select distinct top 10
QuestionTag =( CASE
WHEN qt.id = 98 THEN 'Save the Sale TP'
WHEN qt.id = 99 THEN 'Close the Loop'
WHEN qt.id != 98 AND qt.id != 99 THEN ''
WHEN qt.id = 98 AND qt.id = 99 THEN 'Save the Sale TP'
c.contactid as contactid, c.first, c.last,
st.datecomplete, st.ownerIdfk, st.finalScore, st.surveyid,
cc.clientcontactid, cc.leadsource,
se.eventdate, se.ProcedureName, se.LocationName, se.salesperson, se.SpecialistName, st.surveyname
from sigweb.dbo.survey_tracking st
join sigweb.dbo.survey_types_main stm on st.surveyid = stm.surveyidfk
join sigweb.dbo.contact c on st.contactid = c.contactid
join survey.dbo.client_contacts cc on c.contactid = cc.contactidfk
join survey.dbo.survey_events se on c.contactid = se.contactidfk
join survey.dbo.results r on r.owneridfk = st.owneridfk
left join survey.dbo.questionsAdmin qa on qa.questionidfk = r.questionidfk
join survey.dbo.QuestionTags qt on qt.id=qa.tagidfk
QuestionTag ContactID First Last
----------- --------- ----- ----
2012082911569010000001 John Reardon
Close the Loop 2012082911569010000001 John Reardon
Save the Sale TP 2012082911569010000001 John Reardon
2012082911569010000003 Beverly Conley
Close the Loop 2012082911569010000003 Beverly Conley
Save the Sale TP 2012082911569010000003 Beverly Conley
2012082911569010000009 Larry Grigsby
2012082911569010000011 Brenda Bain
2012082911569010000012 Richard Pecora
2012082911569010000018 Karl Oliszczak
如果contactid只有STS TP,那么选择那个
如果一个联系人出现不止一次并且它有''和CTL和STS TP,那么只输出STS TP
如果联系人没有CL或STS TP,则根本不输出联系人。
答案 0 :(得分:1)
;with cte as (
select QuestionTag =( CASE
WHEN qt.id = 98 THEN 'Save the Sale TP'
WHEN qt.id = 99 THEN 'Close the Loop'
END) ,
row_number() over(partition by c.contactid order by
case when qt.id = 98 then 1
when qt.id = 99 then 2
else 3 end) rn
From your_list_of_tables
select top (10) * from cte where rn = 1 and QuestionTag <> ''
答案 1 :(得分:1)
datecomplete, ownerIdfk, finalScore, surveyid, surveyname, contactid
CASE WHEN max_questionSort = 98 THEN 'Save the Sale TP' ELSE 'Close the Loop' END AS questionTag,
c.contactid AS contactid, c.FIRST, c.LAST,
cc.clientcontactid, cc.leadsource,
se.eventdate, se.ProcedureName, se.LocationName, se.salesperson, se.SpecialistName
datecomplete, ownerIdfk, finalScore, surveyid, surveyname, contactid
MAX(QuestionSort) AS max_questionSort
WHEN questionidfk = 98 THEN 1
WHEN questionidfk = 99 THEN 0
END AS QuestionSort ,
datecomplete, st.ownerIdfk, finalScore, surveyid, surveyname, contactid
sigweb.dbo.survey_tracking st INNER JOIN
survey.dbo.results r ON
r.owneridfk = st.owneridfk
questionidfk IN (98,99)) w
datecomplete, ownerIdfk, finalScore, surveyid, surveyname, contactid) st INNER JOIN
JOIN sigweb.dbo.contact c ON st.contactid = c.contactid
JOIN survey.dbo.client_contacts cc ON c.contactid = cc.contactidfk
JOIN survey.dbo.survey_events se ON c.contactid = se.contactidfk
答案 2 :(得分:1)
; with ContactQuestions as (
select ContactId, QuestionId,
case when qt.id = 98 then 1 else 0 end as STSTP,
case when qt.id = 99 then 1 else 0 end as CTL
from many_joined_tables ),
where case
-- Only STSTP.
when STSTP = 1 and not exists ( select 42 from ContactQuestions where ContactId = c.ContactId and CTL = 1 ) then 1
-- Only CTL.
when CTL = 1 and not exists ( select 42 from ContactQuestions where ContactId = c.ContactId and STSTP = 1 ) then 1
-- Multiple rows for a contact and they have CTL and STSTP then output the STSTP row.
-- Since only CTL or STSTP can be set for a single row this is equivalent to checking for
-- any CTL row and the current row being STSTP.
when exists ( select 42 from ContactQuestions where ContactId = c.ContactId and CTL = 1 ) and STSTP = 1 then 1
else 0
end = 1
答案 3 :(得分:0)
qt.questiontag, qt.id,
c.contactid as contactid, c.first, c.last,
st.datecomplete, st.ownerIdfk, st.finalScore, st.surveyid,
cc.clientcontactid, cc.leadsource,
se.eventdate, se.ProcedureName, se.LocationName, se.salesperson, se.SpecialistName, st.surveyname
from sigweb.dbo.survey_tracking st
join sigweb.dbo.survey_types_main stm on st.surveyid = stm.surveyidfk
join sigweb.dbo.contact c on st.contactid = c.contactid
join survey.dbo.client_contacts cc on c.contactid = cc.contactidfk
join survey.dbo.survey_events se on c.contactid = se.contactidfk and st.surveyid = se.surveytypeidfk
left join survey.dbo.questiontags qt on
(select top 1 qa.tagidfk
from survey.dbo.results r
join survey.dbo.questionsadmin qa on r.answeridfk = qa.answeridfk and (qa.tagidfk = 98 or qa.tagidfk = 99)
where st.owneridfk = r.owneridfk
order by qa.tagidfk ) = qt.id
where st.datecomplete > '2013-02-01'