在自定义模块创建中如何在drupal 7.15中查看基本数据库表

时间:2013-02-21 13:18:21

标签: module drupal-7 entity drupal-modules

我在drupal 7.15中创建了一个依赖于实体api的模块。 我的模块名称是员工 我创建了一个employee.info文件以及employee.install文件。 但是在数据库中,我无法在employee.install文件中看到我自己创建的数据库模式。 这是我的.info文件和.install文件 编辑:

name = Employee Management
description = A module that describes about the employee management 
core = 7.x
package = Employee management module
files[] = employee.module


* @file
* Install for a employee entity - need to create the base table for our entity.
* This table can have as many colums as you need to keep track of entity-specific
* data that will not be added via attached fields.
* The minimum information for the entity to work is an id and an entity name.

* Implements hook_schema()
function employee_schema() {
$schema = array();

$schema['employee'] = array(
'description' => 'The base table for employee entity.',
  'fields' => array(
   'employee_id' => array(
   'description' => 'Primary Key: Identifier for a employee entity.',
   'type' => 'serial',
   'unsigned' => TRUE,
   'not null' => TRUE,
   'first_name' => array(
   'description' => 'The First name of employee entity.',
   'type' => 'varchar',
   'length' => 255,
   'not null' => TRUE,
   'default' => '',
   'last_name' => array(
   'description' => 'The Last name of employee entity.',
   'type' => 'varchar',
   'length' => 255,
   'not null' => TRUE,
   'default' => '',
   'employee_add' => array(
   'description' => 'The address of employee entity.',
   'type' => 'varchar',
   'length' => 255,
   'not null' => TRUE,
   'default' => '',
   'employee_doj' => array(
   'description' => 'The address of employee entity.',
   'type' => 'date',
   'not null' => TRUE,
   'default' => '',
   'primary key' => array('employee_id'),

return $schema;

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)

在最初安装模块后,您是否在.install文件中添加了hook_schema()?只有在安装模块时才会安装架构。 (不要与启用混淆)


1)禁用模块 2)卸载模块(从管理模块页面上的卸载选项卡) 3)重新安装模块


如果架构出现问题,则在安装模块时应该会看到错误。 (完全卸载后)如果未将错误设置为在屏幕上显示,请检查报告 - &gt; db log。

另请注意,您无需在信息文件中声明files[] = employee.module