
时间:2013-02-12 03:13:20

标签: java keyboard processing 2d-games


//global variables
int wide = 600; //canvas width
int tall = 600; //canvas height
int s = 50; //player size
float speed = 2.5; //player movement speed

int redColor = #CB4646; //player 1 color
int blueColor = #4652CB; //player 2 color
int backgroundColor = #DBE3B3; //background color
float player1X = 600/3-s;  //HOW COME width/3 DOESN'T WORK??????????
float player2X = 600*2/3;
float playerY = 600/2-(s/2);

Player player1 = new Player(player1X, playerY, s, speed, "wasd", redColor); //player 1
Player player2 = new Player(player2X, playerY, s, speed, "arrows", blueColor); //player 2

void setup(){
  size(wide, tall);

void draw(){

class Player{

   //class variables
   float x; // x position
   float y; // y position
   int s; //size
   float speed; //speed
   String controls; //controls
   int colors; //player color
   char keyControls [] = new char [4];

   Player(float tempX, float tempY, int tempS , float tempSpeed, String tempControls, int tempColors){
     x = tempX; 
     y = tempY; 
     s = tempS; 
     speed = tempSpeed; 
     controls = tempControls; 
     colors = tempColors; 

   void usePlayer(){

     // draw player
     rect(x, y, s, s);

     //move player



   void keyPressed(){

     //sets controls for wasd
     if(controls == "wasd"){ 
          if(key == 'w' || key == 'W'){ 
            y -= speed; //move forwards
          if(key == 's' || key == 'S'){
            y += speed; //move backwards
            if(key == 'd' || key == 'D'){
            x += speed; //move right
          if(key == 'a' || key == 'A'){
            x -= speed; //move left

      //sets controls for arrows 
      if(controls == "arrows"){ 
        if(key == CODED){
          if(keyCode == UP){ 
            y -= speed; //move forwards
          if(keyCode == DOWN){
            y += speed; //move backwards
            if(keyCode == RIGHT){
            x += speed; //move right
          if(keyCode == LEFT){
            x -= speed; //move left

    //pacman style wraparound
    void boundaries(){
     if(x == width) x = 2;
     if(y == height) y = 2;
     if(x == 0) x = width-s;
     if(y == 0) y = height-s;

3 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:3)


boolean[] keys = new int[255];

void keyPressed() {
  keys[keyCode] = true;

void keyReleased() {
  keys[keyCode] = false;

void draw() {

void updatePlayers() {
  if(keys[LEFT]) { p1.move(-1,0); }
  if(keys[RIGHT]) { p1.move(1,0); }
  if(keys[UP]) { p1.move(0,-1); }
  if(keys[DOWN]) { p1.move(0,1); }

  if(keys['a']) { p2.move(-1,0); }
  if(keys['d']) { p2.move(1,0); }
  if(keys['w']) { p2.move(0,-1); }
  if(keys['s']) { p2.move(0,1); }


另请注意,此示例代码不会过滤特殊键的高于255的代码,因此您可能希望在事件处理程序的开头添加“if(keyCode> 255)return”

答案 1 :(得分:0)


答案 2 :(得分:0)

这是我用来处理同时按键(对角移动)的Arduino / Processing代码。它修复了boolean[] cannot be cast to int[]错误的问题,如@Brannon所示,并使用keyCodes而不是key。

import processing.serial.*;
boolean[] keys = new boolean[255];
Serial port;
void setup() { 
 port = new Serial(this, Serial.list()[1], 9600);
void draw() {

  // loop through boolean array and see which ones (index = keyCode)
  // are true, then write to them.
  for(int i = 0; i < 255; i++) {
    if(keys[i]) { 
      if (i == 87) { port.write('w'); }
      if (i == 65) { port.write('a'); }
      if (i == 83) { port.write('s'); }
      if (i == 68) { port.write('d'); }
void keyPressed() {
  keys[keyCode] = true;
void keyReleased() {
  keys[keyCode] = false;