
时间:2013-01-24 10:40:34

标签: c# ios xamarin.ios crash-reports testflight

iOS中有大量iOS崩溃报告库,包括TestFlightHockeyApp。如果您不想依赖服务,您仍然可以使用PLCrashReporter之类的库。绑定这些库是fairly trivial,因为它们的公共API通常由几个具有多种初始化方法的类组成。

然而,当我们在我们的应用程序中尝试使用TestFlight和更高版本的HockeyApp时,我们的应用程序开始随机崩溃。事实证明,这个 是一个已知问题reported several times,但是Xamarin没有警告它,它相对模糊,我们发现它很难方式。


try {
    object o = null;
    o.GetHashCode ();
} catch {
    // Catch block isn't called with crash reporting enabled.
    // Instead, the app will crash.



空引用异常实际上是SIGSEGV信号。通常是   mono运行时处理它并将其转换为null引用异常,   允许执行继续。问题是SIGSEGV信号是a   在ObjC应用程序中非常糟糕(当它发生在托管代码之外时),所以   任何崩溃报告解决方案都会将其报告为崩溃(并杀死应用程序) -   这是在MonoTouch有机会处理SIGSEGV之前发生的,所以有   MonoTouch无法做到这一点。

我确信很多人在MonoTouch应用程序中使用TestFlight而不知道它会导致崩溃 Isn't it ironic?


2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:58)


[DllImport ("libc")]
private static extern int sigaction (Signal sig, IntPtr act, IntPtr oact);

enum Signal {
    SIGBUS = 10,
    SIGSEGV = 11

static void EnableCrashReporting ()
    IntPtr sigbus = Marshal.AllocHGlobal (512);
    IntPtr sigsegv = Marshal.AllocHGlobal (512);

    // Store Mono SIGSEGV and SIGBUS handlers
    sigaction (Signal.SIGBUS, IntPtr.Zero, sigbus);
    sigaction (Signal.SIGSEGV, IntPtr.Zero, sigsegv);

    // Enable crash reporting libraries
    EnableCrashReportingUnsafe ();

    // Restore Mono SIGSEGV and SIGBUS handlers            
    sigaction (Signal.SIGBUS, sigbus, IntPtr.Zero);
    sigaction (Signal.SIGSEGV, sigsegv, IntPtr.Zero);

    Marshal.FreeHGlobal (sigbus);
    Marshal.FreeHGlobal (sigsegv);

static void EnableCrashReportingUnsafe ()
    // Run your crash reporting library initialization code here--
    // this example uses HockeyApp but it should work well
    // with TestFlight or other libraries.

    // Verify in documentation that your library of choice
    // installs its sigaction hooks before leaving this method.

    var manager = BITHockeyManager.SharedHockeyManager;
    manager.Configure (HockeyAppId, null);
    manager.StartManager ();

EnableCrashReporting ()方法的开头致电FinishedLaunching 如果需要,请在#if !DEBUG指令中包含此调用。




一种可能的解决方案是允许mono处理所有SIGSEGV信号   (从技术上讲,崩溃报告库应该不能处理   SIGSEGV信号,或它应链接到mono的处理程序而不是   任何处理本身)。如果mono确定SIGSEGV信号   不是来自托管代码(即发生了非常糟糕的事情),它会   提出一个SIGABORT信号(崩溃报告库应该已经存在)   处理和处理崩溃)。你可以理解这是件事   必须在崩溃报告库中完成。

Landon Fuller的Objective C实现:

#import <signal.h>

@implementation AppDelegate

- (BOOL)application:(UIApplication *)application didFinishLaunchingWithOptions:(NSDictionary *)launchOptions {
    /* Save Mono's signal handler actions */
    struct sigaction sigbus_action, sigsegv_action;
    sigaction(SIGBUS, NULL, &sigbus_action);
    sigaction(SIGSEGV, NULL, &sigsegv_action);

    // Enable the crash reporter here. Ie, [[PLCrashReporter sharedReporter] enableCrashReporterAndReturnError:],
    // or whatever is the correct initialization mechanism for the crash reporting service you're using

    /* Restore Mono's signal handlers */
    sigaction(SIGBUS, &sigbus_action, NULL);
    sigaction(SIGSEGV, &sigsegv_action, NULL);

    return YES;

我使用Banshee source code作为如何从MonoTouch调用sigaction的参考点。


答案 1 :(得分:4)

从Xamarin.iOS 10.4开始,现在有一种支持的方式:

static void EnableCrashReporting ()
    try {
    } finally {
        Mono.Runtime.RemoveSignalHandlers ();
        try {
            EnableCrashReportingUnsafe ();
        } finally {
            Mono.Runtime.InstallSignalHandlers ();

static void EnableCrashReportingUnsafe ()
    // Run your crash reporting library initialization code here--
    // this example uses HockeyApp but it should work well
    // with TestFlight or other libraries.

    // Verify in documentation that your library of choice
    // installs its sigaction hooks before leaving this method.

    // Have in mind that at this point Mono will not handle
    // any NullReferenceExceptions, if there are any 
    // NullReferenceExceptions on any thread (not just the current one),
    // then the app will crash.

    var manager = BITHockeyManager.SharedHockeyManager;
    manager.Configure (HockeyAppId, null);
    manager.StartManager ();