Applescript:同时使用“on open”和“choose file”

时间:2013-02-22 13:58:49

标签: applescript

有没有办法在我的脚本中同时使用“on open”和“choose file”,而不必像下面的例子那样重复动作代码?

on open myMovie
    tell application "Quicktime Player 7"
    open myMovie
    end tell
end open

set myMovie to choose file
    tell application "Quicktime Player 7"
    open myMovie
    end tell

2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:2)

on open myMovies
    repeat with aMovie in myMovies
        tell application "QuickTime Player 7" to open aMovie
    end repeat
end open

on run
    set myMovie to choose file
    tell application "QuickTime Player 7" to open myMovie
end run

答案 1 :(得分:1)


on open theFiles
    tell application "QuickTime Player 7" to open theFiles
end open

tell me to open (choose file)