在两个日期之间搜索My SQL中的数据

时间:2013-02-15 22:51:41

标签: java mysql sql

当我在一个月内的两个日期之间进行搜索时(例如在02-02-201309-02-2013之间) 结果显示从03-01-201308-01-201303-02-201308-02-2013


try {
    dconfig dcf=new dconfig();
    java.sql.Connection connection;
    connection=(com.mysql.jdbc.Connection) DriverManager.getConnection(dcf.StrUrl,dcf.StrUid,dcf.StrPwd);
    ResultSet rs = null;
    ResultSet rscount;
    String StrQr="";

    if (jobnamesearch.getText().trim().length()>0 ) {
        StrQr=StrQr + " and job_name like '%" + jobnamesearch.getText().trim() +"%' ";

    if (datetosearch.getText().trim().length()>0) {
        StrQr=StrQr + " and date > '" + datesearch.getText().toString()+"' ";
        StrQr=StrQr + " and date < '" + datetosearch.getText().toString()+"' ";

    if (datesearch.getText().trim().length()>0 && datetosearch.getText().trim().length()==0) {
        StrQr=StrQr + " and date like '%" + datesearch.getText().trim().toString()+ "%' ";

    if (dwsearch.getText().trim().length()>0 ) {
        StrQr=StrQr + " and dw_no like '%" + dwsearch.getText().trim() +  "%' ";

    if (remsearch.getText().trim().length()>0 ) {
        StrQr=StrQr + " and rem_no like '%" + remsearch.getText().trim() +  "%' ";

    if (typesearch.getSelectedItem().toString().length()<11) {
        StrQr=StrQr + " and type like '%" + typesearch.getSelectedItem().toString() +  "%' ";

    if (usersearch.getSelectedItem().toString().length()>0) {
        StrQr=StrQr + " and user like '%" + usersearch.getSelectedItem().toString() +  "%' ";

    java.sql.PreparedStatement stmt=connection.prepareStatement("SELECT ID,job_name,details,type,dw_no,rem_no,user,date FROM tracker  where 1=1 " + StrQr +" order by ID DESC");
    java.sql.PreparedStatement stmtcount=connection.prepareStatement("SELECT Count(*) FROM tracker  where 1=1 " + StrQr +"");
    rs = stmt.executeQuery();

    rscount = stmtcount.executeQuery();

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)


if (datetosearch.getText().trim().length()>0) {
    StrQr=StrQr + " and date > '" + datesearch.getText().toString()+"' ";
    StrQr=StrQr + " and date < '" + datetosearch.getText().toString()+"' ";

你说日期&gt; - 尝试将其更改为&gt; =和&lt; =。

if (datetosearch.getText().trim().length()>0) {
    StrQr=StrQr + " and date >= '" + datesearch.getText().toString()+"' ";
    StrQr=StrQr + " and date <= '" + datetosearch.getText().toString()+"' ";

此外,如果您的数据库中的日期是日期时间,则&lt; =也将无效。您需要添加一天或附加23:59,因为它将在午夜搜索。


BTW - 这非常容易受到SQL注入攻击。请考虑使用参数化查询。