答案 0 :(得分:15)
% Create a structure array
s = struct('value',{1 7 4},'file',{'img1.jpg' 'img2.jpg' 'img3.jpg'});
% Sort the structure according to values in descending order
% We are only interested in the second output from the sort command
[blah, order] = sort([s(:).value],'descend');
% Save the sorted output
sortedStruct = s(order);
答案 1 :(得分:12)
%# First, create a sample structure array:
s = struct('value',{1 7 4},'file',{'img1.jpg' 'img2.jpg' 'img3.jpg'});
%# Next concatenate the "value" fields and find the index of the maximum value:
[maxValue,index] = max([s.value]);
%# Finally, get the file corresponding to the maximum value:
maxFile = s(index).file;
编辑:如果您希望获得N个最高值,而不仅仅是最大值,则可以使用SORT代替MAX(as Shaka suggested)。例如(使用上述结构):
>> N = 2; %# Get two highest values
>> [values,index] = sort([s.value],'descend'); %# Sort all values, largest first
>> topNFiles = {s(index(1:N)).file} %# Get N files with the largest values
topNFiles =
'img2.jpg' 'img3.jpg'