//SQL query to retrieve stock quantity for the all Products
//store the result in an array then in a new variable
$stockSQL="select prodName, prodPrice, proQuantity from Products order by prodId";
$exestockSQL=mysql_query($stockSQL) or die(mysql_error());
while ($stocklevel=mysql_fetch_array($exestockSQL))
echo "<tr>";
//display products name
echo "<td>".$stocklevel['prodName']."</td>";
//display products price
echo "<td>".$stocklevel['prodPrice']."</td>";
//display product quantity
echo "<td>".$stocklevel['proQuantity']."</td>";
echo "<td><a href=editproddetails.php?u_prodid=".$stocklevel['prodId'].">Update</td>";
echo "</tr>";
//include a db.php file to connect to database
//create a variable called $pagename which contains the actual name of the page
$pagename="Update Selected Product Information";
//call in the style sheet called ystylesheet.css to format the page as defined in the style sheet
echo "<link rel=stylesheet type=text/css href=mystylesheet.css>";
//display window title
echo "<title>".$pagename."</title>";
//include head layout
//display the name of the site and the date dynamically. See uk.php.net
echo date ('l d F Y H:i:s');
echo "<p></p>";
include ("detectlogin.php");
//display name of the page
echo "<h2>".$pagename."</h2>";
//retrieve the Products id passed from the previous page using the $_GET superglobal variable
//store the value in a variable called $prodid
//echo "<p>Selected product Id: ".$prodid;
//query the Products table to retrieve the record for which the value of the product id
//matches the Products id of the product that was selected by the user
$prodSQL="select prodId, prodName, prodPicName, prodDescrip , prodPrice, proQuantity from Products where prodId=".$prodid;
//execute SQL query
$exeprodSQL=mysql_query($prodSQL) or die(mysql_error());
//create array of records & populate it with result of the execution of the SQL query
echo "<p><table border=1 cellpadding=5>";
//display product name in capital letters
echo "<tr><td colspan=2><center><b>".strtoupper($thearrayprod['prodName'])."</b></center></td></tr>";
//display product picture
echo "<tr><td colspan=2><center><img src=Images/".$thearrayprod['prodPicName']."></center></td></tr>";
//display product description
echo "<tr><td colspan=2>".$thearrayprod['prodDescrip']."</td></tr>";
echo "<form action=editstock.php method=post>";
//display product price
echo "<tr><td>PRICE: ".$thearrayprod['prodPrice']."</td>";
echo "<td><input type=text name=p_priceupdate size=5 maxlength=3></td></tr>";
//display stock level
echo "<tr><td>AVAILABLE IN STOCK: ".$thearrayprod['proQuantity']."</td>";
echo "<td><input type=text name=p_quantityupdate size=5 maxlength=3></td></tr>";
echo "<tr><td colspan=2><input type=submit value='UPDATE'></td></tr>";
echo "<input type=hidden name=h_prodid value=".$stockid.">";
echo "</center>";
echo "</form>";
echo "</table>";
//display form made of one text box and one button for user to enter quantity
//pass the product id to the next page basket.php as a hidden value
echo "<form action=basket.php method=post>";
echo "<p><center>Quantity: ";
echo "<input type=text name=p_quantity size=5 maxlength=3>";
echo "<input type=submit value='Add to Basket'>";
echo "<input type=hidden name=h_prodid value=".$prodid.">";
echo "</center>";
echo "</form>";
//include head layout