我似乎在从PHP站点下载文件时遇到问题。文件是PDF,每次我下载任何文件,它们都是0kb。我使用WAMP 2.2和PHP 5.4.3在本地计算机上运行它。下面列出了使用的两个主要php文件。但是,我不知道它是PHP问题还是WAMP问题。
if (isset($_REQUEST['PHPSESSID']))
if (isset($_SESSION['authUserId']))
$username = $_SESSION['authUsername'];
$contactTypeName = $_SESSION['authContactTypeName'];
$attachId = getRequestNum('id');
$row = singleQuery("select * from attachment where id=$attachId");
$storedAs = $row['storedAs'];
$filename = $row['filename'];
$filesize = $row['filesize'];
header("Content-disposition: attachment; filename=\"$filename\"");
header("Content-type: application/force-download");
header("Content-Transfer-Encoding: binary");
header("Content-Length: $filesize");
header("Pragma: no-cache");
header("Expires: 0");
$fp = fopen($storedAs, "rb");
$fsize = filesize($storedAs);
$fileContent = fread($fp, $fsize);
echo $fileContent;
// this file contains a bunch of helper utilities used by the other pages
// necessary in some files like print pages and the like
function singleQueryField($query, $field)
$row = singleQuery($query);
return $row[$field];
function singleQuery($query)
$resultSet = dbQuery($query);
return mysql_fetch_assoc($resultSet);
function displayPicklistCustomSQL($sql, $custom, $selectName, $default="null")
$enumRS = dbQuery($sql);
print '<select name="' . $selectName . '" id="' . $selectName . '" onChange="picklistChange()" id="' . $selectName . '">';
print '<option value="null">--- choose value ---</option>';
while ($rowEnum = mysql_fetch_assoc($enumRS))
$value = $rowEnum['id'];
$name = $rowEnum[$custom];
$selected = ($default == $value) ? "selected" : "";
print '<option value="' . $value . '" ' . $selected .'>' . $name . '</option>';
print '</select>';
function displayPicklistSQL($sql, $selectName, $default)
displayPickListCustomSQL($sql, 'name', $selectName, $default);
function displayPicklist($table, $selectName, $default="null")
displayPicklistSQL("select * from " . $table . " order by name", $selectName, $default);
function displayList($listName, $default) {
$listId = singleQueryField("select id from lists where name='" . $listName . "'", "id");
print '<select name="' . $listName . '">';
print '<option value="null">--- choose value ---</option>';
$enumRS = mysql_query("select * from listEntries where list=" . $listId) or die(mysql_error());
while ($rowEnum = mysql_fetch_assoc($enumRS))
$value = $rowEnum['id'];
$name = $rowEnum['entry'];
$selected = ($default == $value) ? "selected" : "";
print '<option value="' . $value . '" ' . $selected .'>' . $name . '</option>';
print '</select>';
function displayNumberedPicklist($table, $selectName, $default) {
$sql = "select id, name from $table";
$enumRS = dbQuery($sql);
print '<select name="' . $selectName . '" id="' . $selectName . '" onChange="picklistChange()" id="' . $selectName . '">';
print '<option value="null">--- choose value ---</option>';
while ($rowEnum = mysql_fetch_assoc($enumRS))
$value = $rowEnum['id'];
$name = $rowEnum['name'];
$selected = ($default == $value) ? "selected" : "";
print '<option value="' . $value . '" ' . $selected .'>' . "$value. $name" . '</option>';
print '</select>';
function displayStaffPicklist($default = "")
$staffId = listIdByName('accountTypes', 'staff');
$sql = "SELECT username, id FROM users WHERE accountType=$staffId ORDER BY username";
displayPicklistCustomSQL($sql, "username", "assignedTo", $default);
function getListEntryName($listName, $id)
$listId = singleQueryField("select id from lists where name='" . $listName . "'", "id");
$entryName = singleQueryField("select entry from listEntries where list=$listId AND id=$id", "entry");
return $entryName;
function getListEntryId($listName, $entryName)
$listId = singleQueryField("select id from lists where name='" . $listName . "'", "id");
$entryName = singleQueryField("select id from listEntries where list=$listId AND entry='$entryName'", "id");
return $entryName;
function getListId($listName)
$listId = singleQueryField("select id from lists where name='$listName'", "id");
return $listId;
function listIdByName($list, $name)
$val = singleQueryField("select id from $list where name='$name'", "id");
return $val;
function listNameById($list, $id)
if (!is_numeric($id)) return "";
$val = singleQueryField("select name from $list where id=$id", "name");
return $val;
if (isset($_REQUEST['debugSQL'])) debug(stripslashes($_REQUEST['debugSQL']));
// validates the parameter is a number from 0-255
function validateNumber255($num)
if (!ereg("^[0-9]+$", $num))
return false;
if ($num < 0 || $num > 255)
return false;
return true;
function validateFormString($str) { return (strlen($str) > 0) ? true : false; }
function validateTimeStamp($str)
if (ereg("^[0-9]+-[0-9]+-[0-9][0-9] [0-9]+:[0-9][0-9] [AP][mM]", $str))
return true;
errorMessage("Invalid date / time.");
return false;
function validateTime($str)
if (ereg("^[0-9]+:[0-9][0-9] [AaPp][mM]", $str))
return true;
else if (strlen($str)>0)
errorMessage("Invalid time.");
return false;
function validateDate($str)
if (ereg("^[0-9]+-[0-9]+-[0-9][0-9]", $str))
return true;
else if (strlen($str) > 0)
errorMessage("Invalid date.");
return false;
function debug($sql)
$rs = dbQuery($sql);
$numRows = mysql_num_rows($rs);
echo "<h3>$sql</h3>";
echo "($numRows rows found)<br>";
echo '<table class="panel">';
$first = 0;
while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($rs))
if ($first == 0) {
echo '<tr class="headerListing">';
foreach($row as $colName=>$value)
echo "<td>$colName</td>";
echo "</tr>";
$rowId = "t" . $i;
$className = (($i%2)==0) ? "even" : "odd";
?> <tr id="<?=$rowId?>" class="<?=$className?>" onMouseOver="rowHighlight('<?=$rowId?>');" onMouseOut="rowUnhighlight('<?=$rowId?>');"> <?
foreach($row as $colName=>$value)
echo "<td>$value</td>";
echo "</tr>";
function convertToMySQLDateTime($str)
if (validateTimeStamp($str)) {
list($month, $day, $year, $hour, $minute, $ampm) = split('[-:\ ]', $str);
$year += 2000;
if ($ampm == "AM" && $hour == "12")
$hour = 0;
if ($ampm == "PM" && $hour != "12")
$hour += 12;
$newStr = $year . "-" . $month . "-" . $day . " " . $hour . ":" . $minute;
return $newStr;
} else return null;
function convertToMySQLTime($str)
if (validateTime($str)) {
list($hour, $minute, $ampm) = split('[-:\ ]', $str);
$ampm = strtoupper($ampm);
if ($ampm == "AM" && $hour == "12")
$hour = 0;
if ($ampm == "PM" && $hour != "12")
$hour += 12;
$newStr = $hour . ":" . $minute;
return $newStr;
} else return null;
function convertToMySQLDate($str)
if (validateDate($str)) {
list($month, $day, $year) = split('[-]', $str);
if ($year > 50)
$year += 1900;
$year += 2000;
$newStr = $year . "-" . $month . "-" . $day;
return $newStr;
} else return "null";
function MySQLDateOrNull($str)
if (strlen($str) > 0)
return "'$str'";
else return "null";
function formattedFilesize($filesize)
$metric = "";
if ($filesize >= 1024) {
$filesize /= 1024;
$metric = " KB";
if ($filesize >= 1024) {
$filesize /= 1024;
$metric = " MB";
return sprintf("%1.2f %s", $filesize, $metric);
function dbQuery($sql)
$errorMessage = "<hr><h1>MySQL Error</h1>Attempting to execute a command that is generating an error in the ".
"database. This is most likely caused by either entering bad data or a due to a program bug. " .
"If you continue to experience this problem please contact the developer." .
"<hr><h3>SQL Command</h3><div style='border: 1px solid #a0a0a0; background-color: #fffff0'>" . $sql .
"</div><hr><h3>Error Message from database";
$rs = mysql_query($sql) or die($errorMessage . " (" . mysql_errno() . ")</h3>" .
"<div style='border: 1px solid #a0a0a0; background-color: #fffff0'>" . mysql_error() . "</div><hr>");
return $rs;
function rowCount($sql)
$rs = dbQuery($sql);
return mysql_num_rows($rs);
function getNumericRequestVar($varName)
$value = (is_numeric($_REQUEST[$varName])) ? $_REQUEST[$varName] : "null";
return $value;
function currency2String($amount)
return sprintf("%4.2f", $amount);
function displayTristate($name, $value="")
if ($value == 'u') $uSelected = "selected";
else if ($value == 'y') $ySelected = "selected";
else if ($value == 'n') $nSelected = "selected";
print '<select name="' . $name . '" id="' . $name . '">';
print '<option value="u" ' . $uSelected . '>unspecified</option>';
print '<option value="y" ' . $ySelected . '>yes</option>';
print '<option value="n" ' . $nSelected . '>no</option>';
function displayTristateRequired($name)
if ($name == "needsDriver") $bgColor = 'style="background-color: #fff0f0"';
print '<select name="' . $name . '" id="' . $name . '"' . $bgColor . '>';
print '<option value="null">-- choice required --</option>';
print '<option value="u">unspecified</option>';
print '<option value="y">yes</option>';
print '<option value="n">no</option>';
function tristate($value)
if ($value == 'y') return "yes";
else if ($value == 'n') return "no";
else return "unspecified";
// returns the number or the string "null"
function getSQLNum($val) { return (is_numeric($val)) ? $val : "null"; }
function getSQLStr($val) { return mysql_real_escape_string($val); }
function getSQLDate($str)
return (strlen($str) > 0) ? "'$str'" : "null";
function requestDateToDB($str)
return getSQLDate(convertToMySQLDate($str));
function getRequestNum($whichVar) { return getSQLNum($_REQUEST[$whichVar]); }
function getRequestStr($whichVar) { return getSQLStr($_REQUEST[$whichVar]); }
function stringExists($str)
if (strlen($str)>0)
return true;
return false;