
时间:2013-02-01 03:23:31

标签: linux xargs



ls | sort -n | xargs  -i pdftk  {} cat output combinewd2.pdf


9 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:18)

使用<div th:fragment='paginationbar'> <div> <ul class='pagination pagination-centered'> <li th:class="${page.firstPage}?'disabled':''"><span th:if='${page.firstPage}'>← First</span> <a th:if='${not page.firstPage}' th:href='@{${page.url}(page=0,size=${page.size})}'>← First</a></li> <li th:class="${page.hasPreviousPage}? '' : 'disabled'"><span th:if='${not page.hasPreviousPage}'>«</span> <a th:if='${page.hasPreviousPage}' th:href='@{${page.url}(page=${page.number-2},size=${page.size})}' title='Go to previous page'>«</a></li> <li th:each='item : ${page.items}' th:class="${item.current}? 'active' : ''"><span th:if='${item.current}' th:text='${item.number}'>1</span> <a th:if='${not item.current}' th:href='@{${page.url}(page=${item.number-1},size=${page.size})}'><span th:text='${item.number}'>1</span></a></li> <li th:class="${page.hasNextPage}? '' : 'disabled'"><span th:if='${not page.hasNextPage}'>»</span> <a th:if='${page.hasNextPage}' th:href='@{${page.url}(page=${page.number},size=${page.size})}' title='Go to next page'>»</a></li> <li th:class="${page.lastPage}? 'disabled' : ''"><span th:if='${page.lastPage}'>Last →</span> <a th:if='${not page.lastPage}' th:href='@{${page.url}(page=${page.totalPages - 1},size=${page.size})}'>Last →</a></li> </ul> </div> </div> 选项:



echo prefix | xargs -I % echo % post

答案 1 :(得分:16)


pdftk $(ls | sort -n) cat output combinewd2.pdf


pdftk `ls | sort -n` cat output combinewd2.pdf


eval pdftk $(while IFS= read -r file; do
    echo \"$file\"
done < <(ls | sort -n)) cat output combinewd2.pdf

假设有两个名为“0 foo”和“1 bar”的文件,那么eval的结果将是所需的命令,文件名用双引号:

pdftk " 0 foo " " 1 bar " cat output combinewd2.pdf

如果文件名可能包含换行符,则使用find命令,请参阅@joeytwiddle在@ andrewdotn的回答评论中的讨论。 以下解决方案还使用sed命令处理带双引号的文件名以转义双引号:

eval pdftk $(while IFS= read -r -d '' file; do
    echo \"$file\"
done < <(find . -maxdepth 1 -type f -print0 | \
    sed 's/"/\\"/g'| sort -zn)) cat output combinewd2.pdf

答案 2 :(得分:9)

这很难看,但您可以运行sh -c并访问xargs传递的"${@}"参数列表,如下所示:

ls | sort -n | xargs -d'\n' sh -c 'pdftk "${@}" cat output combinewd2.pdf' "${0}"

最后的额外"${0}"是因为,sh man page says


-c 字符串


如果存在 -c 选项,则从 string 中读取命令。如果在字符串之后有参数,则会将它们分配给位置参数,从 $ 0 开始。


$ seq 1 100 | xargs -I{} touch '{} with "spaces"'
$ ls
1 with "spaces"    31 with "spaces"  54 with "spaces"  77 with "spaces"
10 with "spaces"   32 with "spaces"  55 with "spaces"  78 with "spaces"
100 with "spaces"  33 with "spaces"  56 with "spaces"  79 with "spaces"
11 with "spaces"   34 with "spaces"  57 with "spaces"  8 with "spaces"
12 with "spaces"   35 with "spaces"  58 with "spaces"  80 with "spaces"
13 with "spaces"   36 with "spaces"  59 with "spaces"  81 with "spaces"
14 with "spaces"   37 with "spaces"  6 with "spaces"   82 with "spaces"
15 with "spaces"   38 with "spaces"  60 with "spaces"  83 with "spaces"
16 with "spaces"   39 with "spaces"  61 with "spaces"  84 with "spaces"
17 with "spaces"   4 with "spaces"   62 with "spaces"  85 with "spaces"
18 with "spaces"   40 with "spaces"  63 with "spaces"  86 with "spaces"
19 with "spaces"   41 with "spaces"  64 with "spaces"  87 with "spaces"
2 with "spaces"    42 with "spaces"  65 with "spaces"  88 with "spaces"
20 with "spaces"   43 with "spaces"  66 with "spaces"  89 with "spaces"
21 with "spaces"   44 with "spaces"  67 with "spaces"  9 with "spaces"
22 with "spaces"   45 with "spaces"  68 with "spaces"  90 with "spaces"
23 with "spaces"   46 with "spaces"  69 with "spaces"  91 with "spaces"
24 with "spaces"   47 with "spaces"  7 with "spaces"   92 with "spaces"
25 with "spaces"   48 with "spaces"  70 with "spaces"  93 with "spaces"
26 with "spaces"   49 with "spaces"  71 with "spaces"  94 with "spaces"
27 with "spaces"   5 with "spaces"   72 with "spaces"  95 with "spaces"
28 with "spaces"   50 with "spaces"  73 with "spaces"  96 with "spaces"
29 with "spaces"   51 with "spaces"  74 with "spaces"  97 with "spaces"
3 with "spaces"    52 with "spaces"  75 with "spaces"  98 with "spaces"
30 with "spaces"   53 with "spaces"  76 with "spaces"  99 with "spaces"
$  ls | sort -n | xargs -d'\n' sh -c 'set -x; pdftk "${@}" cat output combinewd2.pdf' "${0}"
+ pdftk '1 with "spaces"' '2 with "spaces"' '3 with "spaces"' '4 with "spaces"' '5 with "spaces"' '6 with "spaces"' '7 with "spaces"' '8 with "spaces"' '9 with "spaces"' '10 with "spaces"' '11 with "spaces"' '12 with "spaces"' '13 with "spaces"' '14 with "spaces"' '15 with "spaces"' '16 with "spaces"' '17 with "spaces"' '18 with "spaces"' '19 with "spaces"' '20 with "spaces"' '21 with "spaces"' '22 with "spaces"' '23 with "spaces"' '24 with "spaces"' '25 with "spaces"' '26 with "spaces"' '27 with "spaces"' '28 with "spaces"' '29 with "spaces"' '30 with "spaces"' '31 with "spaces"' '32 with "spaces"' '33 with "spaces"' '34 with "spaces"' '35 with "spaces"' '36 with "spaces"' '37 with "spaces"' '38 with "spaces"' '39 with "spaces"' '40 with "spaces"' '41 with "spaces"' '42 with "spaces"' '43 with "spaces"' '44 with "spaces"' '45 with "spaces"' '46 with "spaces"' '47 with "spaces"' '48 with "spaces"' '49 with "spaces"' '50 with "spaces"' '51 with "spaces"' '52 with "spaces"' '53 with "spaces"' '54 with "spaces"' '55 with "spaces"' '56 with "spaces"' '57 with "spaces"' '58 with "spaces"' '59 with "spaces"' '60 with "spaces"' '61 with "spaces"' '62 with "spaces"' '63 with "spaces"' '64 with "spaces"' '65 with "spaces"' '66 with "spaces"' '67 with "spaces"' '68 with "spaces"' '69 with "spaces"' '70 with "spaces"' '71 with "spaces"' '72 with "spaces"' '73 with "spaces"' '74 with "spaces"' '75 with "spaces"' '76 with "spaces"' '77 with "spaces"' '78 with "spaces"' '79 with "spaces"' '80 with "spaces"' '81 with "spaces"' '82 with "spaces"' '83 with "spaces"' '84 with "spaces"' '85 with "spaces"' '86 with "spaces"' '87 with "spaces"' '88 with "spaces"' '89 with "spaces"' '90 with "spaces"' '91 with "spaces"' '92 with "spaces"' '93 with "spaces"' '94 with "spaces"' '95 with "spaces"' '96 with "spaces"' '97 with "spaces"' '98 with "spaces"' '99 with "spaces"' '100 with "spaces"' cat output combinewd2.pdf

所有参数都被正确引用。请注意,如果任何文件名包含换行符,并且ls -v基本上是ls | sort -n,则会失败。

答案 3 :(得分:4)


#include <thread>
#include <memory>
#include <iostream>

class Result
    Result() : x(0) { }
    int x;

void RunSimulation(std::unique_ptr<Result> result)
    result->x = 10;
    std::cout << result->x << std::endl;

int main()
    std::unique_ptr<Result> result = std::make_unique<Result>();
    std::thread t(RunSimulation, std::move(result));




相应的选项find . -maxdepth 1 -type f -print0 | sort -zn | xargs -0 sh -c 'pdftk "$@" cat output combinewd2.pdf' "$0" -print0-z告诉每个程序输入/输出应由零字节分隔。三个不同的程序,三个不同的论点!

答案 4 :(得分:4)


cat chapter_order-pdf-sample.txt | xargs -J % pdftk % cat output sample.pdf

答案 5 :(得分:2)


  • 首先使用-I {}和“ echo”构造命令,
  • 然后使用“ bash”执行命令(就像您正在执行shell脚本一样)

以下是将扩展名从“ .txt”重命名为“ .txt.json”的示例:

find .|grep txt$|xargs -I{} echo "mv {} {}.json"|bash


find $PWD|grep txt$|cut -d"." -f1|xargs -I{} echo "mv {}.txt {}.json"|bash


find .|grep txt|xargs -I{} echo "echo End of File >> {}"|bash


答案 6 :(得分:1)



  ls | sort -n
  echo cat
  echo output
  echo combinewd2.pdf
) | xargs -d'\n' pdftk


答案 7 :(得分:1)


ls | sort -n | xargs echo | xargs -I {} pdftk {} cat output combinewd2.pdf

答案 8 :(得分:0)




GNU-parallel现在可以使用# limit the number of arguments per line echo last first middle last first middle | xargs -n 3 last first middle last first middle 参数随意重排这些参数。



echo last first middle last first middle | xargs -n 3 | parallel --colsep=" " echo {2} {3} {1}
first middle last
first middle last