
时间:2013-02-02 12:22:19

标签: objective-c multidimensional-array

我有一个从JSON文件创建的NSArray 如果我只是将阵列打印到控制台,我会得到以下输出:
Click me


    result =     {
        "attribute_controlled_attached_particles" =         (
                "attach_to_rootbone" = 0;
                id = 1;
                name = "Partikel 1";
                system = "burningplayer_red";
                "attach_to_rootbone" = 0;
                id = 2;
                name = "Fliegende Teile";
                system = "burningplayer_flyingbits";
                "attach_to_rootbone" = 0;
                attachment = muzzle1;
                id = 3;
                name = "Nemesis-Explosion";
                system = "particle_nemesis_burst_blue";
                "attach_to_rootbone" = 0;
                id = 4;
                name = "Community-Glitzer";
                system = "community_sparkle";
                "attach_to_rootbone" = 0;
                attachment = halopoint1;
                id = 5;
                name = Heiligenschein;
                system = halopoint;
                "attach_to_rootbone" = 0;
                id = 6;
                name = "Gr\U00fcnes Konfetti";
                system = "superrare_confetti_green";
                "attach_to_rootbone" = 0;
                id = 7;
                name = "Lila Konfetti";
                system = "superrare_confetti_purple";
                "attach_to_rootbone" = 1;
                attachment = muzzle;
                id = 8;
                name = "Spukende Geister";
                system = "superrare_ghosts";
                "attach_to_rootbone" = 1;
                id = 9;
                name = "Gr\U00fcne Energieladung";
                system = "superrare_greenenergy";
                "attach_to_rootbone" = 1;
                id = 10;
                name = "Lila Energieladung";
                system = "superrare_purpleenergy";
                "attach_to_rootbone" = 1;
                attachment = muzzle;
                id = 11;
                name = "Kreisendes TF-Logo";
                system = "superrare_circling_tf";
                "attach_to_rootbone" = 1;
                id = 12;
                name = Fliegenschwarm;
                system = "superrare_flies";
                "attach_to_rootbone" = 1;
                attachment = muzzle;
                id = 13;
                name = "Brennende Flammen";
                system = "superrare_burning1";
                "attach_to_rootbone" = 1;
                attachment = unusual;
                id = 14;
                name = "Sengende Flammen";
                system = "superrare_burning2";
                "attach_to_rootbone" = 1;
                attachment = muzzle;
                id = 15;
                name = "Gl\U00fchendes Plasma";
                system = "superrare_plasma1";
                "attach_to_rootbone" = 1;
                attachment = muzzle;
                id = 16;
                name = "Lebendiges Plasma";
                system = "superrare_plasma2";
                "attach_to_rootbone" = 1;
                id = 17;
                name = Sonnenstrahlen;
                system = "superrare_beams1";
                "attach_to_rootbone" = 1;
                attachment = muzzle;
                id = 18;
                name = "Kreisendes Friedenszeichen";
                system = "superrare_circling_peacesign";
                "attach_to_rootbone" = 1;
                attachment = muzzle;
                id = 19;
                name = "Kreisendes Herz";
                system = "superrare_circling_heart";
                "attach_to_rootbone" = 1;
                id = 20;
                name = "Karten-Briefmarken";
                system = "stamp_spin";
                "attach_to_rootbone" = 0;
                attachment = "cig_drg_smoke";
                id = 28;
                name = "Eleganter Rauch";
                system = "drg_pipe_smoke";
                "attach_to_rootbone" = 1;
                id = 29;
                name = "St\U00fcrmischer Sturm";
                system = "unusual_storm";
                "attach_to_rootbone" = 1;
                id = 30;
                name = "Eisiger Sturm";
                system = "unusual_blizzard";
                "attach_to_rootbone" = 1;
                id = 31;
                name = "Muttern & Bolzen";
                system = "unusual_orbit_nutsnbolts";
                "attach_to_rootbone" = 1;
                id = 32;
                name = "Kreisende Planeten";
                system = "unusual_orbit_planets";
                "attach_to_rootbone" = 1;
                id = 33;
                name = "Kreisendes Feuer";
                system = "unusual_orbit_fire";
                "attach_to_rootbone" = 1;
                id = 34;
                name = Blubbern;
                system = "unusual_bubbles";
                "attach_to_rootbone" = 1;
                id = 35;
                name = Rauchen;
                system = "unusual_smoking";
                "attach_to_rootbone" = 1;
                id = 36;
                name = Dampfen;
                system = "unusual_steaming";
                "attach_to_rootbone" = 1;
                id = 37;
                name = "Brennende Laterne";
                system = "unusual_orbit_jack_flaming";
                "attach_to_rootbone" = 1;
                id = 38;
                name = "Bew\U00f6lkter Mond";
                system = "unusual_fullmoon_cloudy";
                "attach_to_rootbone" = 1;
                id = 39;
                name = "Blubbernder Kessel";
                system = "unusual_bubbles_green";
                "attach_to_rootbone" = 1;
                id = 40;
                name = "Schauriges, kreisendes Feuer";
                system = "unusual_orbit_fire_dark";
                "attach_to_rootbone" = 1;
                attachment = muzzle;
                id = 43;
                name = Messersturm;
                system = "unusual_storm_knives";
                "attach_to_rootbone" = 1;
                attachment = muzzle;
                id = 44;
                name = "Nebliger Sch\U00e4del";
                system = "unusual_skull_misty";
                "attach_to_rootbone" = 1;
                attachment = muzzle;
                id = 45;
                name = Herbstmond;
                system = "unusual_fullmoon_cloudy_green";
                "attach_to_rootbone" = 1;
                attachment = muzzle;
                id = 46;
                name = "Es ist ein Geheimnis f\U00fcr jeden";
                system = "unusual_fullmoon_cloudy_secret";
                "attach_to_rootbone" = 1;
                attachment = muzzle;
                id = 47;
                name = "St\U00fcrmische 13. Stunde";
                system = "unusual_storm_spooky";
        attributes =         (
                "attribute_class" = "mult_dmg";
                defindex = 1;
                "description_format" = "value_is_percentage";
                "description_string" = "%s1%\U00a0geringerer Schaden";
                "effect_type" = negative;
                hidden = 0;
                "max_value" = "0.85";
                "min_value" = "0.95";
                name = "damage penalty";
                "stored_as_integer" = 0;
                "attribute_class" = "mult_dmg";
                defindex = 2;
                "description_format" = "value_is_percentage";
                "description_string" = "+%s1%\U00a0Schadensbonus";
                "effect_type" = positive;
                hidden = 0;
                "max_value" = "1.1";
                "min_value" = "1.05";
                name = "damage bonus";
                "stored_as_integer" = 0;
                "attribute_class" = "mult_clipsize";
                defindex = 3;
                "description_format" = "value_is_percentage";
                "description_string" = "%s1%\U00a0Magazingr\U00f6\U00dfe";
                "effect_type" = negative;
                hidden = 0;
                "max_value" = "0.75";
                "min_value" = "0.9";
                name = "clip size penalty";
                "stored_as_integer" = 0;
                "attribute_class" = "mult_clipsize";
                defindex = 4;
                "description_format" = "value_is_percentage";
                "description_string" = "+%s1%\U00a0Magazingr\U00f6\U00dfe";
                "effect_type" = positive;
                hidden = 0;
                "max_value" = "1.1";
                "min_value" = "1.05";
                name = "clip size bonus";
                "stored_as_integer" = 0;
                "attribute_class" = "mult_postfiredelay";
                defindex = 5;
                "description_format" = "value_is_inverted_percentage";
                "description_string" = "%s1%\U00a0niedrigere Schussfrequenz";
                "effect_type" = negative;
                hidden = 0;
                "max_value" = "1.25";
                "min_value" = "1.05";
                name = "fire rate penalty";
                "stored_as_integer" = 0;
                "attribute_class" = "mult_postfiredelay";
                defindex = 6;
                "description_format" = "value_is_inverted_percentage";
                "description_string" = "+%s1%\U00a0h\U00f6here Schussfrequenz";
                "effect_type" = positive;
                hidden = 0;
                "max_value" = "0.9";
                "min_value" = "0.95";
                name = "fire rate bonus";
                "stored_as_integer" = 0;
                "attribute_class" = "mult_medigun_healrate";
                defindex = 7;
                "description_format" = "value_is_percentage";
                "description_string" = "%s1%\U00a0Heilungsrate";
                "effect_type" = negative;
                hidden = 0;
                "max_value" = "0.8";
                "min_value" = "0.95";
                name = "heal rate penalty";
                "stored_as_integer" = 0;
                "attribute_class" = "mult_medigun_healrate";
                defindex = 8;
                "description_format" = "value_is_percentage";
                "description_string" = "+%s1%\U00a0Heilungsrate";
                "effect_type" = positive;
                hidden = 0;
                "max_value" = "1.15";
                "min_value" = "1.05";
                name = "heal rate bonus";
                "stored_as_integer" = 0;



[[[[news objectAtIndex:0]objectForKey:@"items"]objectAtIndex:2] objectForKey:@"name"];


希望你能提供帮助 添

3 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)


NSArray *array = [resultDictionary objectForKey:@"attribute_controlled_attached_particles"];

for (NSDictionary *aDictionary in array){
    NSString *name = [aDictionary objectForKey:@"name"];
   // do what you want with the string...
   // could be useful if you for instance need to make an array of all the names


NSString *someString = [[array objectAtIndex:3] objectForKey:@"name"];

答案 1 :(得分:0)


[]运算符允许您访问数组/字典的值,它的作用类似于objectAtIndex:/ valueForKey :.以下是如何做到这一点:

NSDictionary* result= json[@"result"];
NSArray* acabArray= result[@"attribute_controlled_attached_particles"];
for(NSDictionary* acabDict in acabArray)
    NSNumber* num= acabDict[@"attach_to_rootbone"];
    NSString* name= acabDict[@"name"];
    // Obtain also the other key-values in a similar way
    // Do what you want with these values, I suggest to build a custom
    // object to hold all these values, and put every object in a mutable array.

答案 2 :(得分:0)

您的NSDictionary包含NSDictionary(键入"结果"),其中包含NSArray(键入" attribute_controlled_attached_pa​​rticles")。要获得这个包含数组,您需要这样做:

NSArray *resultArray = [[jsonDictionary objectForKey:@"result"] objectForKey:@"attribute_controlled_attached_particles"];


NSDictionary *itemDictionary = [resultArray objectAtIndex:0];
NSString *name = [itemDictionary objectForKey:@"name"];
