这是我在masm32中的第一个汇编程序。使用vis studio 2012.这只是程序中的一个过程,用于将输入转换为带有十进制,十六进制和ascii输出的ascii图表。我一直试图弄清楚这8小时,我知道这将是非常简单的事情。 它完成所有计算,但在弹出和返回阶段,它在访问EIP时崩溃成未处理的异常(我认为)。此外,我的所有寄存器都设置为0,除了ebx,我不知道为什么,但它可能与它有关。
这只是将输入字符串转换为十进制值的过程。 *
inputStr db 16 DUP(0)
main proc
xor eax, eax
xor ebx, ebx
xor ecx, ecx
xor edx, edx
lea esi, outputStr1
call PrintString
lea esi, inputStr
call GetString
call StrtoNum
invoke ExitProcess, 0 ;****This is the next line when it crashes***
main endp
StrtoNum proc ;going to hex first
mov bl, 1 ;mov 1 into bl for later multiplying
mov al,byte ptr [esi]
cmp al, 0 ;stuff
je ConvertDone ;if null then we are done here
;esi is pointing to the string to be converted
;cmp bl,0
;jnz decrement
cmp al, 0h
je ConvertDec
sub al, 30h ;get first string byte to dec number 0-9
push ax ;push last digit to stack
inc esi ;gets to next string byte
inc cl ;make note of decimal position in string
jmp whilemorechar ;jump for next place in string
ConvertDec: ;reverse is done, now turn into decimal number
cmp cl, 0 ;compare counter to 0
jz ConvertDone ;if counter is 0, start comparing numbers
pop ax ;pop last on stack
mul bl ;multiply place value by input byte
add dx, ax ;add decimal value into dl
mov al, 10d ;move 10 into al
mul bx ;multiply 10 and bl value to get next
mov bx, ax ;mov decimal place into bl for next loop
dec cl ;decrement counter
jmp ConvertDec ;loop through again for next decimal place
mov ebx, 0
popfd ;pop flags
popad ;pop registers
ret ;return to caller
StrtoNum endp