Const SrcFilePath = "C:\Folder 1\Temp\"
WScript.echo "SrcFilePath = " & SrcFilePath
Const FileExtension = ".txt"
newdate = date()-1
Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
If Day(newdate)>9 Then
ExtensionDay = Day(newdate)
ExtensionDay = "0"&Day(newdate)
End If
If Month(newdate)>9 Then
ExtensionMonth = Month(newdate)
ExtensionMonth = "0"&Month(newdate)
End If
If Year(newdate)>9 Then
ExtensionYear = Year(newdate)
ExtensionYear = Year(newdate)
End If
Mon = MonthName(ExtensionMonth, true)
Yer = Right(ExtensionYear,2)
DateTag = ExtensionDay & "_" & ExtensionMonth & "_" & ExtensionYear
DateTag1 = ExtensionYear
DestFileName = "Test File_" & DateTag & FileExtension
WScript.echo DestFileName
SrcFile = SrcFilePath & "Test File_" & DateTag & FileExtension
Dest_File = "D:\Test 1\" & ExtensionYear & "\"
WScript.echo "Copy from =" & SrcFile, "Copy to =" & Dest_File
Fso.CopyFile SrcFile, Dest_File
“C:\ Folder 1 \ Temp \”文件夹中包含以下文件
C:\ Folder 1 \ Temp \ Test 1_2012_10_25.txt
C:\ Folder 1 \ Temp \ Test 2_2013_08_25.txt
C:\ Folder 1 \ Temp \ Test 3_2011_10_25.txt
C:\ Folder 1 \ Temp \ Test 4_2010_10_25.txt
C:\ Folder 1 \ Temp \ Test 1_2012_10_25.txt> D:\ Test 1 \ 2012 \ Test 1_2012_10_25.txt
C:\ Folder 1 \ Temp \ Test 2_2013_08_25.txt> D:\ Test 2 \ 2013 \ Test 2_2013_08_25.txt
C:\ Folder 1 \ Temp \ Test 1_2012_10_25.txt> D:\ Test 3 \ 2011 \ Test 3_2012_10_25.txt
C:\ Folder 1 \ Temp \ Test 1_2012_10_25.txt> D:\ Test 1 \ 2012 \ Test 1_2012_10_25.txt
如果文件夹On D:\不存在则创建它们。
答案 0 :(得分:1)
我仍然声称稍微修改了my answer here中的代码:
Const csSrc = "..\data\in2"
Const csDst = "..\data\out2"
Dim f, n, d
For Each f In goFS.GetFolder(csSrc).Files
n = Split(f.Name, "_") ' split on _ instead of -
If 3 = UBound(n) Then ' 4 parts instead of 2
d = goFS.BuildPath(csDst, n(1))
If Not goFS.FolderExists(d) Then goFS.CreateFolder d
f.Move goFS.BuildPath(d, f.Name)
End If
tree /a /f ..\data\in2
Test 7_2012_11_25.txt
Test 1_2010_11_25.txt
Test 2_2010_12_25.txt
Test 9_2012_13_25.txt
Test 8_2012_12_25.txt
Test 3_2010_13_25.txt
Test 6_2011_13_25.txt
Test 4_2011_11_25.txt
Test 5_2011_12_25.txt
tree /a /f ..\data\out2
| Test 6_2011_13_25.txt
| Test 4_2011_11_25.txt
| Test 5_2011_12_25.txt
| Test 1_2010_11_25.txt
| Test 2_2010_12_25.txt
| Test 3_2010_13_25.txt
Test 7_2012_11_25.txt
Test 9_2012_13_25.txt
Test 8_2012_12_25.txt
更新 - 使用年份目录的父文件夹的文件名的第一个(“测试n”)部分:
For Each f In goFS.GetFolder(csSrc).Files
n = Split(f.Name, "_")
If 3 = UBound(n) Then
d = goFS.BuildPath(csDst, n(0))
If Not goFS.FolderExists(d) Then goFS.CreateFolder d
d = goFS.BuildPath(d, n(1))
If Not goFS.FolderExists(d) Then goFS.CreateFolder d
f.Move goFS.BuildPath(d, f.Name)
End If