不幸的是,当我按照下面的代码进行实际替换时,它将按照添加到字典中的顺序替换源字。如果我那么,例如"蓝"然后" Blue Berry"" Blue"参与" Blue Berry"取而代之的是第一个目标和"浆果"仍然保持原样。
'This is where I replace the values
For Each curKey In dctRepl.keys()
largeTxt = Replace(largeTxt, curKey, dctRepl(curKey))
答案 0 :(得分:13)
Public Function funcSortKeysByLengthDesc(dctList As Object) As Object
Dim arrTemp() As String
Dim curKey As Variant
Dim itX As Integer
Dim itY As Integer
'Only sort if more than one item in the dict
If dctList.Count > 1 Then
'Populate the array
ReDim arrTemp(dctList.Count - 1)
itX = 0
For Each curKey In dctList
arrTemp(itX) = curKey
itX = itX + 1
'Do the sort in the array
For itX = 0 To (dctList.Count - 2)
For itY = (itX + 1) To (dctList.Count - 1)
If Len(arrTemp(itX)) < Len(arrTemp(itY)) Then
curKey = arrTemp(itY)
arrTemp(itY) = arrTemp(itX)
arrTemp(itX) = curKey
End If
'Create the new dictionary
Set funcSortKeysByLengthDesc = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
For itX = 0 To (dctList.Count - 1)
funcSortKeysByLengthDesc.Add arrTemp(itX), dctList(arrTemp(itX))
Set funcSortKeysByLengthDesc = dctList
End If
End Function
答案 1 :(得分:5)
我正在寻找一个简单的VBA函数,通过在Microsoft Excel中提升键值来对字典进行排序。
'/* Wrapper (accurate function name) */
Public Function funcSortDictByKeyAscending(dctList As Object) As Object
Set funcSortDictByKeyAscending = funcSortKeysByLengthDesc(dctList)
End Function
'/* neelsg's code (modified) */
Public Function funcSortKeysByLengthDesc(dctList As Object) As Object
'// Dim arrTemp() As String
Dim arrTemp() As Variant
'Do the sort in the array
For itX = 0 To (dctList.Count - 2)
For itY = (itX + 1) To (dctList.Count - 1)
'// If Len(arrTemp(itX)) < Len(arrTemp(itY)) Then
If arrTemp(itX) > arrTemp(itY) Then
'Create the new dictionary
'// Set funcSortKeysByLengthDesc = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
Set d = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
For itX = 0 To (dctList.Count - 1)
'// funcSortKeysByLengthDesc.Add arrTemp(itX), dctList(arrTemp(itX))
d(arrTemp(itX)) = dctList(arrTemp(itX))
'// Added:
Set funcSortKeysByLengthDesc = d
Set funcSortKeysByLengthDesc = dctList
End If
End Function
答案 2 :(得分:0)
Private Sub SortDictionary(oDictionary As Scripting.Dictionary, oSandboxSheet As Worksheet)
On Error Resume Next
Dim oSortRange As Range
Dim oNewDictionary As Scripting.Dictionary
Dim lBegRow As Long, lEndRow As Long, lBegCol As Long, lEndCol As Long
Dim lIndex As Long
Dim sKey As String
Dim vKeys As Variant
' Transpose Keys into ones based array.
vKeys = oDictionary.Keys
vKeys = Application.WorksheetFunction.Transpose(vKeys)
' Calculate sheet rows and columns based upon array dimensions.
lBegRow = LBound(vKeys, 1): lEndRow = UBound(vKeys, 1)
lBegCol = LBound(vKeys, 2): lEndCol = UBound(vKeys, 2)
With oSandboxSheet
' Copy the keys to Excel Range calculated from Keys array dimensions.
.Range(.Cells(lBegRow, lBegCol), .Cells(lEndRow, lEndCol)).Value = vKeys
' Sort the entire range.
Set oSortRange = .Range(.Cells(lBegRow, lBegCol), .Cells(lEndRow, lEndCol))
With .Sort
With .SortFields
Call .Add(Key:=oSortRange, SortOn:=xlSortOnValues, Order:=xlAscending, DataOption:=xlSortNormal)
End With
Call .SetRange(oSortRange)
.Header = xlNo
.MatchCase = False
.Orientation = xlTopToBottom
.SortMethod = xlPinYin
End With
' Recreate the keys now sorted as desired.
vKeys = .Range(.Cells(lBegRow, lBegCol), .Cells(lEndRow, lEndCol)).Value
End With
' Create a new dictionary with the same characteristics as the old dictionary.
Set oNewDictionary = New Scripting.Dictionary
oNewDictionary.CompareMode = oDictionary.CompareMode
' Iterate over the new sorted keys and transfer values from old dictionary to new dictionary.
For lIndex = LBound(vKeys, 1) To UBound(vKeys, 1)
sKey = vKeys(lIndex, 1)
If oDictionary.Exists(sKey) Then
Call oNewDictionary.Add(sKey, oDictionary.Item(sKey))
End If
' Replace the old dictionary with new sorted dictionary.
Set oDictionary = oNewDictionary
Set oNewDictionary = Nothing: Set oSortRange = Nothing
On Error GoTo 0
End Sub
答案 3 :(得分:0)
Private Sub SortDictionary(oDictionary As Scripting.Dictionary)
On Error Resume Next
Dim oArrayList As Object
Dim oNewDictionary As Scripting.Dictionary
Dim vKeys As Variant, vKey As Variant
Set oArrayList = CreateObject("System.Collections.ArrayList")
' Transpose Keys into ones based array.
vKeys = oDictionary.Keys
vKeys = Application.WorksheetFunction.Transpose(vKeys)
For Each vKey In vKeys
Call oArrayList.Add(vKey)
' Create a new dictionary with the same characteristics as the old dictionary.
Set oNewDictionary = New Scripting.Dictionary
oNewDictionary.CompareMode = oDictionary.CompareMode
' Iterate over the array list and transfer values from old dictionary to new dictionary.
For Each vKey In oArrayList
sKey = CStr(vKey)
If oDictionary.Exists(sKey) Then
Call oNewDictionary.Add(sKey, oDictionary.Item(sKey))
End If
' Replace the old dictionary with new sorted dictionary.
Set oDictionary = oNewDictionary
Set oNewDictionary = Nothing: Set oArrayList = Nothing
On Error GoTo 0
End Sub