类型级别文字 - 不能在二进制函数中使用不同类型的参数

时间:2013-02-07 14:16:39

标签: haskell

使用Type Level Literals作为区分非空容器值(与幻像类型一样)的方法,使用类似的类型。

这很有效。 (要求GHC> = 7.6.1)


eq :: (Eq a) => TMaybe (sym :: Symbol) a -> TMaybe (sym :: Symbol) a -> Bool


无法匹配类型"Just"' with“Nothing”'

{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds, KindSignatures, GADTs, FlexibleInstances #-} 

import GHC.TypeLits

data TMaybe :: Symbol -> * -> * where
  TNothing  :: TMaybe "Nothing" a
  TJust :: a -> TMaybe "Just" a

nonEmpty :: Maybe a -> TMaybe "Just" a
nonEmpty (Just x) = TJust x
nonEmpty Nothing = error "invalid nonEmpty data"

-- this fromJust rejects TNothing at compile time  
fromJust :: (sym ~ "Just") => TMaybe (sym :: Symbol) a -> a
fromJust (TJust x) = x

tmbToMaybe :: TMaybe (sym :: Symbol) a -> Maybe a
tmbToMaybe TNothing = Nothing
tmbToMaybe (TJust x) = Just x

mbToTNothing Nothing = TNothing

mbToTJust (Just x) = TJust x

instance Eq a => Eq (TMaybe (sym :: Symbol) a) where
     TNothing == TNothing = True
     TJust x == TJust y = x == y
     _ == _ = False    -- useless, equal types required

instance Ord a => Ord (TMaybe (sym :: Symbol) a) where
     compare TNothing TNothing = EQ
     compare (TJust x) (TJust y) = Prelude.compare x y
     compare TNothing _ = LT   -- useless, equal types required
     compare _ TNothing = GT   -- useless, equal types required

instance  Functor (TMaybe (sym :: Symbol))  where
    fmap _ TNothing       = TNothing
    fmap f (TJust a)      = TJust (f a)

instance  Monad (TMaybe "Just") where
    (TJust x) >>= k      = k x

    (TJust _) >>  k      = k

    return            = TJust
    fail _              = error "can't fail to TNothing"


-- defining eq to admit parameter types with different symbol

eq :: (Eq a) => TMaybe (sym :: Symbol) a -> TMaybe (sym :: Symbol) a -> Bool
eq TNothing TNothing = True
eq (TJust x) (TJust y) = x == y
eq _ _ = False


-- Test

main = do
        print $ fromJust $ TJust (5::Int)   -- type-checks
        -- print $ fromJust TNothing   -- as expected, does not type-check

        -- print $ TNothing == TJust (5::Int)  -- as expected, does not type-check, types required equal at function def.
        print $ TNothing `eq` TJust (5::Int)   -- does not type-check either

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eq :: (Eq a) => TMaybe (sym :: Symbol) a -> TMaybe (sym :: Symbol) a -> Bool

要求两个参数具有相同的类型,因此编译器当然会拒绝尝试比较TMaybe "Nothing" aTMaybe "Just" a


eq :: (Eq a) => TMaybe (sym :: Symbol) a -> TMaybe (sym1 :: Symbol) a -> Bool


TNothing `eq` TJust (5::Int)

评估为False。 (然后,您需要在许多地方明确确定TNothing的类型。)