'Break Ups'帖子仅供用户2使用,她自己可以查看该帖子中正确的帖子数。
users (These aren't part of table. Just shows the counts we should display with our query depending on the user_id)
user_id | user_name //thread #: post_count-post_count_if_not_authorized = count to show
1 | tony //thread 2: 3-1= 2 posts. thread 3: 2-1= 1 post.
2 | steph //thread 2: 3-0= 3 posts. thread 3: 2-0= 2 posts.
3 | lizzy //thread 2: 3 posts. thread 3: 2 posts.
4 | adam //thread 2: 3-1= 2 posts. thread 3: 2-1= 1 post.
5 | lara //thread 2: 3-0= 3 posts. thread 3: 2-1= 1 post.
6 | alexa //thread 2: 3-0= 3 posts. thread 3: 2-1= 1 post.
post_id thread_id user_id post_name private (0 is public, 1 is private to authorized users)
1 1 1 Coding 0
2 2 3 Dating 1
3 2 3 Show Me 0
4 2 3 See Me 0
5 3 3 Break Ups 1
6 3 3 True Love 0
private_id post_id authorized_user_id
1 2 2
2 2 5
3 2 6
4 5 2
thread_id user_id post_count
1 1 1
2 3 3 | When outputted in php, we should subtract the correct COUNT
3 3 2 | from this depending on the user viewing the thread like above.
SELECT DISTINCT t.thread_id, t.post_count, t.COUNT(*)
FROM threads as t
JOIN posts as p on p.user_id = t.user_id
LEFT JOIN private pv on pv.post_id = p.post_id
WHERE t.user_id='3'
AND (p.private = 0) OR (pv.authorized_user_id = {$logged_in_id} and p.private = 1)
(在此示例中,WHERE子句中的t.user_id ='3'用于lizzy,如果$ logged_in_id应根据用户给出正确的计数,例如上面用户表中的计数)
如果tony($ logged_in_id = 1)正在查看lizzy(user_id = 3)启动的线程,则输出应该如下所示:
thread_id post_count_final (this should have the correct count for this user($logged_in_id) to see, all posts by lizzy - private posts by lizzy that this user is not authorized to see)
2 2
3 1
如果steph($ logged_in_id = 2)正在查看lizzy(user_id = 3)启动的线程:
thread_id post_count_final (this should have the correct count for this user($logged_in_id) to see, all posts by lizzy - private posts by lizzy that this user is not authorized to see)
2 3
3 2
答案 0 :(得分:2)
t.thread_id, t.post_count,
COUNT(IF(ISNULL(pv.private_id) AND p.private='1' AND p.user_id<>'1', null, 1))
FROM threads as t
JOIN posts as p on p.thread_id = t.thread_id
JOIN users as u on u.user_id = p.user_id
LEFT JOIN private as pv on pv.post_id = p.post_id AND pv.authorized_user_id='1'
JOIN users as auth on auth.user_id = '1'
WHERE p.user_id='3' AND t.user_id='3'
GROUP BY t.thread_id;
答案 1 :(得分:0)
如果您使用正确的group by
SELECT t.thread_id, t.post_count, COUNT(*)
FROM threads as t
JOIN posts as p on p.user_id=t.user_id
LEFT JOIN private pv on pv.post_id=p.post_id
WHERE (p.private=0) OR (pv.authorized_user_id={$logged_in_id} and p.private=1)
group by t.thread_id, t.post_count