
时间:2013-01-30 02:00:09

标签: c embedded avr freertos

我正在努力为我们的FreeRTOS xmega256a3端口提供无效支持。环顾四周,试图更好地了解内幕,我很惊讶地看到vTaskStepTick()中的以下一行:

configASSERT( xTicksToJump <= xNextTaskUnblockTime );

我没有configASSERT开启,但我认为如果我这样做,那将会定期提出问题。 xTicksToJump是增量时间,但xNextTaskUnblockTime,如果我正确读取代码,则是一个绝对的滴答时间?我弄错了吗?


static uint16_t TickPeriod; 

void sleepXmega(portTickType expectedIdleTime) 
  TickPeriod = RTC.PER; // note the period being used for ticking on the RTC so we can restore it when we wake up 
  cli(); // no interrupts while we put ourselves to bed 
  SLEEP_CTRL = SLEEP_SMODE_PSAVE_gc | SLEEP_SEN_bm; // enable sleepability 
  setRTCforSleep(); // reconfigure the RTC for sleeping 
  while (RTC.STATUS & RTC_SYNCBUSY_bm); 
  RTC.COMP = expectedIdleTime - 4; // set the RTC.COMP to be a little shorter than our idle time, seems to be about a 4 tick overhead 
  while (RTC.STATUS & RTC_SYNCBUSY_bm); 
  sei(); // need the interrupt to wake us 
  cpu_sleep(); // lights out 
  cli(); // disable interrupts while we rub the sleep out of our eyes 
  while (RTC.STATUS & RTC_SYNCBUSY_bm); 
  SLEEP.CTRL &= (~SLEEP_SEN_bm);    // Disable Sleep 
  vTaskStepTick(RTC.CNT);  // note how long we were really asleep for 
  setRTCforTick(TickPeriod); // repurpose RTC back to its original use for ISR tick generation 
  sei(); // back to our normal interruptable self 


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