我正在使用Python制作一个用于GCSE计算任务的Hangman游戏,而我所要做的就是确保当有人输入正确的字母时,它会将它放在单词中的正确位置。 代码如下:
def guess_part(word):
lives = 6
LetterCount = 0
LetterMask = ""
for x in range(len(word)): #run for loop for the amount of the length of word
LetterMask = LetterMask + "*"
print LetterMask
while lives != 0 and LetterMask.find("*")!=-1: #while lives are not 0 and the amount of asterisks are not -1
LetterGuess = raw_input("Enter a letter to guess?")
LetterCount = 0
for char in word:
LetterCount = LetterCount + 1
if LetterGuess not in word:
lives = lives - 1
if LetterGuess in word and lives != 0:
print "Good Guess."
LetterMask = list(LetterMask)
LetterMask[LetterCount-1] = LetterGuess
LetterMask = "".join(LetterMask)
print LetterMask
print "Incorrect."
if lives == 0:
print "You have ran out of lives, your word was: ", word
print "You have correctly guess the word! Score: ", lives
print "Play again?"
again = raw_input("")
if again == "y":
elif again == "n":
def rand_word():
from random import randrange
random_words = ['extraordinary','happy','computer','python','screen','cheese','cabaret','caravan','bee','wasp','insect','mitosis','electronegativity','jumper','trousers']
word = random_words[randrange(0, 15)] #pick a random number, and use this number as an index for the list, "random_words".
guess_part(word) #call the function, "guess_part" with the parameter "word"
def user_word():
print "All words will be changed to lowercase."
print "Enter the word you would like to guess."
print ""
validation_input = False
while validation_input == False: #while the validation input is not False, do below.
word = raw_input("")
if word.isalpha(): #If word contains only strings, no numbers or symbols, do below.
word = word.lower() #set the string of variable, "word", to all lowercase letters.
guess_part(word) #call the function, "guess_part" with the parameter, "word".
validation_input = True #Break the while loop
print "Word either contained numbers or symbols."
def menu():
print "Hangman Game"
print ""
print "Ashley Collinge"
print ""
print "You will have 6 lives. Everytime you incorrectly guess a word, you will lose a life."
print "The score at the end of the game, is used to determine the winner."
print ""
print "Would you like to use a randomly generated word, or input your own?"
print "Enter 'R' for randomly generated word, or 'I' for your own input."
decision_bool = False
decision_length = False
while decision_bool == False: #While decision_bool equals "False", do below.
while decision_length == False: #While decision_length equals "False", do below.
decision = raw_input("")
if len(decision) == 1: #If the length of decision eqausl 1, do below.
decision_length = True
decision = decision.capitalize() #Capitalize the string value of decision.
if decision == "R": #if the value of decision, eqauls "R".
print "You chose randomly generated word."
print ""
print "Forwarding..."
decision_bool = True
print ""
rand_word() #Call the function, rand_word()
elif decision =="I": #If decision equals "I", do below.
print "You chose to input your own word."
print ""
print "Forwarding..."
decision_bool = True
print ""
user_word() #Call the function, user_word()
print "You entered an incorrect value for the question. Try again."
print "You entered an incorrect value for the question. Try again."
答案 0 :(得分:0)
语句,如果您使用的是python 3 +:
from random import choice
def found(s , v):
# returns a list of indexes if v is in s
# else it returns None
return [i for i in range(len(s))if s[i] == v]
def guess_word(word, mask, lives):
# returns a 2 tuple : lettermask and the lives left
# just like 'guess_part' but with 2 more para's
# to increase flexibility.
# Beware !!! this function does not check the para's
lettermask=list(len(word)* mask)
livesleft ='You have {} lives left .\n'
guess='Plz type a char a-z.\n>:'
print word # just for checking
while mask in lettermask:
if lives < 1: break
print 'lettermask= '+ ''.join(lettermask)
p = livesleft.format(lives)
letterguess= raw_input(p + guess)
print 'letterguess= '+ letterguess
result = found( word, letterguess)
if result:
print 'Good guess :) '
for i in result :
print 'Wrong guess :( '
return lettermask,lives
random_words = ['extraordinary','happy','computer',
word=choice (random_words)
# or word= raw_intput('pls type a word')
lives= 6
resultS,lives = guess_word(word, mask, lives)
if mask in resultS:
print 'Your result: {}'.format("".join(resultS))
print 'You have failed,the word was: {}'.format(word)
print 'Congrats !!! Your score is: {}'.format(lives)