
时间:2013-02-17 05:54:06

标签: objective-c macos cocoa nsbezierpath


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好;经过多次试验和错误,我得到了一些有用的东西。下面的代码将绘制一个像这样的形状。 (此图像对代码中的#define语句使用以下值:

#define SIDE_DEFLECTION 18.0f
#define CORNER_RAD 18.0f
#define KAPPA 0.55238f


enter image description here




以下代码配置为在52x52像素的正方形中绘制相同的形状。一般方法是设置所需的“侧偏”和“圆角半径”,然后调整两个“偏移”定义语句(百分比),直到角落看起来完美。 “kappa”的价值决不能改变 - 一个是从我发现的数学论文中获取的。


    #import "LPProjectIconButtonCell.h"

#define SIDE_DEFLECTION 1.0f
#define CORNER_RAD 4.0f

// Distance (%) control points should be from curve start/end to form perfectly circular rounded corners
#define KAPPA 0.55238f

// Percentage offset (from perfectly circular rounded corner location) that the corner control points use to
// compensate for the fact that our sides are rounded. Without this, we get a rough transition between the
// curve of the side and the start of the corner curve

// As the curve approaches each side-center point, this is the percentage of the distance between the side endpoints
// and the side centerpoint where the control point for approaching the centerpoint is located. You are not expected
// to understand the preceeding sentence.

@implementation LPProjectIconButtonCell

- (void) awakeFromNib
    _shadow = [[NSShadow alloc] init];
    [_shadow setShadowBlurRadius:1.0f];
    [_shadow setShadowColor:[NSColor colorWithCalibratedWhite:1.0f alpha:0.2f]];
    [_shadow setShadowOffset:NSMakeSize(0.0f, -1.0f)];

    _borderColor = [[NSColor colorWithCalibratedWhite:0.13 alpha:1.0f] retain];

- (void) dealloc
    [_path release];
    _path = nil;

    [_shadow release];
    _shadow = nil;

    [_borderColor release];
    _borderColor = nil;

    [super dealloc];

- (void) drawImage:(NSImage *)image withFrame:(NSRect)frame inView:(NSView *)controlView
    NSGraphicsContext *currentContext = [NSGraphicsContext currentContext];

    // The path never changes because this view never resizes. So we'll save it to be efficient
    if (!_path)
        NSRect rect = NSInsetRect(frame, 2.0f, 2.0f);

        // Create the primary points -- 3 per side
        NSPoint TCenter = NSMakePoint(rect.size.width/2.0f, rect.origin.y);
        NSPoint TLeft = NSMakePoint(rect.origin.x + CORNER_RAD + SIDE_DEFLECTION, rect.origin.y + SIDE_DEFLECTION);
        NSPoint TRight = NSMakePoint(rect.origin.x + rect.size.width - (CORNER_RAD + SIDE_DEFLECTION), rect.origin.y + SIDE_DEFLECTION);

        NSPoint LTop = NSMakePoint(rect.origin.x + SIDE_DEFLECTION, rect.origin.y + CORNER_RAD + SIDE_DEFLECTION);
        NSPoint LCenter = NSMakePoint(rect.origin.x, rect.size.height/2.0f);
        NSPoint LBottom = NSMakePoint(rect.origin.x + SIDE_DEFLECTION, rect.origin.y + rect.size.height - CORNER_RAD - SIDE_DEFLECTION);

        NSPoint BLeft = NSMakePoint(TLeft.x, rect.origin.y + rect.size.height - SIDE_DEFLECTION);
        NSPoint BCenter = NSMakePoint(TCenter.x, rect.origin.y + rect.size.height);
        NSPoint BRight = NSMakePoint(TRight.x, BLeft.y);

        NSPoint RTop = NSMakePoint(rect.origin.x + rect.size.width - SIDE_DEFLECTION, LTop.y);
        NSPoint RCenter = NSMakePoint(rect.origin.x + rect.size.width, LCenter.y);
        NSPoint RBottom = NSMakePoint(RTop.x, LBottom.y);

        // Create corner control points for rounded corners
        // We don't want them to be perfectly circular, because our sides are curved. So we adjust them slightly to compensate for that.
        NSPoint CP_TLeft = NSMakePoint(TLeft.x - (TLeft.x - LTop.x) * KAPPA, TLeft.y + SIDE_DEFLECTION * CORNER_CP_OFFSET_FOR_SIDE_DEFLECTION);
        NSPoint CP_LTop = NSMakePoint(LTop.x + SIDE_DEFLECTION * CORNER_CP_OFFSET_FOR_SIDE_DEFLECTION, LTop.y - (LTop.y - TLeft.y) * KAPPA);

        NSPoint CP_LBottom = NSMakePoint(LBottom.x + SIDE_DEFLECTION * CORNER_CP_OFFSET_FOR_SIDE_DEFLECTION, LBottom.y + (BLeft.y - LBottom.y) * KAPPA);
        NSPoint CP_BLeft = NSMakePoint(BLeft.x - (BLeft.x - LBottom.x) * KAPPA, BLeft.y - SIDE_DEFLECTION * CORNER_CP_OFFSET_FOR_SIDE_DEFLECTION);

        NSPoint CP_BRight = NSMakePoint(BRight.x + (RBottom.x - BRight.x) * KAPPA, BRight.y - SIDE_DEFLECTION * CORNER_CP_OFFSET_FOR_SIDE_DEFLECTION);
        NSPoint CP_RBottom = NSMakePoint(RBottom.x - SIDE_DEFLECTION * CORNER_CP_OFFSET_FOR_SIDE_DEFLECTION, RBottom.y + (BRight.y - RBottom.y) * KAPPA);

        NSPoint CP_RTop = NSMakePoint(RTop.x - SIDE_DEFLECTION * CORNER_CP_OFFSET_FOR_SIDE_DEFLECTION, RTop.y - (RTop.y - TRight.y) * KAPPA);
        NSPoint CP_TRight = NSMakePoint(TRight.x + (RTop.x - TRight.x) * KAPPA, TRight.y + SIDE_DEFLECTION * CORNER_CP_OFFSET_FOR_SIDE_DEFLECTION);

        // Create control points for the rounded sides. (The "duplicate" control points are here in case I ever tweak this in the future.)
        NSPoint CP_DepartingTCenterForTLeft = NSMakePoint(TCenter.x - (TCenter.x - TLeft.x) * SIDE_CENTER_CP_OFFSET, TCenter.y);
        NSPoint CP_ApproachingTLeft = TLeft;

        NSPoint CP_DepartingLTopForLCenter = LTop;
        NSPoint CP_ApproachingLCenterFromLTop = NSMakePoint(LCenter.x, LCenter.y - (LCenter.y - LTop.y) * SIDE_CENTER_CP_OFFSET);

        NSPoint CP_DepartingLCenterForLBottom = NSMakePoint(LCenter.x, LCenter.y + (LBottom.y - LCenter.y) * SIDE_CENTER_CP_OFFSET);
        NSPoint CP_ApproachingLBottom = LBottom;

        NSPoint CP_DepartingBLeftForBCenter = BLeft;
        NSPoint CP_ApproachingBCenter = NSMakePoint(BCenter.x - (BCenter.x - BLeft.x) * SIDE_CENTER_CP_OFFSET, BCenter.y);

        NSPoint CP_DepartingBCenterForBRight = NSMakePoint(BCenter.x + (BRight.x - BCenter.x) * SIDE_CENTER_CP_OFFSET, BCenter.y);
        NSPoint CP_ApproachingBRight = BRight;

        NSPoint CP_DepartingRBottomForRCenter = RBottom;
        NSPoint CP_ApproachingRCenterFromRBottom = NSMakePoint(RCenter.x, RCenter.y + (RBottom.y - RCenter.y) * SIDE_CENTER_CP_OFFSET);

        NSPoint CP_DepartingRCenterForRTop = NSMakePoint(RCenter.x, RCenter.y - (RCenter.y - RTop.y) * SIDE_CENTER_CP_OFFSET);
        NSPoint CP_ApproachingRTopFromRCenter = RTop;

        NSPoint CP_DepartingTRightForTCenter = TRight;
        NSPoint CP_ApproachingTCenterFromTRight = NSMakePoint(TCenter.x + (TRight.x - TCenter.x) * SIDE_CENTER_CP_OFFSET, TCenter.y);

        // Draw the bloody square
        NSBezierPath *p = [[NSBezierPath alloc] init];

        [p moveToPoint:TCenter];
        [p curveToPoint:TLeft controlPoint1:CP_DepartingTCenterForTLeft controlPoint2:CP_ApproachingTLeft];
        [p curveToPoint:LTop controlPoint1:CP_TLeft controlPoint2:CP_LTop];
        [p curveToPoint:LCenter controlPoint1:CP_DepartingLTopForLCenter controlPoint2:CP_ApproachingLCenterFromLTop];
        [p curveToPoint:LBottom controlPoint1:CP_DepartingLCenterForLBottom controlPoint2:CP_ApproachingLBottom];
        [p curveToPoint:BLeft controlPoint1:CP_LBottom controlPoint2:CP_BLeft];
        [p curveToPoint:BCenter controlPoint1:CP_DepartingBLeftForBCenter controlPoint2:CP_ApproachingBCenter];
        [p curveToPoint:BRight controlPoint1:CP_DepartingBCenterForBRight controlPoint2:CP_ApproachingBRight];
        [p curveToPoint:RBottom controlPoint1:CP_BRight controlPoint2:CP_RBottom];
        [p curveToPoint:RCenter controlPoint1:CP_DepartingRBottomForRCenter controlPoint2:CP_ApproachingRCenterFromRBottom];
        [p curveToPoint:RTop controlPoint1:CP_DepartingRCenterForRTop controlPoint2:CP_ApproachingRTopFromRCenter];
        [p curveToPoint:TRight controlPoint1:CP_RTop controlPoint2:CP_TRight];
        [p curveToPoint:TCenter controlPoint1:CP_DepartingTRightForTCenter controlPoint2:CP_ApproachingTCenterFromTRight];

        [p closePath];

        _path = p;

    //  We want a slightly white drop shadow on the stroke and fill, giving our square some sense of depth.
    [_shadow set];

    [[NSColor blackColor] set];
    [_path fill];

    // Clip to the bezier path and draw a fill image inside of it.
    [currentContext saveGraphicsState];

        [_path addClip];
        [image drawInRect:frame fromRect:NSZeroRect operation:NSCompositeCopy fraction:1.0f respectFlipped:YES hints:nil];

        if (self.isHighlighted)
            // If we're clicked, draw a 50% black overlay to show that
            NSColor *overColor = [NSColor colorWithCalibratedWhite:0.0 alpha:0.5];
            [overColor set];
            [_path fill];

    [currentContext restoreGraphicsState];

    // Stroke the square to create a nice border with a drop shadow at top and bottom.
    [_borderColor set];
    [_path stroke];
