我在Web API基本控制器中有一个泛型方法,我在其中传入一个Func 如果可能的话,我想以某种方式来限制lambda中使用的回调方法的参数......
public class StuffController : BaseController
// method #1
public async Task<HttpResponseMessage> GetWidget(int id)
return await ProcessRestCall(async rc => await rc.GetWidgetAsync(id));
// method #2
public async Task<HttpResponseMessage> GetWidget(int year, int periodId, int modelId, int sequenceId)
return await ProcessRestCall(async rc => await rc.GetWidgetAsync(year, periodId, modelId, sequenceId));
// method #3
public async Task<HttpResponseMessage> DecodeWidget(string sid)
return await ProcessRestCall(async rc => await rc.GetIdsAsync(sid));
public class BaseController : ApiController
protected async Task<HttpResponseMessage> ProcessRestCall<T>(Func<RestClient, Task<T>> restClientCallback) where T : class
// stuff happens...
// TODO: here I'd like to capture parameters (and their types) of the await methods passed to restClientCallback via lambdas...
// for example, in case of method #2 I would get params object [] containing year, periodId, modelId, sequenceId
T result = await restClientCallback(restClient);
// more stuff...
var response = Request.CreateResponse(HttpStatusCode.OK, result);
return response;
public async Task<HttpResponseMessage> GetWidget(int id)
var cacheKey = Cache.GenerateKeyFor(typeof(Widget), id);
return await ProcessRestCall(async rc => await rc.GetWidgetAsync(id), cacheKey);