
时间:2013-02-19 13:26:57

标签: jquery ajax jquery-deferred


    dataType: 'json',
    type: 'GET',
    localCache: true,
    cacheTTL: 6,
    url: url
}).fail(function(jqXHR, textStatus, something) {
    //Display error message
}).done(function(data) {
    //Do stuff with the data

现在我要做的是使用localStorage在客户端缓存json,这样如果缓存足够新,则实际上不会发送请求,而是使用缓存。我一直在使用Paul Irish的ajax-localstorage-cache插件来执行此操作,但不幸的是它不支持延迟回调,所以我尽力修改它以便它可以。

$.ajaxPrefilter( function( options, originalOptions, jqXHR ) {
    // Cache it ?
    if ( !Modernizr.localstorage || !options.localCache ) return;

    var hourstl = options.cacheTTL || 5;

    var cacheKey = options.cacheKey || options.url.replace( /jQuery.*/,'' ) + options.type + options.data;

    // if there's a TTL that's expired, flush this item
    var ttl = localStorage.getItem(cacheKey + 'cachettl');
    if ( ttl && ttl < +new Date() ){
        localStorage.removeItem( cacheKey );
        localStorage.removeItem( cacheKey  + 'cachettl' );
        ttl = 'expired';

    var value = localStorage.getItem( cacheKey );
    if ( value ) {
        //In the cache? So get it, apply done callback & abort the XHR request
        // parse back to JSON if we can.
        if ( options.dataType.indexOf( 'json' ) === 0 ) value = JSON.parse( value );

        //Pass value back to the done callback somehow...

        // Abort is broken on JQ 1.5 :(
    } else {
        $.Deferred(function(defer) {
            //If it not in the cache, we change the done callback, just put data on localstorage and after that apply the initial callback
            if ( jqXHR.done ) {
                jqXHR.realdone = jqXHR.done;

            jqXHR.done(function(data) {
                var strdata = data;
                if ( options.dataType.indexOf( 'json' ) === 0 ) strdata = JSON.stringify( data );

                // Save the data to localStorage catching exceptions (possibly QUOTA_EXCEEDED_ERR)
                try {
                    localStorage.setItem( cacheKey, strdata );
                    // store timestamp
                    if ( ! ttl || ttl === 'expired' ) {
                        localStorage.setItem( cacheKey  + 'cachettl', +new Date() + 1000 * 60 * 60 * hourstl );
                } catch (e) {
                    // Remove any incomplete data that may have been saved before the exception was caught
                    localStorage.removeItem( cacheKey );
                    localStorage.removeItem( cacheKey + 'cachettl' );
                    if ( options.cacheError ) options.cacheError( e, cacheKey, strdata );

                if ( jqXHR.realdone ) jqXHR.realdone( defer.resolve );



2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)


$.myAjax = function(params,doneCb,failCb){  //doneCb: doneCallback

    var data = getFromLocalStorage(params),

    if( data) {
        var dfd = $.Deferred();
         dfd = $.ajax(params).done(function(resp){ 
                 // add to localStorage 
                 doneCb && doneCb(resp);
   return dfd;

答案 1 :(得分:0)