
时间:2013-02-03 03:29:39

标签: c++ c arrays algorithm parallel-processing



我有两个并行数组:array courseNames 和array maximumEnrollment 。 我必须使用教师提供的函数,按字母顺序将新元素插入到数组 courseNames 中:

// Assume the elements of the array are already in order
// Find the position where value could be added to keep
//    everything in order, and insert it there.
// Return the position where it was inserted
//  - Assumes that we have a separate integer (size) indicating how
//     many elements are in the array
//  - and that the "true" size of the array is at least one larger 
//      than the current value of that counter

template <typename T>
int addInOrder (T* array, int& size, T value)
  // Make room for the insertion
  int toBeMoved = size - 1;
  while (toBeMoved >= 0 && value < array[toBeMoved]) {
    array[toBeMoved+1] = array[toBeMoved];
  // Insert the new value
  array[toBeMoved+1] = value;
  return toBeMoved+1;

由于数组 courseNames 是空的,所以当我第一次使用该函数时,我不必担心数组是否正常。 所有输入都来自由行分隔的文件,每行包含类的名称(ei.CS150)和允许的最大注册(ei.50)。 第一个数组包含课程的名称,而第二个数组包含最大注册数。


 * Read the course names and max enrollments. Keep the courses
 * in alphabetic order by course name.
void readCourses (istream& courseFile, int numCourses,
          string* courseNames, int* maxEnrollments)
  //!! Insert your code here
    for(int i =0; i < numCourses; ++i){
        string course;
        courseFile >> course;
        int pos = addInOrder(courseNames, numCourses, course);
        courseFile >> maxEnrollments[pos];

我使用 courseNames 元素的位置作为索引来存储给定课程的最大注册人数。当一个新值插入 courseNames 并且我得到添加它的位置时,会出现问题。如果我使用该位置,索引的旧值将被覆盖,一切都将不合适。

我的问题是,我该如何防止这种情况发生?如何找出替换的值以保持数组的顺序并使并行数组 maximumEnrollment *与每个课程的 courseNames 的索引相匹配?




// Add value into array[index], shifting all elements already in positions
//    index..size-1 up one, to make room.
//  - Assumes that we have a separate integer (size) indicating how
//     many elements are in the array
//  - and that the "true" size of the array is at least one larger 
//      than the current value of that counter

template <typename T>
void addElement (T* array, int& size, int index, T value)
  // Make room for the insertion
  int toBeMoved = size - 1;
  while (toBeMoved >= index) {
    array[toBeMoved+1] = array[toBeMoved];
  // Insert the new value
  array[index] = value;


 * Read the course names and max enrollments. Keep the courses
 * in alphabetic order by course name.
void readCourses (istream& courseFile, int numCourses,
          string* courseNames, int* maxEnrollments)
  //!! Insert your code here
    int size = 1;
    for(int i =0; i < numCourses; i++){
        string course;
        int maxEnroll;
        courseFile >> course;
        courseFile >> maxEnroll;

        int pos = addInOrder(courseNames, size, course);
        addElement(maxEnrollments, size, pos, maxEnroll);


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