA1k-KTYE0Gcy1diujFio4io5Vqjf';
    $subject = '';
    global $nvp_Header, $AUTH_token, $AUTH_signature, $AUTH_timestamp;
    $nvpHeaderStr = "";

    $paymentType = urlencode('Sale');
    $firstName = urlencode("Jaskaran");
    $lastName = urlencode("Singh");
    $creditCardType = urlencode("Visa");
    $creditCardNumber = urlencode("4798720058660243");
    $expDateMonth =urlencode(11);

    // Month must be padded with leading zero
    $padDateMonth = str_pad($expDateMonth, 2, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT);

    $expDateYear = urlencode(2015);
    $cvv2Number = urlencode(962);
    $address1 = urlencode("1 Main St");
    $address2 = urlencode("");
    $city = urlencode("San Jose");
    $state = urlencode("CA");
    $zip = urlencode(95131);
    $amount = urlencode(1.00);

//  $init_amount = urlencode($this->data['User']['pack_price']);


    $profileDesc = urlencode("Welcome to the world of shopping where you get everything");
    $billingPeriod = urlencode("Week");
    $billingFrequency = urlencode(4);
    $totalBillingCycles = urlencode(0);

    ################# Commented as we need to define through Admin ##############

    $profileStartDateDay = 10;
    // Day must be padded with leading zero
    $padprofileStartDateDay = str_pad($profileStartDateDay, 2, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT);

    $profileStartDateMonth = 02;
    // Month must be padded with leading zero
    $padprofileStartDateMonth = str_pad($profileStartDateMonth, 2, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT);

    $profileStartDateYear = 2015;

    $profileStartDate = urlencode($profileStartDateYear . '-' . $padprofileStartDateMonth . '-' . $padprofileStartDateDay . 'T00:00:00Z');

    //string from nvpHeader
    $nvpHeaderStr = "&PWD=".urlencode($API_Password)."&USER=".urlencode($API_UserName)."&SIGNATURE=".urlencode($API_Signature);

    $nvpstr="&AMT=$amount&CREDITCARDTYPE=$creditCardType&ACCT=$creditCardNumber&EXPDATE=". $padDateMonth.$expDateYear."&CVV2=$cvv2Number&FIRSTNAME=$firstName&LASTNAME=$lastName&STREET=$address1&CITY=$city&STATE=$state".

    $nvpstr = $nvpHeaderStr.$nvpstr;
    //check if version is included in $nvpStr else include the version.
    if(strlen(str_replace('VERSION=','', strtoupper($nvpstr))) == strlen($nvpstr)) 
        $nvpstr = "&VERSION=" . urlencode($version) . $nvpstr;

    $ch = curl_init();
    curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL,$API_Endpoint);
    curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_VERBOSE, 1);
    curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, FALSE);
    curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYHOST, FALSE);
    curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER,1);
    curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POST, 1);


    //setting the nvpreq as POST FIELD to curl

    //getting response from server
    $response = curl_exec($ch);

    //convrting NVPResponse to an Associative Array

    if (curl_errno($ch)) 
        echo "cURL Error";
        // moving to display page to display curl errors
        $_SESSION['curl_error_no']=curl_errno($ch) ;
        //$location = "APIError.php";
        //header("Location: $location");
        //closing the curl

    #### Checking error ###
        if($nvpResArray['ACK'] == 'Failure')
            echo "ERROR : ". $errmsg = $nvpResArray["L_LONGMESSAGE0"];
            echo "<pre>";

    // Print this array you will get some necessary info
    ################ Starting data insert##################

    if($nvpResArray['ACK'] == 'Success')
        echo 'Success';
        // save data into tables for Recurring Profile


############### Function deformatNVP #########
/** This function will take NVPString and convert it to an Associative Array and it will decode the response.
 * It is usefull to search for a particular key and displaying arrays.
 * @nvpstr is NVPString.
 * @nvpArray is Associative Array.
function deformatNVP ($nvpstr)
    $intial = 0;
    $nvpArray = array();
    while (strlen($nvpstr)) {
        //postion of Key
        $keypos = strpos($nvpstr, '=');
        //position of value
        $valuepos = strpos($nvpstr, '&') ? strpos($nvpstr, '&') : strlen(
        /*getting the Key and Value values and storing in a Associative Array*/
        $keyval = substr($nvpstr, $intial, $keypos);
        $valval = substr($nvpstr, $keypos + 1, $valuepos - $keypos - 1);
        //decoding the respose
        $nvpArray[urldecode($keyval)] = urldecode($valval);
        $nvpstr = substr($nvpstr, $valuepos + 1, strlen($nvpstr));
    return $nvpArray;
function formAutorization ($auth_token, $auth_signature, $auth_timestamp)
    $authString = "token=" . $auth_token . ",signature=" . $auth_signature .
     ",timestamp=" . $auth_timestamp;
    return $authString;