JQuery元素自定义knockout customBinding

时间:2013-02-28 03:02:03

标签: javascript jquery knockout.js coffeescript custom-binding


ko.bindingHandlers.jqHtml =
  init: (element, valueAccessor) ->
    $(element).preMutate (options, el) ->
      if ko.isObservable valueAccessor()
    $(element).onMutate _.debounce (argsCollection) =>
      @argsCollection = argsCollection
      if ko.isObservable valueAccessor()
    , 100

  update: (element, valueAccessor, allBindingsAccessor, viewModel, bindingContext) ->
    content = valueAccessor()
    $(element).children().each( (i,el) -> ko.cleanNode(el) )
    if _.difference($(element).children().get(), content.get()).length > 0 || _.difference(content.get(),$(element).children().get()).length > 0
    ko.applyBindingsToDescendants(viewModel, element)






我原本试图订阅更改事件,但除了输入之外,这不会起作用。没有顶级订阅子树修改,最接近的是每秒刷新以检查html中的差异。另一种选择是我在堆栈溢出时看到的另一个插件jollytoad's mutation events


(($, window) ->
  hasArgs = () -> arguments.length > 0
  noArgs = () -> arguments.length == 0
  class DomCallbacks
     * Defines the jQuery functions to create callbacks for, and which type of callback they contain
     * @type {defaults}
     *   @properties {array of jQuery function names, and test to determine if the callback 
     *   should be run based on input to the jQuery function, passed the same arguments that the jQuery
     *   function is}
        jqfuncs: ["addClass","append","appendTo","attr","clone","css","detach","empty","hasClass","height","html","innerHeight","innerWidth","insertAfter","insertBefore","offset","outerHeight","outerWidth","position","prepend","prependTo","prop","remove","removeAttr","removeClass","removeProp","replaceAll","replaceWith","scrollLeft","scrollTop","text","toggleClass","unwrap","val","width","wrap","wrapAll","wrapInner"]
        defaultCheck: hasArgs
        defaultCheck: noArgs

    constructor: (options) ->
      @categories = $.extend({}, @defaults, options)

    originals: {} 

     * Creates a function in jQuery's function object by replacing the name with a wrapper function
     * and then calling the original function, and has the new function call each category of callback
     * for the starting element and it's parents
     * @param {string} name       the name/key of the function being replaced
     * @param {string} categories the type of callback that the function should notify
    addCallback: (name, categories) ->
      pairs = (obj) ->
        pairs = []
        for key of obj 
          if (hasOwnProperty.call(obj, key))
            pairs.push([key, obj[key]])

      if !@originals[name]?
        @originals[name] = $.fn[name]
      _this = @

      categories = $.grep pairs(categories), (pair) ->
        $.grep(pair[1].jqfuncs, (val) -> val.name == name || val == name).length > 0
       * The actual wrapper function being created
       * @return {object} returns the original functions return
      $.fn[name] =  () ->
        options = {args: arguments}
        ittr = []
        if !$.fn[name].peek          
          ittrArray = for category in categories
            key = category[0]
            val = category[1]
            funcs = ($.grep(val.jqfuncs, (checking) -> checking.name == name || checking == name)).slice(0,1)[0].check
            {key:key, val: val ,funcs:funcs}

          for ittr in ittrArray
            if !ittr.funcs?
              ittr.funcs = ittr.val.defaultCheck
            if !ittr.funcs? or ittr.funcs.apply(@,arguments)
              @["pre"+ittr.key](null, options)
              @parents()["pre"+ittr.key](null, options)

        funcRet = _this.originals[name].apply(@, arguments)
        options.funcRet = funcRet

        if !$.fn[name].peek
          for ittr in ittrArray
            if !ittr.funcs?
              ittr.funcs = ittr.val.defaultCheck
            if !ittr.funcs? or ittr.funcs.apply(@,arguments)
              @["on"+ittr.key](null, options)
              @parents()["on"+ittr.key](null, options)


      $.fn[name].peek = false

     * restores the original function to it's property in the jQuery function object
     * @param  {string} name key used to find function to restore
     * @return {[type]}      [description]
    removeCallback: (name) ->
      if @originals[name]?
        $.fn[name] = @originals[name]
        delete @originals[name]  

   * Creates a jQuery plugin capable of subscribing to and calling callbacks
   * for each node
   * @param  {string} precedence names the function to run before or after the subscripton function
   * @param  {string} category   the name of the type of
   * @return {function}          returns the function capable of setting and running callbacks for individual elements
  createCallbackPlugin = (precedence, category) ->
     * A jQuery plugin which creates a sets callbacks for elements and calls them if none are passed in
     * @param  {function} callback the callback to be set (optional)
     * @param  {object}   options  options to be sent to the callback, set by the trigger function
     * @return {jQuery}            returns jQuery object for chaining
    return (callback, options) ->
      @each (i, el)  ->
        if callback?
          if !el['domCallbacks']?
            el['domCallbacks'] = {}
          if !el['domCallbacks']['_'+precedence+category]?
            el['domCallbacks']['_'+precedence+category] = []
          el['domCallbacks']['_'+precedence+category].push callback
          if el['domCallbacks']? && el['domCallbacks']['_'+precedence+category]?
            for cb in el['domCallbacks']['_'+precedence+category]
              cb(options, el)

  domCallbacks = new DomCallbacks()

   * This creates each function inside of jQuery capable of setting and running callbacks on
   * individual elements.
   * @param  {[type]} options [description]
   * @return {[type]}         [description]
  $.extend createDomCallbacks: (options) ->
    $.extend({}, domCallbacks.categories, options)
    categoryFunctions = {}
    for key, category of domCallbacks.categories
      categoryFunctions['pre'+key] = createCallbackPlugin('pre',key)
      categoryFunctions['on'+key] = createCallbackPlugin('on',key)
      $.extend $.fn, categoryFunctions
    for key, category of domCallbacks.categories
      for val in category.jqfuncs
        domCallbacks.addCallback( (if val.name then val.name else val) , domCallbacks.categories)

     * removes any callbacks each element in the jquery object
     * @param  {object} options an object conatining keys for the type of callback to be removed (e.g. options = {Mutate: {}})
     * @return {[type]}         returns jquery object for chaining
    $.extend $.fn, removeDomCallbacks: (options) ->
      @each (i, el) ->
        if el['domCallbacks']?
          if !options?
            delete el['domCallbacks']
          for category of options
            delete el['domCallbacks']["_pre"+category]
            delete el['domCallbacks']["_on"+category]

     * turns off all callbacks for performing actions without notifying up the dom
     * @return {jQuery} for chaining
    $.extend $.fn, peek: () ->
      for key,val of domCallbacks.originals
        $.fn[key].peek = true
      @each (i, el) ->

     * turns off all callbacks for performing actions without notifying up the dom
     * @return {jQuery} for chaining
    $.extend $.fn, unpeek: () ->
      for key,val of domCallbacks.originals
        $.fn[key].peek = false
      @each (i, el) ->

) @jQuery, @

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