
时间:2013-02-21 14:37:17

标签: scala scalaquery slick

出于某种原因,在我的情况下,即使是简单的Slick表声明也不起作用。我正在使用slick 2.10(1.0.0),这是maven中央存储库中的最新版本。

case class DeviceType(id: Option[Int] = None, name: String, version: String)

object DeviceTypes extends Table[DeviceType]("device_types") {

  def id = column[Int]("id", O.PrimaryKey, O.AutoInc)
  def name = column[String]("name", O.NotNull)
  def version = column[String]("version")

  def * = id.? ~ name ~ version <> (DeviceType, DeviceType.unapply _)

  def delete(device_type: DeviceType): Unit = {
database withSession { implicit session : Session =>
  val dt_query = for(dt <- DeviceTypes if dt.id == device_type.id.get) yield dt
    //Query(DeviceTypes).filter(_.id == device_type.id.get)

[warn] /home/salil/Scala/sd_ventures/app/models/DeviceType.scala:38: scala.slick.lifted.Column[Int] and Int are unrelated: they will most likely never compare equal
[warn]       val dt_query = for(dt <- DeviceTypes if dt.id == device_type.id.get) yield dt
[warn]                            ^

And if I use Query class directly, I get the same warning:
[warn] /home/salil/Scala/sd_ventures/app/models/DeviceType.scala:38: scala.slick.lifted.Column[Int] and Int are unrelated: they will most likely never compare equal
[warn]       val dt = Query(DeviceTypes).filter(_.id == device_type.id.get)
[warn]                                               ^


1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:11)


val dt_query = for(dt <- DeviceTypes if dt.id === device_type.id.get) yield dt

