#define PRICE 1985.95
#define MAX_LENGTH 20
#define MAX_EMPLOYEES 25
#define MAX_WEEKS 7
void getNames(int* employeeNumber, char names[][MAX_LENGTH]);
void getSales(int* employeeNumber,int* weeksNumber, int weeks[][MAX_WEEKS+1]);
void calcEachTotal(int empNumber, int weekNumber, int weeks[][MAX_WEEKS+1]);
void calcTotal(int,int,int*,int [][MAX_WEEKS+1],int [][3]);
void calcCoTot(int ,int*, int [][3]);
void outputDataScreen(int,int,int,char [][MAX_LENGTH],int [][MAX_WEEKS+1], int [][3]);
void outputDataFile(int,int,int,char [][MAX_LENGTH],int [][MAX_WEEKS+1], int [][3]);
int main (void)
char employees[MAX_EMPLOYEES][MAX_LENGTH] = {{0}};
//holds personal sales info and each employees total sales
int sales[MAX_EMPLOYEES][MAX_WEEKS+1]={{0}};
//holds the weekly lowest,highest and total
int weeklyStats[MAX_WEEKS][3] = {{0}};
int employeeNumber;
int weeksNumber;
int companyTotal = 0;
getSales(&employeeNumber, &weeksNumber,sales);
calcEachTotal(employeeNumber, weeksNumber, sales);
//call function to calculate personal,weekly and company total sales
calcCoTot(weeksNumber,&companyTotal, weeklyStats);
//call two functions to output the data to the screen and the output text file
return 1;
Pre : NAMES.txt is an open file.
Post : Number of employees
This function will read the number of emplyees
and close if there is more than 25 employees
void getNames(int* employeeNumber, char names[][MAX_LENGTH])
FILE* spNames;
int i;
int j;
// statements
spNames = fopen("/Users/r3spectak/Desktop/NAMES.TXT", "r");
if (!spNames)
printf("Could not open NAMES.txt\n\n");
if (*employeeNumber > MAX_EMPLOYEES )
printf("Unable to read more than 25 employees\n\n");
for(i = 0; i< *employeeNumber;i++)
for(j = 0; j<= MAX_LENGTH; j++)
fscanf(spNames,"%c", &names[i][j]);
Pre : SALES.txt is an open file.
number of week and employee number with the array of weeks.
Post : number of weeks
This function reads the number of weaks and close
void getSales(int* employeeNumber,int* weeksNumber, int weeks[][MAX_WEEKS+1])
// Local variables
FILE* spSales;
int i;
int j;
// Statements
spSales = fopen("/Users/r3spectak/Desktop/SALES.TXT", "r");
if (!spSales)
printf("Could not open Sales.txt\n\n");
if (*weeksNumber > MAX_WEEKS)
printf("Unable to read more than 6 weeks\n\n");
for(i = 0 ; i < *employeeNumber;i++)
for(j = 0 ; j < *weeksNumber ; j++)
fscanf(spSales,"%d", &weeks[i][j]);
Pre : Number of employees, Number of weeks
Post : Employee total
This function calculates the weekly total for each employee and store in an array
void calcEachTotal(int employeeNumber, int weekNumber, int weeks[][MAX_WEEKS+1])
// Local Variables
int i;
int j;
// Statements
for(i = 0; i< employeeNumber; i++)
for(j=0, weeks[i][MAX_WEEKS] = 0; j< weekNumber;j++)
weeks[i][MAX_WEEKS] += weeks[i][j];
Pre : the number of the employees and the weeks , two arrays that hold the names and sales info and Stats array which is for weekly low,high and total
Post : calculates the weekly total for each employee. the highest, lowest and the total of each week and the company total and stores them in the arrays
This function
void calcTotal(int employeeNumber, int weekNumber,int *companyTotal, int weeks[][MAX_WEEKS+1],int stats[][3])
// Local Variables
int i;
int j;
// Statements
//calculate the weekly highest, lowest and total and store it in the stats array
for (i = 0 ; i<weekNumber ; i++)
for (j=0; j <employeeNumber; j++)
if (weeks[j][i] > stats[i][0])
stats[i][0] = weeks[j][i];
if (weeks[j][i] < stats[i][1])
stats[i][1] = weeks[j][i];
stats[i][2] += weeks[i][j];
Pre : the number of the employees and the weeks , two arrays that hold the names and sales info and Stats array which is for weekly low,high and total
Post : calculates the weekly total for each employee. the highest, lowest and the total of each week and the company total and stores them in the arrays
This function
void calcCoTot(int weekNumber,int *companyTotal, int stats[][3])
// Local Variables
int i;
int j;
//calculate the company total
for( i = 0; i < weekNumber ; i++)
*companyTotal += stats[i][2];
pre : the number of the workers and weeks, a char array that holds the names , an int array for personal sales and
another int array stats which holds weekly info , also another int for company total
post : outputs all the information in a table to the screen
void outputDataScreen(int empNum,int weeks,int companyTotal,char names[][MAX_LENGTH],int sales[][MAX_WEEKS+1], int stats[][3])
// Local Variables
int i;
int j;
int k;
// Statements
printf("\t\tHomework 2: Two Dimensional Arrays\n");
printf(" *** Sales Table *** \n\n");
for ( i = 0; i < weeks; i++)
for ( i = 0; i<weeks; i++)
for ( i = 0; i < weeks; i++)
for ( i = 0 ; i < empNum ; i++)
for ( j = 0 ; j<= MAX_LENGTH; j++)
for(k = 0; k < weeks;k++)
printf("\n*** The output is in OUTPUT.TXT ***\n\t\t\tEnd of the program!\n\t\t\tHave a great day!\n");
pre : the number of the workers and weeks, a char array that holds the names , an int array for personal sales and
another int array stats which holds weekly info , also another int for company total
post : outputs all the information in a table to the File
void outputDataFile(int empNum,int weeks,int companyTotal,char names[][MAX_LENGTH],int sales[][MAX_WEEKS+1], int stats[][3])
// Local Variables
FILE* fpOut;
int i;
int j;
int k;
//open the txt file to output the information
// Statements
fpOut = fopen("/Users/r3spectak/Desktop/OUTPUT.TXT","w");
fprintf(fpOut,"\t\tHomework 2: Two Dimensional Arrays\n");
fprintf(fpOut," *** Sales Table *** \n\n");
fprintf(fpOut,"Number of Employees: %d\n",empNum);
fprintf(fpOut,"Number of Weeks: %d\n\n",weeks);
fprintf(fpOut,"Personal sales info\n");
for ( i = 0; i < weeks; i++)
for ( i = 0; i<weeks; i++)
for ( i = 0; i < weeks; i++)
for ( i = 0 ; i < empNum ; i++)
for ( j = 0 ; j < MAX_LENGTH ; j++)
fprintf(fpOut," ");
for(k = 0 ; k < weeks;k++)
fprintf(fpOut,"%-.2f ",(double)sales[i][k]*PRICE);
fprintf(fpOut,"%-.2f ",(double)sales[i][MAX_WEEKS]*PRICE);
fprintf(fpOut,"\n\nWEEKLY INFO :\n\n");
fprintf(fpOut,"HIGHEST SALE ");
for (i=0 ; i < weeks ; i++ )
fprintf(fpOut,"%-.2f ",(double)stats[i][0]*PRICE);
fprintf(fpOut,"LOWEST SALE ");
for (i=0 ; i < weeks ; i++ )
fprintf(fpOut,"%-.2f ",(double)stats[i][1]*PRICE);
fprintf(fpOut,"WEEKLY TOTAL ");
for (i=0 ; i < weeks ; i++ )
fprintf(fpOut,"%-.2f ",(double)stats[i][2]*PRICE);
fprintf(fpOut,"\nCOMPANY TOTAL SALES : %-.2lf\n\n",(double)companyTotal*PRICE);
Kelly, Victor
Lam, Gary
Nagasake, David
Nguyen, Jeff
Nguyen, Michael
Sinn, Scott
Smith, Jacob
Son, Thai
Tavares, Maribel
Tran, Diane
Tsukamoto, Andrew
Wang, Mary
Young, Daniel
Wells, Steve
Wong, Justin
Johnson, Mary
25 20 25 25
20 22 23 22
25 26 25 22
30 28 25 26
25 30 45 20
30 25 20 21
27 25 24 26
20 23 24 20
28 26 24 25
30 10 35 32
28 29 30 35
15 16 15 14
12 15 12 19
20 24 20 18
10 15 12 16
32 30 33 29
该程序可以正常工作,但我发现阵列存在问题。它打印得不对。字符的顺序在该位置上运行,并且某些名称被截断。 数组的声明有什么问题吗?或者我必须打印空白区域?有人请帮帮我!
*** Sales Table ***
Number of Employees: 16
Number of Weeks: 4
Personal sales info
============= ====== ====== ====== ======
Salesperson Week1 Week2 Week3 Week4
============= ====== ====== ====== ======
Kelly, Victor 49648.75 39719.00 49648.75 49648.75 188665.25 *
Lam, Gary 39719.00 43690.90 45676.85 43690.90 172777.65 *
Nagasake, David 49648.75 51634.70 49648.75 43690.90 194623.10 *
Nguyen, Jeff 59578.50 55606.60 49648.75 51634.70 216468.55 *
Nguyen, Michae 49648.75 59578.50 89367.75 39719.00 238314.00 *
Sinn, Scott 59578.50 49648.75 39719.00 41704.95 190651.20 *
Smith, Jacob 53620.65 49648.75 47662.80 51634.70 202566.90 *
Son, Thai 39719.00 45676.85 47662.80 39719.00 172777.65 *
Tavares, M 55606.60 51634.70 47662.80 49648.75 204552.85 *
Tran, Dia 59578.50 19859.50 69508.25 63550.40 212496.65 *
Tsukamot 55606.60 57592.55 59578.50 69508.25 242285.90 *
, Andrew
Wang, M 29789.25 31775.20 29789.25 27803.30 119157.00 *
Young, 23831.40 29789.25 23831.40 37733.05 115185.10 *
Wells 39719.00 47662.80 39719.00 35747.10 162847.90 *
Wong 19859.50 29789.25 23831.40 31775.20 105255.35 *
Joh 63550.40 59578.50 65536.35 57592.55 246257.80 *
HIGHEST SALE 63550.40 59578.50 89367.75 69508.25
LOWEST SALE 19859.50 19859.50 23831.40 27803.30
WEEKLY TOTAL 722885.80 734801.50 822183.30 909565.10
答案 0 :(得分:0)
当您阅读名称时,只要名称不被读取, 你总是读MAX_LENGTH字符。所以第一个员工的名字并没有结束 当你认为它...它总是MAX_LENGTH字符。 此外,你永远不会终止你的字符串... names [i] [j] ='\ 0'。
for(i = 0; i< *employeeNumber;i++)
for(j = 0; j<= MAX_LENGTH; j++)
fscanf(spNames,"%c", &names[i][j]);
你为什么使用scanf?它一直是我痛苦的根源。 尝试使用fgets()..来读取该行。基于行的IO更好。 如果您使用scanf(“%c”),我不知道它对换行符的作用。
char *fgets(char *s, int size, FILE *stream);
for(i = 0; i< *employeeNumber;i++) {
fgets(names[i], MAX_LENGTH, spNames);
// trim the newline from the name (there is probably a better way)
int len = strlen(names[i]) - 1; // -1 because len=1 has only index 0
if (names[i][len] == '\n') names[i][len] = '\0';