
时间:2013-02-27 16:59:47

标签: c# performance algorithm



1 2 3< 1 2 4

1 2 3 5< 1 2 4

1 2 5 3> 1 2 4

1 2 3 4> 1 2 3

    public int Compare(ushort[] x, ushort[] y)
        int pos = 0;
        int len = Math.Min(x.Length, y.Length);
        while (pos < len && x[pos] == y[pos])

        return pos < len ?
            x[pos].CompareTo(y[pos]) :





使用整个路径作为键,我可以使用部分键从排序集中获取视图,从而为子集查询提供高性能。我正在尝试在构建索引时提高性能。 Data structure for indexed searches of subsets


4 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:3)

以下是我提出的内容,我使用您的代码和一些并行代码的组合测试了大约16 mil(2 ^ 24)。

public int CompareParallel(ushort[]x, ushort[] y, int len, int segLen)
    int compareArrLen = ( len / segLen ) + 1;
    int [ ] compareArr = new int [ compareArrLen ];
    Parallel.For ( 0 , compareArrLen , 
                   new Action<int , ParallelLoopState> ( ( i , state ) =>
        if ( state.LowestBreakIteration.HasValue 
                 && state.LowestBreakIteration.Value < i )
        int segEnd = ( i + 1 ) * segLen;
        int k = len < segEnd ? len : segEnd;
        for ( int j = i * segLen ; j < k ; j++ )
            if ( x [ j ] != y [ j ] )
                compareArr [ i ] = ( x [ j ].CompareTo ( y [ j ] ) );
                state.Break ( );
    } ) );
    int r = compareArrLen - 1;
    while ( r >= 0 )
        if ( compareArr [ r ] != 0 )
            return compareArr [ r ];
    return x.Length.CompareTo ( y.Length );

public int CompareSequential ( ushort [ ] x , ushort [ ] y, int len )
    int pos = 0;
    while ( pos < len && x [ pos ] == y [ pos ] )

    return pos < len ?
        x [ pos ].CompareTo ( y [ pos ] ) :
        x.Length.CompareTo ( y.Length );


public int Compare( ushort [ ] x , ushort [ ] y ) 
    //determined through testing to be the best on my machine
    const int cutOff = 4096;
    int len = x.Length < y.Length ? x.Length : y.Length;
    //check if len is above a specific threshold 
    //and if first and a number in the middle are equal
    //chose equal because we know that there is a chance that more
    //then 50% of the list is equal, which would make the overhead
    //worth the effort
    if ( len > cutOff && x [ len - 1 ] == y [ len - 1 ] 
           && x [ len/2 ] == y [ len/2 ] )
        //segment length was determined to be best through testing
        //at around 8% of the size of the array seemed to have the
        //on my machine
        return CompareParallel ( x , y , len , (len / 100)*8 );
    return CompareSequential ( x , y, len );


class Program
    private enum InfoLevel:byte
        Detail=0x01, Summary=0x02

    private static InfoLevel logLevel = InfoLevel.Summary;

    private static void LogDetail ( string content ) 
        LogInfo ( InfoLevel.Detail,content );

    private static void LogSummary ( string content ) 
        LogInfo ( InfoLevel.Summary , content );

    private static void LogInfo ( InfoLevel level , string content ) 
        if ( ( level & logLevel ) == level )
            Console.WriteLine ( content );

    private static void LogInfo ( InfoLevel level , string format, 
                                  params object[] arg )
        if ( ( level & logLevel ) == level )
            Console.WriteLine ( format:format, arg:arg  );

    private static void LogDetail ( string format , params object [ ] arg )
        LogInfo ( InfoLevel.Detail , format, arg );

    private static void LogSummary ( string format , params object [ ] arg )
        LogInfo ( InfoLevel.Summary , format, arg );

    const string _randTestResultHeader = "\r\nRandom Array Content\r\n";
    const string _equalArrayResultHeader = "Only Length Different\r\n\r\n";
    const string _summaryTestResultsHeader = 
                                "Size\t\tOrig Elps\tPara Elps\tComp Elps\r\n";
    const string _summaryBodyContent = 

    static void Main ( string [ ] args )
        Console.SetOut(new StreamWriter(File.Create("out.txt")));

        int segLen = 0;
        int segPercent = 7;
        Console.WriteLine ( "Algorithm Test, Time results in milliseconds" );
        for ( ; segPercent < 13; segPercent ++ )
            Console.WriteLine ( 
                      "Test Run with parallel Dynamic segment size at {0}%"
                       +" of Array Size (Comp always at 8%)\r\n" , segPercent);

            StringBuilder _aggrRandResults = new StringBuilder ( );
            StringBuilder _aggrEqualResults = new StringBuilder ( );

            _aggrRandResults.Append ( _randTestResultHeader );
            _aggrEqualResults.Append ( _equalArrayResultHeader );

            _aggrEqualResults.Append ( _summaryTestResultsHeader );
            _aggrRandResults.Append ( _summaryTestResultsHeader );

            for ( int i = 10 ; i < 25 ; i++ )
                int baseLen = ( int ) Math.Pow ( 2 , i );
                segLen = ( baseLen / 100 ) * segPercent;

                var testName = "Equal Length ";
                var equalTestAverage = RandomRunTest ( testName , baseLen , 
                                                       baseLen, segLen );
                testName = "Left Side Larger";
                var lslargerTestAverage=RandomRunTest(testName,baseLen+10, 
                                                      baseLen, segLen );
                testName = "Right Side Larger";
                var rslargerTestAverage = RandomRunTest ( testName , baseLen ,
                                                        baseLen + 10, segLen );

                double [ ] completelyRandomTestAvg = new double [ 3 ];
                for ( int l = 0 ; l < completelyRandomTestAvg.Length ; l++ )
                    completelyRandomTestAvg [ l ] = ( equalTestAverage [ l ] +
                                                 lslargerTestAverage [ l ] +
                                              rslargerTestAverage [ l ] ) / 3;

                LogDetail ( "\r\nRandom Test Results:" );
                LogDetail ("Original Composite Test Average: {0}" ,
                           completelyRandomTestAvg [ 0 ] );
                LogDetail ( "Parallel Composite Test Average: {0}" ,
                            completelyRandomTestAvg [ 1 ]  );

                _aggrRandResults.AppendFormat ( _summaryBodyContent , 
                    baseLen , 
                    completelyRandomTestAvg [ 0 ] , 
                    completelyRandomTestAvg [ 1 ] , 
                    completelyRandomTestAvg [ 2 ]);

                testName = "Equal Len And Values";
                var equalEqualTest = EqualTill ( testName , baseLen , 
                                                 baseLen, segLen );

                testName = "LHS Larger";
                var equalLHSLargerTest = EqualTill ( testName , baseLen + 10 , 
                                                     baseLen, segLen );

                testName = "RHS Larger";
                var equalRHSLargerTest = EqualTill ( testName , baseLen , 
                                                     baseLen + 10, segLen );

                double [ ] mostlyEqualTestAvg = new double [ 3 ];
                for ( int l = 0 ; l < mostlyEqualTestAvg.Length ; l++ )
                    mostlyEqualTestAvg [ l ] = ( ( equalEqualTest [ l ] +
                                            equalLHSLargerTest [ l ] +
                                            equalRHSLargerTest [ l ] ) / 3 );

                LogDetail( "\r\nLength Different Test Results" );
                LogDetail( "Original Composite Test Average: {0}" , 
                           mostlyEqualTestAvg [ 0 ] );
                LogDetail( "Parallel Composite Test Average: {0}" , 
                            mostlyEqualTestAvg [ 1 ] );

                _aggrEqualResults.AppendFormat ( _summaryBodyContent , 
                                                 baseLen , 
                                                 mostlyEqualTestAvg [ 0 ] , 
                                                 mostlyEqualTestAvg [ 1 ] ,
                                                 mostlyEqualTestAvg [ 2 ]);

            LogSummary ( _aggrRandResults.ToString() + "\r\n");
            LogSummary ( _aggrEqualResults.ToString()+ "\r\n");

        Console.Out.Flush ( );

    private const string _testBody = 
                  "\r\n\tOriginal:: Result:{0}, Elapsed:{1}"
                 +"\r\n\tParallel:: Result:{2}, Elapsed:{3}"
                 +"\r\n\tComposite:: Result:{4}, Elapsed:{5}";
    private const string _testHeader = 
                  "\r\nTesting {0}, Array Lengths: {1}, {2}";
    public static double[] RandomRunTest(string testName, int shortArr1Len, 
                                         int shortArr2Len, int parallelSegLen)

        var shortArr1 = new ushort [ shortArr1Len ];
        var shortArr2 = new ushort [ shortArr2Len ];
        double [ ] avgTimes = new double [ 3 ];

        LogDetail ( _testHeader , testName , shortArr1Len , shortArr2Len ) ;
        for ( int i = 0 ; i < 10 ; i++ )
            int arrlen1 = shortArr1.Length , arrlen2 = shortArr2.Length;

            double[] currResults = new double [ 3 ];

            FillCompareArray ( shortArr1 , shortArr1.Length );
            FillCompareArray ( shortArr2 , shortArr2.Length );

            var sw = new Stopwatch ( );

            //Force Garbage Collection 
            //to avoid having it effect 
            //the test results this way 
            //test 2 may have to garbage 
            //collect due to running second
            GC.Collect ( );
            sw.Start ( );
            int origResult = Compare ( shortArr1 , shortArr2 );
            sw.Stop ( );
            currResults[0] = sw.Elapsed.TotalMilliseconds;
            sw.Reset ( );

            GC.Collect ( );
            sw.Start ( );
            int parallelResult = CompareParallelOnly ( shortArr1 , shortArr2, 
                                                       parallelSegLen );
            sw.Stop ( );
            currResults [ 1 ] = sw.Elapsed.TotalMilliseconds;
            sw.Reset ( );

            GC.Collect ( );
            sw.Start ( );
            int compositeResults = CompareComposite ( shortArr1 , shortArr2 );
            sw.Stop ( );                
            currResults [ 2 ] = sw.Elapsed.TotalMilliseconds;

            LogDetail ( _testBody, origResult , currResults[0] , 
                        parallelResult , currResults[1], 
                        compositeResults, currResults[2]);

            for ( int l = 0 ; l < currResults.Length ; l++ )
                avgTimes [ l ] = ( ( avgTimes[l]*i)+currResults[l]) 
                                    / ( i + 1 );
        LogDetail ( "\r\nAverage Run Time Original: {0}" , avgTimes[0]);
        LogDetail ( "Average Run Time Parallel: {0}" , avgTimes[1]);
        LogDetail ( "Average Run Time Composite: {0}" , avgTimes [ 2 ] );

        return avgTimes;

    public static double [ ] EqualTill ( string testName, int shortArr1Len , 
                                       int shortArr2Len, int parallelSegLen)

        const string _testHeader = 
               "\r\nTesting When Array Difference is "
               +"Only Length({0}), Array Lengths: {1}, {2}";

        int baseLen = shortArr1Len > shortArr2Len 
                          ? shortArr2Len : shortArr1Len;

        var shortArr1 = new ushort [ shortArr1Len ];
        var shortArr2 = new ushort [ shortArr2Len ];
        double [ ] avgTimes = new double [ 3 ];

        LogDetail( _testHeader , testName , shortArr1Len , shortArr2Len );
        for ( int i = 0 ; i < 10 ; i++ )

            FillCompareArray ( shortArr1 , shortArr1Len);
            Array.Copy ( shortArr1 , shortArr2, baseLen );
            double [ ] currElapsedTime = new double [ 3 ];
            var sw = new Stopwatch ( );
            //See previous explaination 
            GC.Collect ( );
            sw.Start ( );
            int origResult = Compare ( shortArr1 , shortArr2 );
            sw.Stop ( );
            currElapsedTime[0] = sw.Elapsed.TotalMilliseconds;
            sw.Reset ( );

            GC.Collect ( );
            sw.Start ( );
            int parallelResult = CompareParallelOnly ( shortArr1, shortArr2, 
                                     parallelSegLen );
            sw.Stop ( );
            currElapsedTime[1] = sw.Elapsed.TotalMilliseconds;
            sw.Reset ( );

            GC.Collect ( );
            sw.Start ( );
            var compositeResult = CompareComposite ( shortArr1 , shortArr2 );
            sw.Stop ( );
            currElapsedTime [ 2 ] = sw.Elapsed.TotalMilliseconds;

            LogDetail ( _testBody , origResult , currElapsedTime[0] , 
                parallelResult , currElapsedTime[1], 

            for ( int l = 0 ; l < currElapsedTime.Length ; l++ )
                avgTimes [ l ] = ( ( avgTimes [ l ] * i ) 
                                   + currElapsedTime[l])/(i + 1);
        LogDetail ( "\r\nAverage Run Time Original: {0}" , avgTimes [ 0 ] );
        LogDetail ( "Average Run Time Parallel: {0}" , avgTimes [ 1 ] );
        LogDetail ( "Average Run Time Composite: {0}" , avgTimes [ 2 ] );
        return avgTimes;

    static Random rand = new Random ( );
    public static void FillCompareArray ( ushort[] compareArray, int length ) 
        var retVals = new byte[length];
        ( rand ).NextBytes ( retVals );
        Array.Copy ( retVals , compareArray , length);

    public static int CompareParallelOnly ( ushort [ ] x , ushort[] y, 
                                            int segLen ) 
       int len = x.Length<y.Length ? x.Length:y.Length;
       int compareArrLen = (len/segLen)+1;
       int[] compareArr = new int [ compareArrLen ];
       Parallel.For ( 0 , compareArrLen , 
           new Action<int , ParallelLoopState> ( ( i , state ) =>
           if ( state.LowestBreakIteration.HasValue 
                    && state.LowestBreakIteration.Value < i )
           int segEnd = ( i + 1 ) * segLen;
           int k = len<segEnd?len:segEnd;

           for ( int j = i * segLen ; j < k ; j++ )
               if ( x [ j ] != y [ j ] )
                   compareArr [ i ] = ( x [ j ].CompareTo ( y [ j ] ) );
                   state.Break ( );
       } ) );
       int r=compareArrLen-1;
       while ( r >= 0 ) 
           if ( compareArr [ r ] != 0 )
               return compareArr [ r ];
       return x.Length.CompareTo ( y.Length );

    public static int Compare ( ushort [ ] x , ushort [ ] y )
        int pos = 0;
        int len = Math.Min ( x.Length , y.Length );
        while ( pos < len && x [ pos ] == y [ pos ] )

        return pos < len ?
            x [ pos ].CompareTo ( y [ pos ] ) :
            x.Length.CompareTo ( y.Length );


    public static int CompareParallel ( ushort[] x, ushort[] y, int len, 
                                        int segLen )
        int compareArrLen = ( len / segLen ) + 1;
        int [ ] compareArr = new int [ compareArrLen ];
        Parallel.For ( 0 , compareArrLen , 
            new Action<int , ParallelLoopState> ( ( i , state ) =>
            if ( state.LowestBreakIteration.HasValue 
                 && state.LowestBreakIteration.Value < i )
            int segEnd = ( i + 1 ) * segLen;
            int k = len < segEnd ? len : segEnd;
            for ( int j = i * segLen ; j < k ; j++ )
                if ( x [ j ] != y [ j ] )
                    compareArr [ i ] = ( x [ j ].CompareTo ( y [ j ] ) );
                    state.Break ( );
        } ) );
        int r = compareArrLen - 1;
        while ( r >= 0 )
            if ( compareArr [ r ] != 0 )
                return compareArr [ r ];
        return x.Length.CompareTo ( y.Length );

    public static int CompareSequential(ushort [ ] x , ushort [ ] y, int len)
        int pos = 0;
        while ( pos < len && x [ pos ] == y [ pos ] )

        return pos < len ?
            x [ pos ].CompareTo ( y [ pos ] ) :
            x.Length.CompareTo ( y.Length );


    public static int CompareComposite ( ushort [ ] x , ushort [ ] y ) 
        const int cutOff = 4096;
        int len = x.Length < y.Length ? x.Length : y.Length;

        if ( len > cutOff && x [ len - 1 ] == y [ len - 1 ]
                 && x [ len/2 ] == y [ len/2 ] )
            return CompareParallel ( x , y , len , (len / 100)*8 );

        return CompareSequential ( x , y, len );




答案 1 :(得分:1)

可能不会产生很大的不同,但你可以将最后一个元素设置为不同,以摆脱while循环中的pos < len检查。相当简单的pos++++pos

public int Compare(ushort[] x, ushort[] y)
    int pos = 0;
    int len = Math.Min(x.Length, y.Length);

    // the below is probably not worth it for less than 5 (or so) elements,
    //   so just do the old way
    if (len < 5)
      while (pos < len && x[pos] == y[pos])

      return pos < len ?
        x[pos].CompareTo(y[pos]) :

    ushort lastX = x[len-1];
    bool lastSame = true;
    if (x[len-1] == y[len-1])
        --x[len-1]; // can be anything else
        lastSame = false;

    while (x[pos] == y[pos])

    return pos < len-1 ?
        x[pos].CompareTo(y[pos]) :
        lastSame ? x.Length.CompareTo(y.Length)
                 : lastX.CompareTo(y[len-1]);

编辑:只有从一开始的许多元素都是相同的(并且如果存在早期差异,如pkuderov所提到的那样,情况会更糟),你才会真正获得性能提升。 / p>

答案 2 :(得分:1)

很抱歉答案很长,但问题让我如此感兴趣,我花了几个小时调查,我想分享结果。 我写了一些测试用例生成器和粗略的性能测试器


  1. 生成完全随机的数组
  2. 检查3种比较方法的执行时间
  3. 生成具有高相似概率的数组
  4. 检查执行时间。
  5. 我使用了3种方法

    1. OP的
    2. My - Idea - 将两个索引操作更改为指针增量
    3. Dukeling's - Idea - 删除不必要的比较
    4. 我开始使用短阵列(长度为5-15)




      Generating test cases ...
      Done. (5258 milliseconds)
      Compare1 took 18 milliseconds
      Compare2 took 18 milliseconds
      Compare3 took 33 milliseconds
      Generating 'similar' test cases ...
      Done. (5081 milliseconds)
      Compare1 took 359 milliseconds
      Compare2 took 313 milliseconds
      Compare3 took 295 milliseconds



      <强> 1。如果您的阵列足够短和/或很有可能     差异从小指数值开始 - 你可以做的并不多     做(用建议的方法)
       2.否则你可以尝试一些         方法2和3的组合。


      using System;
      using System.Diagnostics;
      namespace ConsoleExamples
              class ArrayComparePerformance
                  static readonly int testArraysNum = 100000;
                  static readonly int maxArrayLen = 1500;
                  static readonly int minArrayLen = 500;
                  static readonly int maxValue = 10;
                  public static void RunTest()
                      //Generate random arrays;
                      ushort[][] a = new ushort[testArraysNum][];
                      ushort[][] b = new ushort[testArraysNum][];
                      Random rand = new Random();
                      Console.WriteLine("Generating test cases ... " );
                      Stopwatch sw = new Stopwatch();
                      for (int i = 0; i < testArraysNum; i++)
                          int len = rand.Next(maxArrayLen) + 1;
                          a[i] = new ushort[len];
                          for (int j = 0; j < len; j++)
                              a[i][j] = (ushort) rand.Next(maxValue);
                          len = rand.Next(maxArrayLen) + 1;
                          b[i] = new ushort[len];
                          for (int j = 0; j < len; j++)
                              b[i][j] = (ushort) rand.Next(maxValue);
                      Console.WriteLine("Done. ({0} milliseconds)", sw.ElapsedMilliseconds);
                      for (int i = 0; i < testArraysNum; i++)
                          int result = Compare1(a[i], b[i]);
                      Console.WriteLine("Compare1 took " + sw.ElapsedMilliseconds.ToString() + " milliseconds");
                      for (int i = 0; i < testArraysNum; i++)
                          int result = Compare2(a[i], b[i]);
                      Console.WriteLine("Compare2 took " + sw.ElapsedMilliseconds.ToString() + " milliseconds");
                      for (int i = 0; i < testArraysNum; i++)
                          int result = Compare3(a[i], b[i]);
                      Console.WriteLine("Compare3 took " + sw.ElapsedMilliseconds.ToString() + " milliseconds");
                      //Generate "similar" arrays;
                      Console.WriteLine("Generating 'similar' test cases ... ");
                      for (int i = 0; i < testArraysNum; i++)
                          int len = rand.Next(maxArrayLen - minArrayLen) + minArrayLen -1;
                          a[i] = new ushort[len];
                          for (int j = 0; j < len; j++)
                              if (j < len/2)
                                  a[i][j] = (ushort)j;
                                  a[i][j] = (ushort)(rand.Next(2)  + j);
                          len = rand.Next(maxArrayLen - minArrayLen) + minArrayLen - 1;
                          b[i] = new ushort[len];
                          for (int j = 0; j < len; j++)
                              if (j < len/2)
                                  b[i][j] = (ushort)j;
                                  b[i][j] = (ushort)(rand.Next(2)  + j);
                      Console.WriteLine("Done. ({0} milliseconds)", sw.ElapsedMilliseconds);
                      for (int i = 0; i < testArraysNum; i++)
                          int result = Compare1(a[i], b[i]);
                      Console.WriteLine("Compare1 took " + sw.ElapsedMilliseconds.ToString() + " milliseconds");
                      for (int i = 0; i < testArraysNum; i++)
                          int result = Compare2(a[i], b[i]);
                      Console.WriteLine("Compare2 took " + sw.ElapsedMilliseconds.ToString() + " milliseconds");
                      for (int i = 0; i < testArraysNum; i++)
                          int result = Compare3(a[i], b[i]);
                      Console.WriteLine("Compare3 took " + sw.ElapsedMilliseconds.ToString() + " milliseconds");
                  public static int Compare1(ushort[] x, ushort[] y)
                      int pos = 0;
                      int len = Math.Min(x.Length, y.Length);
                      while (pos < len && x[pos] == y[pos])
                      return pos < len ?
                          x[pos].CompareTo(y[pos]) :
                  public unsafe static int Compare2(ushort[] x, ushort[] y)
                      int pos = 0;
                      int len = Math.Min(x.Length, y.Length);
                      fixed (ushort* fpx = &x[0], fpy = &y[0])
                          ushort* px = fpx;
                          ushort* py = fpy;
                          while (pos < len && *px == *py)
                      return pos < len ?
                          x[pos].CompareTo(y[pos]) :
                  public static int Compare3(ushort[] x, ushort[] y)
                      int pos = 0;
                      int len = Math.Min(x.Length, y.Length);
                      // the below is probably not worth it for less than 5 (or so) elements,
                      //   so just do the old way
                      if (len < 5)
                          while (pos < len && x[pos] == y[pos])
                          return pos < len ?
                            x[pos].CompareTo(y[pos]) :
                      ushort lastX = x[len - 1];
                      bool lastSame = true;
                      if (x[len - 1] == y[len - 1])
                          --x[len - 1]; // can be anything else
                          lastSame = false;
                      while (x[pos] == y[pos])
                      return pos < len - 1 ?
                          x[pos].CompareTo(y[pos]) :
                          lastSame ? x.Length.CompareTo(y.Length)
                                   : lastX.CompareTo(y[len - 1]);

答案 3 :(得分:1)


首先。较大的项目类型(例如x32的int或x64的long - 让我们命名此类型TLong)可以提供更好的性能。

让我们回到ushort类型的初始数组:让我们假设K - 数组中存在的最大数字(即你想要排序的所有路径!)(即每个数组) t存储在每个ushort中的数字t <= Kt。让我们假设每个K只是基础 - ushort数字系统中的“数字”。

  1. 确定TLong符合类型p的最强大功能 - 让我们假设它是int p = 0; while (Math.Exp(K, p) <= TLong.MaxValue) p++;

  2. 获取ushort数组的第K项,并在base - TLong数字系统中计算适当的数字,并将其保存为{{{i}项1}}数组:

    List<TLong> num = new List<TLong>();
    int i = 0;
    while (p * i < a.Length)
        TLong y = 0;
        //transform from base-10 to base-K in chunks of p elements
        for (int j = p * i; j < Math.Min(p * (i + 1), a.Length); j++)
            y = y * K + a[j];
    TLong[] result = num.ToArray();
  3. 这是一个动态预先计算的转换,因此对于不同的HTML文档K可能会有所不同,如果K远小于255,它将比第一个想法更快。此外,预先计算的变换具有线性复杂度,因此不会对您的性能产​​生很大影响。

  4. 通常,您将数组转换为基数 - K num中的大数字。 SYS。存储在数组中。就是这样!
  5. 并且无需更改初始排序算法以及其他评论的改进(无论如何都要检查 - 我可能错了!)
  6. 我希望它会对你有所帮助。