如何在iPython笔记本中预览大型pandas DataFrame的一部分?

时间:2013-02-21 15:42:05

标签: python pandas dataframe ipython ipython-notebook

我刚开始使用IPython笔记本中的pandas并遇到以下问题:当从CSV文件中读取DataFrame很小时,IPython Notebook会在一个漂亮的表格视图中显示它。当DataFrame很大时,这样的东西就是输出:

In [27]:

evaluation = readCSV("evaluation_MO_without_VNS_quality.csv").filter(["solver", "instance", "runtime", "objective"])

In [37]:



<class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'>
Int64Index: 333 entries, 0 to 332
Data columns:
solver       333  non-null values
instance     333  non-null values
runtime      333  non-null values
objective    333  non-null values
dtypes: int64(1), object(3)


11 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:53)

# Say you have a df object containing your dataframe
df.head(5) # will print out the first 5 rows
df.tail(5) # will print out the 5 last rows
# Note: it is similar to R

答案 1 :(得分:37)


>>> df = pd.DataFrame({"A": range(1000), "B": range(1000)})
>>> df
<class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'>
Int64Index: 1000 entries, 0 to 999
Data columns:
A    1000  non-null values
B    1000  non-null values
dtypes: int64(2)
>>> df[:5]
   A  B
0  0  0
1  1  1
2  2  2
3  3  3
4  4  4



>>> df = pd.DataFrame({i: range(1000) for i in range(100)})
>>> df.ix[:5, :10]
   0   1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9   10
0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0
1   1   1   1   1   1   1   1   1   1   1   1
2   2   2   2   2   2   2   2   2   2   2   2
3   3   3   3   3   3   3   3   3   3   3   3
4   4   4   4   4   4   4   4   4   4   4   4
5   5   5   5   5   5   5   5   5   5   5   5

答案 2 :(得分:15)


def _sw(df, up_rows=10, down_rows=5, left_cols=4, right_cols=3, return_df=False):
    ''' display df data at four corners
        A,B (up_pt)
        C,D (down_pt)
        parameters : up_rows=10, down_rows=5, left_cols=4, right_cols=3
            df = pd.DataFrame(np.random.randn(20,10), columns=list('ABCDEFGHIJKLMN')[0:10])
            df1 = df.set_index(['A','B'], drop=True, inplace=False)
    #pd.set_printoptions(max_columns = 80, max_rows = 40)
    ncol, nrow = len(df.columns), len(df)

    # handle columns
    if ncol <= (left_cols + right_cols) :
        up_pt = df.ix[0:up_rows, :]         # screen width can contain all columns
        down_pt = df.ix[-down_rows:, :]
    else:                                   # screen width can not contain all columns
        pt_a = df.ix[0:up_rows,  0:left_cols]
        pt_b = df.ix[0:up_rows,  -right_cols:]
        pt_c = df[-down_rows:].ix[:,0:left_cols]
        pt_d = df[-down_rows:].ix[:,-right_cols:]

        up_pt   = pt_a.join(pt_b, how='inner')
        down_pt = pt_c.join(pt_d, how='inner')
        up_pt.insert(left_cols, '..', '..')
        down_pt.insert(left_cols, '..', '..')

    overlap_qty = len(up_pt) + len(down_pt) - len(df)
    down_pt = down_pt.drop(down_pt.index[range(overlap_qty)]) # remove overlap rows

    dt_str_list = down_pt.to_string().split('\n') # transfer down_pt to string list

    # Display up part data
    print up_pt

    start_row = (1 if df.index.names[0] is None else 2) # start from 1 if without index

    # Display omit line if screen height is not enought to display all rows
    if overlap_qty < 0:
        print "." * len(dt_str_list[start_row])

    # Display down part data row by row
    for line in dt_str_list[start_row:]:
        print line

    # Display foot note
    print "\n"
    print "Index :",df.index.names
    print "Column:",",".join(list(df.columns.values))
    print "row: %d    col: %d"%(len(df), len(df.columns))
    print "\n"

    return (df if return_df else None)
DataFrame.sw = _sw  #add a method to DataFrame class


>>> df = pd.DataFrame(np.random.randn(20,10), columns=list('ABCDEFGHIJKLMN')[0:10])

>>> df.sw()
         A       B       C       D  ..       H       I       J
0  -0.8166  0.0102  0.0215 -0.0307  .. -0.0820  1.2727  0.6395
1   1.0659 -1.0102 -1.3960  0.4700  ..  1.0999  1.1222 -1.2476
2   0.4347  1.5423  0.5710 -0.5439  ..  0.2491 -0.0725  2.0645
3  -1.5952 -1.4959  2.2697 -1.1004  .. -1.9614  0.6488 -0.6190
4  -1.4426 -0.8622  0.0942 -0.1977  .. -0.7802 -1.1774  1.9682
5   1.2526 -0.2694  0.4841 -0.7568  ..  0.2481  0.3608 -0.7342
6   0.2108  2.5181  1.3631  0.4375  .. -0.1266  1.0572  0.3654
7  -1.0617 -0.4743 -1.7399 -1.4123  .. -1.0398 -1.4703 -0.9466
8  -0.5682 -1.3323 -0.6992  1.7737  ..  0.6152  0.9269  2.1854
9   0.2361  0.4873 -1.1278 -0.2251  ..  1.4232  2.1212  2.9180
10  2.0034  0.5454 -2.6337  0.1556  ..  0.0016 -1.6128 -0.8093
15  1.4091  0.3540 -1.3498 -1.0490  ..  0.9328  0.3668  1.3948
16  0.4528 -0.3183  0.4308 -0.1818  ..  0.1295  1.2268  0.1365
17 -0.7093  1.3991  0.9501  2.1227  .. -1.5296  1.1908  0.0318
18  1.7101  0.5962  0.8948  1.5606  .. -0.6862  0.9558 -0.5514
19  1.0329 -1.2308 -0.6896 -0.5112  ..  0.2719  1.1478 -0.1459

Index : [None]
Column: A,B,C,D,E,F,G,H,I,J
row: 20    col: 10

>>> df.sw(4,2,3,4)
        A       B       C  ..       G       H       I       J
0 -0.8166  0.0102  0.0215  ..  0.3671 -0.0820  1.2727  0.6395
1  1.0659 -1.0102 -1.3960  ..  1.0984  1.0999  1.1222 -1.2476
2  0.4347  1.5423  0.5710  ..  1.6675  0.2491 -0.0725  2.0645
3 -1.5952 -1.4959  2.2697  ..  0.4856 -1.9614  0.6488 -0.6190
4 -1.4426 -0.8622  0.0942  .. -0.0947 -0.7802 -1.1774  1.9682
18  1.7101  0.5962  0.8948  .. -0.8592 -0.6862  0.9558 -0.5514
19  1.0329 -1.2308 -0.6896  .. -0.3954  0.2719  1.1478 -0.1459

Index : [None]
Column: A,B,C,D,E,F,G,H,I,J
row: 20    col: 10

答案 3 :(得分:6)



# display large dataframes in an html iframe
def ldf_display(df, lines=500):
    txt = ("<iframe " +
           "srcdoc='" + df.head(lines).to_html() + "' " +
           "width=1000 height=500>" +

    return IPython.display.HTML(txt)





答案 4 :(得分:5)


df.head(n) # (n=5 by default)



答案 5 :(得分:3)




答案 6 :(得分:1)

更新一个以生成字符串,并适应Pandas0.13 +

def _sw2(df, up_rows=5, down_rows=3, left_cols=4, right_cols=2, return_df=False):
    """ return df data display string at four corners
        A,B (up_pt)
        C,D (down_pt)
        parameters : up_rows=10, down_rows=5, left_cols=4, right_cols=3
            df = pd.DataFrame(np.random.randn(20,10), columns=list('ABCDEFGHIJKLMN')[0:10])
            df1 = df.set_index(['A','B'], drop=True, inplace=False)

    #pd.set_printoptions(max_columns = 80, max_rows = 40)
    nrow, ncol = df.shape #ncol, nrow = len(df.columns), len(df)

    # handle columns
    if ncol <= (left_cols + right_cols) :
        up_pt = df.ix[0:up_rows, :]         # screen width can contain all columns
        down_pt = df.ix[-down_rows:, :]
    else:                                   # screen width can not contain all columns
        pt_a = df.ix[0:up_rows,  0:left_cols]
        pt_b = df.ix[0:up_rows,  -right_cols:]
        pt_c = df[-down_rows:].ix[:,0:left_cols]
        pt_d = df[-down_rows:].ix[:,-right_cols:]

        up_pt   = pt_a.join(pt_b, how='inner')
        down_pt = pt_c.join(pt_d, how='inner')
        up_pt.insert(left_cols, '..', '..')
        down_pt.insert(left_cols, '..', '..')

    overlap_qty = len(up_pt) + len(down_pt) - len(df)
    down_pt = down_pt.drop(down_pt.index[range(overlap_qty)]) # remove overlap rows

    dt_str_list = down_pt.to_string().split('\n') # transfer down_pt to string list

    # Display up part data
    ds = up_pt.__str__()
    #get rid of ending part of Pandas0.13+ display string by finding the last 3 '\n', ugly though
    Display_str = ds[0:ds[0:ds[0:ds.rfind('\n')].rfind('\n')].rfind('\n')] #refer to http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4664850/find-all-occurrences-of-a-substring-in-python

    start_row = (1 if df.index.names[0] is None else 2) # start from 1 if without index

    # Display omit line if screen height is not enought to display all rows
    if overlap_qty < 0:
        Display_str += "\n"
        Display_str += "." * len(dt_str_list[start_row])
        Display_str += "\n"

    # Display down part data row by row
    for line in dt_str_list[start_row:]:
        Display_str += "\n"
        Display_str += line

    # Display foot note
    Display_str += "\n\n"
    Display_str += "Index : %s\n"%str(df.index.names)

    col_name_list = list(df.columns.values)
    if ncol < 10:
        col_name_str = ", ".join(col_name_list)
        col_name_str = ", ".join(col_name_list[0:7]) + ' ... ' + ", ".join(col_name_list[-2:])
    Display_str = Display_str + "Column: " + col_name_str + "\n"
    Display_str = Display_str + "row: %d   col: %d"%(nrow, ncol) + "    "

    dty_dict={} #simulate defaultdict
    for k,g in itertools.groupby(list(df.dtypes.values)): #http://stackoverflow.com/questions/13565248/grouping-the-same-recurring-items-that-occur-in-a-row-from-list/13565414#13565414
            dty_dict[k] = dty_dict[k] + len(list(g))
            dty_dict[k] = len(list(g))

    for key in dty_dict:
        Display_str += "{0}: {1}   ".format(key, dty_dict[key])

    Display_str += "\n\n"

    return (df if return_df else Display_str)

答案 7 :(得分:1)

为了只查看您可以使用的前几个条目,pandas head函数用作

dataframe.head(any number)        // default is 5



为了查看最后几个条目,您可以以类似的方式使用pandas tail(),

dataframe.tail(any number)        // default is 5

答案 8 :(得分:1)


import pandas as pd
train = pd.read_csv('file_name')
train.head() # it will print 5 head row data as default value is 5
train.head(n) # it will print n head row data
train.tail() #it will print 5 tail row data as default value is 5
train.tail(n) #it will print n tail row data

答案 9 :(得分:0)

此行将允许您查看所有行(最多设置为“ max_rows”),而不会出现通常由头和尾之间出现的点(“ .....”)隐藏的任何行。打印输出。

git config --get user.email

答案 10 :(得分:0)


this.cat = dat[0];

例如,print(df[A:B]) ## 'A' and 'B' are the first and last records in range 将从您的数据集中打印10至15行(包括15行)。