
时间:2013-02-18 00:23:55

标签: vb.net folderbrowserdialog

我如何在FolderBrowserDialog中显示文本框,如下图所示, enter image description here

3 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:3)

这不是直接可能的,你必须回退到使用shell函数。 Project + Add Reference,Browse选项卡,选择c:\ windows \ system32 \ shell32.dll。如何在Winforms应用程序中使用它的示例:

Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
    Dim options As Integer = &H40 + &H200 + &H20
    options += &H10   '' Adds edit box
    Dim shell = New Shell32.ShellClass
    Dim root = Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.Desktop)
    Dim folder = CType(shell.BrowseForFolder(CInt(Me.Handle), _
        "Select folder", options, root), Shell32.Folder2)
    If folder IsNot Nothing Then
        MsgBox("You selected " + folder.Self.Path)
    End If
End Sub

答案 1 :(得分:0)

检查出来:FolderBrowserDialogEx: A C# customization of FolderBrowserDialog

customized FolderBrowseDialog


Imports System
Imports System.Collections.Generic
Imports System.Linq
Imports System.Text
Imports System.Drawing
Imports System.Runtime.InteropServices
Imports System.Windows.Forms
Imports System.Diagnostics

Namespace DaveChambers.FolderBrowserDialogEx
    Public Class FolderBrowserDialogEx
        #Region "Fields that mimic the same-named fields in FolderBrowserDialog"
        Public Property RootFolder() As Environment.SpecialFolder
                Return m_RootFolder
            End Get
                m_RootFolder = Value
            End Set
        End Property
        Private m_RootFolder As Environment.SpecialFolder
        Public Property SelectedPath() As String
                Return m_SelectedPath
            End Get
                m_SelectedPath = Value
            End Set
        End Property
        Private m_SelectedPath As String
        Public Property ShowNewFolderButton() As Boolean
                Return m_ShowNewFolderButton
            End Get
                m_ShowNewFolderButton = Value
            End Set
        End Property
        Private m_ShowNewFolderButton As Boolean
        Public Property StartPosition() As FormStartPosition
                Return m_StartPosition
            End Get
                m_StartPosition = Value
            End Set
        End Property
        Private m_StartPosition As FormStartPosition
        #End Region

        ' Fields specific to CustomFolderBrowserDialog
        Public Property Title() As String
                Return m_Title
            End Get
                m_Title = Value
            End Set
        End Property
        Private m_Title As String
        Public Property ShowEditbox() As Boolean
                Return m_ShowEditbox
            End Get
                m_ShowEditbox = Value
            End Set
        End Property
        Private m_ShowEditbox As Boolean

        ' These are the control IDs used in the dialog
        Private Structure CtlIds
            Public Const PATH_EDIT As Integer = &H3744
            'public const int PATH_EDIT_LABEL = 0x3748; // Only when BIF_NEWDIALOGSTYLE
            Public Const TITLE As Integer = &H3742
            Public Const TREEVIEW As Integer = &H3741
            Public Const NEW_FOLDER_BUTTON As Integer = &H3746
            Public Const IDOK As Integer = 1
            Public Const IDCANCEL As Integer = 2
        End Structure

        <StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential, CharSet := CharSet.Unicode)> _
        Public Structure InitData
            ' Titles shouldn't too long, should they?
            <MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.ByValTStr, SizeConst := 128)> _
            Public Title As String

            <MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.ByValTStr, SizeConst := Win32.MAX_PATH)> _
            Public InitialPath As String

            Public ShowEditbox As Boolean
            Public ShowNewFolderButton As Boolean
            Public StartPosition As FormStartPosition
            Public hParent As IntPtr

            Public Sub New(dlg As FolderBrowserDialogEx, hParent As IntPtr)
                ' We need to make copies of these values from the dialog.
                ' I tried passing the dlg obj itself in this struct, but Windows will barf after repeated invocations.
                Me.Title = dlg.Title
                Me.InitialPath = dlg.SelectedPath
                Me.ShowNewFolderButton = dlg.ShowNewFolderButton
                Me.ShowEditbox = dlg.ShowEditbox
                Me.StartPosition = dlg.StartPosition
                Me.hParent = hParent
            End Sub
        End Structure

        Public Sub New()
            Title = "Browse For Folder"
            ' Default to same caption as std dialog
            RootFolder = Environment.SpecialFolder.Desktop
            SelectedPath = "c:\"
            ShowEditbox = False
            ShowNewFolderButton = False
            StartPosition = FormStartPosition.WindowsDefaultLocation
        End Sub

        Public Function ShowDialog(owner As IWin32Window) As DialogResult
            Dim initdata As New InitData(Me, owner.Handle)

            Dim bi As New Win32.BROWSEINFO()
            bi.iImage = 0
            bi.hwndOwner = owner.Handle
            If 0 <> Win32.SHGetSpecialFolderLocation(owner.Handle, CInt(Me.RootFolder), bi.pidlRoot) Then
                bi.pidlRoot = IntPtr.Zero
            End If
            bi.lpszTitle = ""
            bi.ulFlags = Win32.BIF_RETURNONLYFSDIRS
            If Me.ShowEditbox Then
                bi.ulFlags = bi.ulFlags Or Win32.BIF_EDITBOX
            End If
            If Not Me.ShowNewFolderButton Then
                bi.ulFlags = bi.ulFlags Or Win32.BIF_NONEWFOLDERBUTTON
            End If
            bi.lpfn = New Win32.BrowseCallbackProc(_browseCallbackHandler)
            ' Initialization data, used in _browseCallbackHandler
            Dim hInit As IntPtr = Marshal.AllocHGlobal(Marshal.SizeOf(initdata))
            Marshal.StructureToPtr(initdata, hInit, True)
            bi.lParam = hInit

            Dim pidlSelectedPath As IntPtr = IntPtr.Zero
                pidlSelectedPath = Win32.SHBrowseForFolder(bi)
                Dim sb As New StringBuilder(256)
                If Win32.SHGetPathFromIDList(pidlSelectedPath, sb) Then
                    SelectedPath = sb.ToString()
                    Return DialogResult.OK
                End If
                ' Caller is responsible for freeing this memory.
            End Try

            Return DialogResult.Cancel
        End Function

        Private Function _browseCallbackHandler(hDlg As IntPtr, msg As Integer, lParam As IntPtr, lpData As IntPtr) As Integer
            Select Case msg
                Case Win32.BFFM_INITIALIZED
                    ' remove context help button from dialog caption
                    Dim lStyle As Integer = Win32.GetWindowLong(hDlg, Win32.GWL_STYLE)
                    lStyle = lStyle And Not Win32.DS_CONTEXTHELP
                    Win32.SetWindowLong(hDlg, Win32.GWL_STYLE, lStyle)
                    lStyle = Win32.GetWindowLong(hDlg, Win32.GWL_EXSTYLE)
                    lStyle = lStyle And Not Win32.WS_EX_CONTEXTHELP
                    Win32.SetWindowLong(hDlg, Win32.GWL_EXSTYLE, lStyle)

                    _adjustUi(hDlg, lpData)
                    Exit Select
                Case Win32.BFFM_SELCHANGED
                    If True Then
                        Dim ok As Boolean = False
                        Dim sb As New StringBuilder(Win32.MAX_PATH)
                        If Win32.SHGetPathFromIDList(lParam, sb) Then
                            ok = True
                            Dim dir As String = sb.ToString()
                            Dim hEdit As IntPtr = Win32.GetDlgItem(hDlg, CtlIds.PATH_EDIT)
                            Win32.SetWindowText(hEdit, dir)
                            #If UsingStatusText Then
                            ' We're not using status text, but if we were, this is how you'd set it
                            Win32.SendMessage(hDlg, Win32.BFFM_SETSTATUSTEXTW, 0, dir)
                            #End If

                            #If SHBrowseForFolder_lists_links Then
                            ' This check doesn't seem to be necessary - the SHBrowseForFolder dirtree doesn't seem to list links
                            Dim sfi As New Win32.SHFILEINFO()
                            Win32.SHGetFileInfo(lParam, 0, sfi, Marshal.SizeOf(sfi), Win32.SHGFI_PIDL Or Win32.SHGFI_ATTRIBUTES)

                            ' fail if pidl is a link
                            If (sfi.dwAttributes And Win32.SFGAO_LINK) = Win32.SFGAO_LINK Then
                                ok = False
                                #End If
                            End If
                        End If

                        ' if invalid selection, disable the OK button
                        If Not ok Then
                            Win32.EnableWindow(Win32.GetDlgItem(hDlg, CtlIds.IDOK), False)
                        End If

                        Exit Select
                    End If
            End Select

            Return 0
        End Function

        Private Sub _adjustUi(hDlg As IntPtr, lpData As IntPtr)
            ' Only do the adjustments if InitData was supplied
            If lpData = IntPtr.Zero Then
            End If
            Dim obj As Object = Marshal.PtrToStructure(lpData, GetType(InitData))
            If obj Is Nothing Then
            End If
            Dim initdata As InitData = DirectCast(obj, InitData)

            ' Only do the adjustments if we can find the dirtree control
            Dim hTree As IntPtr = Win32.GetDlgItem(hDlg, CtlIds.TREEVIEW)
            If hTree = IntPtr.Zero Then
                hTree = Win32.FindWindowEx(IntPtr.Zero, IntPtr.Zero, "SysTreeView32", IntPtr.Zero)
                If hTree = IntPtr.Zero Then
                    ' This usually means that BIF_NEWDIALOGSTYLE is enabled.
                    hTree = Win32.FindWindowEx(hDlg, IntPtr.Zero, "SHBrowseForFolder ShellNameSpace Control", IntPtr.Zero)
                End If
            End If
            If hTree = IntPtr.Zero Then
            End If

            ' Prep the basic UI
            Win32.SendMessage(hDlg, Win32.BFFM_SETSELECTIONW, 1, initdata.InitialPath)
            Win32.SetWindowText(hDlg, initdata.Title)

            If initdata.StartPosition = FormStartPosition.CenterParent Then
                _centerTo(hDlg, initdata.hParent)
            ElseIf initdata.StartPosition = FormStartPosition.CenterScreen Then
                _centerTo(hDlg, Win32.GetDesktopWindow())
            End If
            ' else we do nothing

            ' Prep the edit box
            Dim rcEdit As New Win32.RECT()
            Dim hEdit As IntPtr = Win32.GetDlgItem(hDlg, CtlIds.PATH_EDIT)
            If hEdit <> IntPtr.Zero Then
                If initdata.ShowEditbox Then
                    Win32.GetWindowRect(hEdit, rcEdit)
                    Win32.ScreenToClient(hEdit, rcEdit)
                    Win32.ShowWindow(hEdit, Win32.SW_HIDE)
                End If
            End If

            ' make the dialog larger
            Dim rcDlg As Win32.RECT
            Win32.GetWindowRect(hDlg, rcDlg)
            rcDlg.Right += 40
            rcDlg.Bottom += 30
            If hEdit <> IntPtr.Zero Then
                rcDlg.Bottom += (rcEdit.Height + 5)
            End If
            Win32.MoveWindow(hDlg, rcDlg, True)
            Win32.GetClientRect(hDlg, rcDlg)

            Dim vMargin As Integer = 10
            ' Accomodate the resizing handle's width
            Dim hMargin As Integer = 10
            ' SystemInformation.VerticalScrollBarWidth;
            ' Move the Cancel button
            Dim rcCancel As New Win32.RECT()
            Dim hCancel As IntPtr = Win32.GetDlgItem(hDlg, CtlIds.IDCANCEL)
            If hCancel <> IntPtr.Zero Then
                Win32.GetWindowRect(hCancel, rcCancel)
                Win32.ScreenToClient(hDlg, rcCancel)

                rcCancel = New Win32.RECT(rcDlg.Right - (rcCancel.Width + hMargin), rcDlg.Bottom - (rcCancel.Height + vMargin), rcCancel.Width, rcCancel.Height)

                Win32.MoveWindow(hCancel, rcCancel, False)
            End If

            ' Move the OK button
            Dim rcOK As New Win32.RECT()
            Dim hOK As IntPtr = Win32.GetDlgItem(hDlg, CtlIds.IDOK)
            If hOK <> IntPtr.Zero Then
                Win32.GetWindowRect(hOK, rcOK)
                Win32.ScreenToClient(hDlg, rcOK)

                rcOK = New Win32.RECT(rcCancel.Left - (rcCancel.Width + hMargin), rcCancel.Top, rcOK.Width, rcOK.Height)

                Win32.MoveWindow(hOK, rcOK, False)
            End If

            ' Manage the "Make New Folder" button
            Dim hBtn As IntPtr = Win32.GetDlgItem(hDlg, CtlIds.NEW_FOLDER_BUTTON)
            If Not initdata.ShowNewFolderButton Then
                ' Make sure this button is not visible
                Win32.ShowWindow(hBtn, Win32.SW_HIDE)
            ElseIf hBtn = IntPtr.Zero Then
                ' Create a button - button is only auto-created under BIF_NEWDIALOGSTYLE
                ' This is failing, and I don't know why!
                hBtn = Win32.CreateWindowEx(&H50010000, "button", "&Make New Folder", &H4, hMargin, rcOK.Top, _
                    105, rcOK.Height, hDlg, New IntPtr(CtlIds.NEW_FOLDER_BUTTON), Process.GetCurrentProcess().Handle, IntPtr.Zero)
            End If

            ' Position the path editbox and it's label
            ' We'll repurpose the Title (static) control as the editbox label
            Dim treeTop As Integer = vMargin
            If hEdit <> IntPtr.Zero Then
                Dim xEdit As Integer = hMargin
                Dim cxEdit As Integer = rcDlg.Width - (2 * hMargin)
                Dim hLabel As IntPtr = Win32.GetDlgItem(hDlg, CtlIds.TITLE)
                If hLabel <> IntPtr.Zero Then
                    Dim labelText As String = "Folder: "
                    Win32.SetWindowText(hLabel, labelText)

                    ' This code obtains the required size of the static control that serves as the label for the editbox.
                    ' All this GDI code is a bit excessive, but I figured "what the hell".
                    Dim hdc As IntPtr = Win32.GetDC(hLabel)
                    Dim hFont As IntPtr = Win32.SendMessage(hLabel, Win32.WM_GETFONT, IntPtr.Zero, IntPtr.Zero)
                    Dim oldfnt As IntPtr = Win32.SelectObject(hdc, hFont)
                    Dim szLabel As Size = Size.Empty
                    Win32.GetTextExtentPoint32(hdc, labelText, labelText.Length, szLabel)
                    Win32.SelectObject(hdc, oldfnt)
                    Win32.ReleaseDC(hLabel, hdc)

                    Dim rcLabel As New Win32.RECT(hMargin, vMargin + ((rcEdit.Height - szLabel.Height) / 2), szLabel.Width, szLabel.Height)
                    Win32.MoveWindow(hLabel, rcLabel, False)

                    xEdit += rcLabel.Width
                    cxEdit -= rcLabel.Width
                End If

                ' Expand the folder tree to fill the dialog
                rcEdit = New Win32.RECT(xEdit, vMargin, cxEdit, rcEdit.Height)

                Win32.MoveWindow(hEdit, rcEdit, False)
                treeTop = rcEdit.Bottom + 5
            End If

            Dim rcTree As New Win32.RECT(hMargin, treeTop, rcDlg.Width - (2 * hMargin), rcDlg.Bottom - (treeTop + (2 * vMargin) + rcOK.Height))

            Win32.MoveWindow(hTree, rcTree, False)
        End Sub

        Private Sub _centerTo(hDlg As IntPtr, hRef As IntPtr)
            Dim rcDlg As Win32.RECT
            Win32.GetWindowRect(hDlg, rcDlg)

            Dim rcRef As Win32.RECT
            Win32.GetWindowRect(hRef, rcRef)

            Dim cx As Integer = (rcRef.Width - rcDlg.Width) / 2
            Dim cy As Integer = (rcRef.Height - rcDlg.Height) / 2
            Dim rcNew As New Win32.RECT(rcRef.Left + cx, rcRef.Top + cy, rcDlg.Width, rcDlg.Height)
            Win32.MoveWindow(hDlg, rcNew, True)
        End Sub

    End Class

End Namespace

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答案 2 :(得分:0)


1:您无法指定在对话框打开时预先选择的自定义开始文件夹,让我们说&#34; c:\ temp&#34;

