我必须编写一个完整的.hpp实现文件,该文件由基于给定.h文件的函数定义和所有声明和描述组成。我一直在重载operator = function。
template <class T>
class LinkedList
T m_data; // Data to be stored
LinkedList<T>* m_next; // Pointer to the next element in the list
// Purpose: performs a deep copy of the data from rhs into this linked list
// Parameters: rhs is linked list to be copied
// Returns: *this
// Postconditions: this list contains same data values (in the same order)
// as are in rhs; any memory previously used by this list has been
// deallocated.
LinkedList<T>& operator= (const LinkedList<T>& rhs);
到目前为止,这是关于operator =
template <typename T>
LinkedList<T>& LinkedList::operator= (const LinkedList<T>& rhs)
if(this != rhs) //alias check
LinkedList* tmp = this -> m_next;
LinkedList* tmp2 = NULL;
while(tmp-> != NULL) //deletes the 'this' linkedlist
tmp2 = tmp -> m_next;
delete tmp;
tmp = tmp2 -> m_next;
LinkedList* p = rhs -> m_next;
while(p->m_next != NULL) //copies the rhs linked list to the 'this' linked list
m_data = p -> m_data;
p = rhs -> m_next;
return *this;