
时间:2013-02-12 05:47:24

标签: php html css

我不知道如何在这段代码中休息,所以下面这段代码中的jaward图像以垂直格式显示多个图像(而不是水平并排显示)。因为图像很宽,如果我水平显示它会占用很多空间吗?我的编码知识是基本的,所以如果你能告诉我具体的位置,那将是非常有帮助的.. :)。我也不确定是否应该使用分页符


                    // Hack for jAwards integration, displays some medals of the user for Kunena 1.6
                $number_medals = 10;  // number of medals to show
                $query = "SELECT b.image, b.name"
            . "\n FROM #__jawards_awards AS a"
            . "\n LEFT JOIN #__jawards_medals AS b ON b.id = a.award"
            . "\n WHERE a.userid=". $this->profile->userid
            . "\n ORDER BY RAND() LIMIT ".$number_medals;

        $database = &JFactory::getDbo(); 
        $database->setQuery( $query );
                $medals = $database->loadObjectList();

                // URL links to the jAwards-Tab for Community Builder which displays all
                // medals of the user - change to another URL of needed

                // CSS-class "ja_medals" allows individual styling of medal images and
                // container. "nobr" keeps the medals from breaking apart, display them 
                // in one row.
                $msg_jawards = "<div class=\"ja_medals\"><nobr>";
            foreach ($medals as $med){
        $msg_jawards.= "<a href=\"$awards_url\" title=\"$med->name\">" 
            . "<img style='border:0px;padding:0px;' src=\"".KUNENA_JLIVEURL."/images/medals/".$med->image ."\" alt=\"".$med->name."\" />"
            . "</a>";    

        echo $msg_jawards;


3 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:2)


<img src="..." />
<br />
<img src="..." />

答案 1 :(得分:1)


.ja_medals img { display: block; }

答案 2 :(得分:0)

$ msg_jawards。=“name \”&gt;“             。 “image。”\“alt = \”“。$ med-&gt; name。”\“/&gt;”             。 “
”;     把&lt; BR /&gt;标签在最后。 或将您的图像放入P标签