
时间:2013-02-05 00:56:38

标签: r matrix

我正在研究协同过滤问题,我在将原始数据重塑为用户评级矩阵时遇到了问题。我获得了一个评级数据库,其中包含“电影”,“用户”和“评级”列。从这个数据库中,我想获得一个大小为#users x #movies的矩阵,其中每行表示用户的评级。


# given this:
ratingDB <- data.frame(rbind(c(1,1,1),c(1,2,NA),c(1,3,0), c(2,1,1), c(2,2,1), c(2,3,0), 
                         c(3,1,NA), c(3,2,NA), c(3,3,1)))
names(ratingDB) <- c('user', 'movie', 'liked')

#how do I get this?
userRating <- matrix(data = rbind(c(1,NA,0), c(1,1,0), c(NA,NA,1)), nrow=3)


1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:3)


# sort the 'liked' values (this is not neccessary for the example data)
vec <- with(ratingDB, liked[order(user, movie)])

# create a matrix
matrix(vec, nrow = length(unique(ratingDB$user)), byrow = TRUE)

     [,1] [,2] [,3]
[1,]    1   NA    0
[2,]    1    1    0
[3,]   NA   NA    1

这会将存储在ratingDB$liked中的向量转换为矩阵。参数byrow = TRUE允许按行排列数据(默认是按列)。

更新:如果NA案例不在数据框中,该怎么办? (见@steffen的评论)


subDB <- ratingDB[complete.cases(ratingDB), ]

  user movie liked
1    1     1     1
3    1     3     0
4    2     1     1
5    2     2     1
6    2     3     0
9    3     3     1


full <- setNames(with(subDB, expand.grid(sort(unique(user)), sort(unique(movie)))),
                 c("user", "movie"))

  movie user
1     1    1
2     2    1
3     3    1
4     1    2
5     2    2
6     3    2
7     1    3
8     2    3
9     3    3


ratingDB_2 <- merge(full, subDB, all = TRUE)

  user movie liked
1    1     1     1
2    1     2    NA
3    1     3     0
4    2     1     1
5    2     2     1
6    2     3     0
7    3     1    NA
8    3     2    NA
9    3     3     1


matrix(ratingDB_2$liked, nrow = length(unique(ratingDB_2$user)), byrow = TRUE)

     [,1] [,2] [,3]
[1,]    1   NA    0
[2,]    1    1    0
[3,]   NA   NA    1