
时间:2013-02-05 00:15:07

标签: design-patterns backbone.js permissions knockout.js

我正在使用Backbone和Knockout以及Knockback(ko + bb桥接库)构建一个相当大的cms类型的应用程序,我正试图找出一种抽象权限的好方法。也很抱歉这部小说。

首先,这是一个非常非标准的架构,你可能会问第二个问题 - 你为什么不使用像Ember或Angular这样更全面的东西?采取的点。这就是现在的情况。 :)



   'api/pages': {
     create: true, read: true, update: true, destroy: true
   'api/links': {
     create: false, read: true, update: false, destroy: false


initialize: function() {
  this.pages = new PagesCollection();
  this.links = new LinksCollection();

list: function() {
  var vm = new PageListViewmodel(this.pages, this.links);
  // adminPage method is available through inheritance
  this.adminPage('path/to/template', vm); // delegates to kb.renderTemplate under the hood.




list: function() {
  this.authorize([this.pages, this.links], ['read'], function(pages, links) {
    // return view.


对于更简单的viewmodels,我有想做这样的事情 - ala Ruby的CanCan:

this.currentUser.can('read', collection) // true or false
// can() would just look at the endpoint and compare to my perms object.

2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:4)


var Router = Backbone.Router.extend({
    routes: {
        "app/*perm": "go"

    route: function(route, name, callback) {
        if (!callback) callback = this[name];

        var f = function() {
            var perms = this.authorized(Backbone.history.getFragment());
            if (perms === true) {
                callback.apply(this, arguments);
            } else {
                this.trigger('denied', perms);
        return Backbone.Router.prototype.route.call(this, route, name, f);

    authorized: function(path) {
        // check if the path is authorized

    go: function(perm) {
       // perform action



var permissions = {
   'api/pages': {
     create: true, read: true, update: true, destroy: true
   'api/links': {
     create: false, read: true, update: false, destroy: false
var Router = Backbone.Router.extend({
    routes: {
        "app/*perm": "go"

    // protected paths, with the corresponding entry in the permissions object
    permissionsMap: {
        "app/pages": 'api/pages',
        "app/links": 'api/links',

    route: function(route, name, callback) {
        // see above

    // returns true if the path is allowed
    // returns an object with the path and the permission key used if not
    authorized: function(path) {
        var paths, match, permkey, perms;

        // find an entry for the current path
        paths = _.keys(this.permissionsMap);
        match = _.find(paths, function(p) {
            return path.indexOf(p)===0;            
        if (!match) return true;

        //check if the read permission is allowed
        permkey = this.permissionsMap[match];
        if (!permissions[permkey]) return true;
        if (permissions[permkey].read) return true;

        return {
            path: path,
            permission: permkey

    go: function(perm) {}


答案 1 :(得分:1)

Nikoshr的回答给了我一些可以运行的东西。我不认为实际上会覆盖route本身。但这是我的解决方案。我应该在问题中提到它 - 但有时路由器动作需要多个集合。

这方面的代码非常粗糙,需要测试 - 但它确实有效!小提琴here

以下是相关部分 - 这两种方法负责授权。

authorize: function(namedRoute) {
  if (this.permissions && this.collections) {
    var perms = this.permissions[namedRoute];
    if (!perms) {
      perms = {};
      // if nothing is specified for a particular  route, we
      // assume read access required for all registered controllers.
      _.each(_.keys(this.collections), function(key) {
        return perms[key] = [];

    var authorized = _.chain(perms)
      .map(function(reqPerms, collKey) {
        var collection = this.collections[collKey],
            permKey = _.result(collection, 'url');

        // We implicitly check for 'read'
        if (!_.contains('read')) {

        return _.every(reqPerms, function(ability) {
          return userPermissions[permKey][ability];
      }, this)
      .every(function(auth){ return auth; })
    return authorized;
  return true;
route: function(route, name, callback) {
  if (!callback) { callback = this[name]; }
  var action = function() {
    // allow anonymous routes through auth check.
    if (!name || this.authorize(name)) {
      callback.apply(this, arguments);
    } else {
  Backbone.Router.prototype.route.call(this, route, name, action);
  return this;


// Setup
routes: {
  'list'     : 'list',
  'list/:id' : 'detail',
  'create'   : 'create'

// Collection are registered so we can
// keep track of what actions use them
collections: {
  pages: new PagesCollection([{id:1, title: 'stuff'}]),
  links: new LinksCollection([{id:1, link: 'things'}])

// If a router method is not defined,
// 'read' access is assumed to be
// required for all registered collections.
permissions: {
  detail: {
    pages: ['update'],
    links: ['update']
  create: {
    pages: ['create'],
    links: ['create', 'update']