定义没有基类的Objective-C类 - 编译器警告

时间:2013-02-12 21:34:24

标签: ios objective-c nsinvocation

我正在使用以下NSInvocation代码格式Matt Gallagher作为我的撤消/重做代码。虽然使用最新版本的xCode,但我没有收到警告: NSInvocation(ForwardedConstruction).m:28:12:定义了'InvocationProxy'而没有指定基类





    //  NSInvocation(ForwardedConstruction).h
    //  Created by Matt Gallagher on 19/03/07.
    //  Copyright 2007 Matt Gallagher. All rights reserved.
    //  Permission is given to use this source code file without charge in any
    //  project, commercial or otherwise, entirely at your risk, with the condition
    //  that any redistribution (in part or whole) of source code must retain
    //  this copyright and permission notice. Attribution in compiled projects is
    //  appreciated but not required.

    @interface NSInvocation (ForwardedConstruction)

    + (id)invocationWithTarget:(id)target
        invocationOut:(NSInvocation **)invocationOut;
    + (id)retainedInvocationWithTarget:(id)target
        invocationOut:(NSInvocation **)invocationOut;



    //  NSInvocation(ForwardedConstuction).m
    //  Created by Matt Gallagher on 19/03/07.
    //  Copyright 2007 Matt Gallagher. All rights reserved.
    //  Permission is given to use this source code file without charge in any
    //  project, commercial or otherwise, entirely at your risk, with the condition
    //  that any redistribution (in part or whole) of source code must retain
    //  this copyright and permission notice. Attribution in compiled projects is
    //  appreciated but not required.

#import "NSInvocation(ForwardedConstruction).h"
#import <objc/runtime.h>
#import <objc/message.h>

    // InvocationProxy is a private class for receiving invocations via the
    // forwarding mechanism and saving the received invocation to an external
    // invocation pointer.
    // To avoid as many instance methods as possible, InvocationProxy is a base
    // class (not a subclass of NSObject) and does not implement the NSObject
    // protocol (and so is *not* a first-class object).
@interface InvocationProxy
    Class isa;
    NSInvocation **invocation;
    id target;
    BOOL retainArguments;
    NSUInteger forwardingAddress;

/*+ (id)alloc;*/
+ (void)setValuesForInstance:(InvocationProxy *)instance
       destinationInvocation:(NSInvocation **)destinationInvocation
- (NSMethodSignature *)methodSignatureForSelector:(SEL)aSelector;
- (void)forwardInvocation:(NSInvocation *)forwardedInvocation;


#ifndef __OBJC_GC__

    // DeallocatorHelper is a basic object which takes an id
    // and deallocates it when the DeallocatorHelper is deallocated.
    // Not used in a garbage collected environment (which should deallocate the
    // id automatically).
@interface DeallocatorHelper : NSObject
    id object;

- (id)initWithObject:(id)newObject;
- (void)dealloc;


@implementation DeallocatorHelper

    // initWithObject
    // Init method for objects which sets the id to be autoreleased.
- (id)initWithObject:(id)newObject
    self = [super init];
    if (self != nil)
        object = newObject;
    return self;

    // dealloc
    // Deallocates the id.
- (void)dealloc
    [super dealloc];



@implementation InvocationProxy

    // initialize
    // This empty method is required because the runtime tries to invoke it when
    // the first message is sent to the Class. If it doesn't exist, the runtime
    // gets mad.
+ (void)initialize

    // alloc
    // Allocator for the class. Also sets the 
+ (id)alloc
        // Allocate the object using the default allocator.
    InvocationProxy *newObject =
#ifdef __OBJC_GC__
    objc_allocate_object(self, 0);
    NSAllocateObject(self, 0, nil);
    return newObject;

- (id)init {  
    return self;  

    // setValuesForInstance:target:destinationInvocation:retainArguments:
    // Method to set the attributes on the instance passed in. We use a class
    // method instead of an instance method to avoid extra instance methods on
    // the class.
+ (void)setValuesForInstance:(InvocationProxy *)instance
       destinationInvocation:(NSInvocation **)destinationInvocation
    instance->target = destinationTarget;
    instance->invocation = destinationInvocation;
    instance->retainArguments = retain;

    // methodSignatureForSelector:
    // Invoked by the runtime whenever a message is sent for a method that doesn't
    // exist.
- (NSMethodSignature *)methodSignatureForSelector:(SEL)aSelector
        // This method should be invoked once before attributes are set (as an
        // "init" invocation).
    if (target == nil)
            // If the invocation is something other than "init", complain using
            // NSObject's standard doesNotRecognizeSelector:
        if (aSelector != @selector(init))
            SEL failSEL = @selector(doesNotRecognizeSelector:);
            Method failMethod =
            class_getInstanceMethod([NSObject class], failSEL);
            IMP failImp = method_getImplementation(failMethod);
            failImp(self, failSEL, aSelector);

            // Otherwise, we use the forwarded "init" to preserve the return
            // address of the forwarding code (which we can use later to determine
            // if this is a forwarded or direct invocation).
        forwardingAddress = (NSUInteger)__builtin_return_address(0);

            // Return the NSMethodSignature from NSObject's init method (just
            // so we have something to return).
        return [NSObject instanceMethodSignatureForSelector:aSelector];

        // On subsequent invocations, check if we are a forwarded invocation or
        // a direct invocation.
    NSUInteger returnAddress = (NSUInteger)__builtin_return_address(0);
    if (returnAddress != forwardingAddress)
            // Handle the case where methodSignatureForSelector: is the message sent
            // directly to the proxy.
            // There is a chance that we have guessed wrong (i.e. if this is sent
            // from __forward__ but from a different code branch) but that won't
            // cause a fatal problem, just a redundant autoreleased NSInvocation
            // that will get safely autoreleased and ignored.
            // Create an NSInvocation for methodSignatureForSelector: 
        NSMethodSignature *signature =
        [target methodSignatureForSelector:_cmd];
        *invocation =
        [NSInvocation invocationWithMethodSignature:signature];
        [*invocation setTarget:target];
        [*invocation setSelector:_cmd];
        [*invocation setArgument:&aSelector atIndex:2];
        if (retainArguments)
            [*invocation retainArguments];

            // Deliberately fall through and still return the target's
            // methodSignatureForSelector: result (in case we guessed wrong).

        // This is the "normal" case: after initialization, we have been correctly
        // invoked from the forwarding code. Return the target's
        // methodSignatureForSelector: for the given selector.
    NSMethodSignature *signature =
    [target methodSignatureForSelector:aSelector];

    NSAssert3(signature != nil,
              @"NSInvocation(ForwardedConstruction) error: object 0x%@ of class '%@' does not implement %s",
              target, [target className], sel_getName(aSelector));

    return signature;

    // forwardInvocation:
    // This method is invoked by message forwarding.
- (void)forwardInvocation:(NSInvocation *)forwardedInvocation
        // This method will be invoked once on initialization (before target is set).
        // Do nothing.
    if (target == nil)
            // This branch will be followed when "init" is invoked on the newly
            // allocated object. Since "init" returns "self" we need to set that
            // on the forwardedInvocation.
        [forwardedInvocation setReturnValue:&self];

        // Check if the target of the forwardedInvocation is equal to self. If
        // it is, then this is a genuine forwardedInvocation. If it isn't, then
        // forwardInvocation: was directly the message sent to this proxy.
    if ([forwardedInvocation target] == self)
        [forwardedInvocation setTarget:target];
        *invocation = forwardedInvocation;
        if (retainArguments)
            [*invocation retainArguments];

        // Handle the case where forwardedInvocation is the message sent directly
        // to the proxy. We create an NSInvocation representing a forwardInvocation:
        // sent to the target instead.
    NSMethodSignature *signature =
    [target methodSignatureForSelector:_cmd];
    *invocation =
    [NSInvocation invocationWithMethodSignature:signature];
    [*invocation setTarget:target];
    [*invocation setSelector:_cmd];
    [*invocation setArgument:&forwardedInvocation atIndex:2];
    if (retainArguments)
        [*invocation retainArguments];


@implementation NSInvocation (ForwardedConstruction)

    // invocationWithTarget:invocationOut:
    // Basic constructor for NSIncoation using forwarded construction.
+ (id)invocationWithTarget:(id)target
             invocationOut:(NSInvocation **)invocationOut
        // Check that invocationOut isn't nil.
    NSAssert2(target != nil && invocationOut != nil,
              @"%@ method %s requires target that isn't nil and a valid NSInvocation** for the second parameter",
              [self className], sel_getName(_cmd));

        // Alloc and init the proxy
    InvocationProxy *invocationProxy = [[InvocationProxy alloc] init];

        // Set the instance attributes on the proxy

        // Create the DeallocatorHelper if needed
#ifndef __OBJC_GC__
        [[[DeallocatorHelper alloc]

    return invocationProxy;

    // retainedInvocationWithTarget:invocationOut:
    // Same as above but sends retainArguments to the NSInvocation created.
+ (id)retainedInvocationWithTarget:(id)target
                     invocationOut:(NSInvocation **)invocationOut
        // Check that invocationOut isn't nil.
    NSAssert2(target != nil && invocationOut != nil,
              @"%@ method %s requires target that isn't nil and a valid NSInvocation** for the second parameter",
              [self className], sel_getName(_cmd));

        // Alloc and init the proxy
    InvocationProxy *invocationProxy = [[InvocationProxy alloc] init];

        // Set the instance attributes on the proxy

        // Create the DeallocatorHelper if needed
#ifndef __OBJC_GC__
    [[[DeallocatorHelper alloc]

    return invocationProxy;


3 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:26)

使用NS_ROOT_CLASS或pragma -Wobjc-root-class禁用根类警告。例如:

@interface InvocationProxy

@implementation InvocationProxy


#pragma clang diagnostic push
#pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wobjc-root-class"
@interface InvocationProxy
#pragma clang diagnostic pop

@implementation InvocationProxy

答案 1 :(得分:3)

似乎NSObject的遗传遗漏是针对图书馆的设计(根据评论),所以我建议你remove the warning using a pragma

#pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-W<warningcode>"

答案 2 :(得分:0)

上面的解决方案是正确的。 我个人使用这个简单的MACRO:

#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>


@interface RootClassName
