以下是“Ada for software engineers”示例程序的来源:
提取后转到c04-arrays / justify
$ gnatmake justify.adb
运行justify,并将输出与作为输入的“example.txt”进行比较。 我得到的输出是交织在一起的线,与理由无关。 如果我用以下内容保存输出:
$ justify > result.txt
然后看着我可以得出结论,在终端中写入其他人的某些行。 但即使我忽略了这个问题,结果也很难被称为理由。
我的问题: 你有同样意想不到的输出吗? 你得到的输出是否与理由相似?
The quicke quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog. brown fox jumped over the lazy dog. ThequickbrownfoxjumpedoverthelazydogThequickbrownfoxjumpedov The quickThe quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog. The quick brown foxed over the lazy dog. The quick brown fox jumped over dog. The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy Thee slow gray wolf skipped over the frisky cat. The slow grayray wolf skipped over the frisky cat. The slow gray wolfed over the frisky cat. The slow gray wolf skippedky cat. The slow gray wolf skipped over the The slow gray wolf skipped over the frisky cat.
The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog. The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog. ThequickbrownfoxjumpedoverthelazydogThequickbrownfoxjumpedov The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog. The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog. The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog. The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog. The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog. The slow gray wolf skipped over the frisky cat. The slow gray wolf skipped over the frisky cat. The slow gray wolf skipped over the frisky cat. The slow gray wolf skipped over the frisky cat. The slow gray wolf skipped over the frisky cat. The slow gray wolf skipped over the frisky cat. The slow gray wolf skipped over the frisky cat.
这应该是理由吗? 这个问题特别与我的机器/系统/终端/外壳有关,还是其他地方的问题?
答案 0 :(得分:3)
我在Mac OS X上获得相同的输出。
是一个Windows文件,带有CR / LF行结尾,而你正在Unix系统上运行,它只需要LF;并且Ada RTS在每条输入行的末尾离开CR。 (我怀疑C RTS可能会这样做; Python会更好地处理它。)
Wikipedia中的大量信息,包括您可以使用cat -v
The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog.^M The quick
brown fox jumped over the lazy dog.^M
The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog.^M The quick
brown fox jumped over the lazy dog.^M The quick brown fox
jumped over the lazy dog.^M The quick brown fox jumped over
the lazy dog.^M The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy
dog.^M The slow gray wolf skipped over the frisky cat.^M The
slow gray wolf skipped over the frisky cat.^M The slow gray
wolf skipped over the frisky cat.^M The slow gray wolf
skipped over the frisky cat.^M The slow gray wolf skipped
over the frisky cat.^M The slow gray wolf skipped over the
frisky cat.^M The slow gray wolf skipped over the frisky
cat.^M ^M
$ tr -d '\r' <example.txt >example.lf
$ mv example.lf example.txt
通常情况下,您可以使用unzip -a
标识为文本的所有文件的行结尾;在这种情况下,它将所有文件标识为二进制文件,因此您可以使用unzip -aa
强制转换(鉴于这些是教科书示例,这是一个相当安全的选择,那里不会有任何实际的二进制文件!)< / p>
答案 1 :(得分:0)
Ada.Text_IO.Put( ASCII.HT & '.' );
Ada.Text_IO.Put( ' ' & '.');