
时间:2013-01-21 10:25:18

标签: c# serialization protobuf-net


我正在研究遗留应用程序,我们正在使用.Net Remoting将GUI客户端连接到C#服务。由于使用默认BinaryFormatter的对象图的序列化大小,我们看到海外用户的表现不佳,客户端和服务器之间的带宽有限(1Mbit / s)会加剧这种情况。


我汇总了一个重新解决问题的例子。我期望Dictionary(Items [1])和对象BA中的对象与我在AsReference=true属性中指定ProtoMember的对象相同。




public void AreObjectReferencesSameAfterDeserialization()
    A a = new A();
    B b = new B();

    b.A = a;

    b.Items.Add(1, a);

    Assert.AreSame(a, b.A);
    Assert.AreSame(b.A, b.Items[1]);

    B deserializedB;

    using (var stream = new MemoryStream())
        Serializer.Serialize(stream, b);
        stream.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin);
        deserializedB = Serializer.Deserialize<B>(stream);

    Assert.AreSame(deserializedB.A, deserializedB.Items[1]);


public class A

public class B
    [ProtoMember(1, AsReference = true)]
    public A A { get; set; }

    [ProtoMember(2, AsReference = true)]
    public Dictionary<int, A> Items { get; set; }

    public B()
        Items = new Dictionary<int, A>();

3 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:4)


public class A
    // ...

目前,这是一种不支持的方案 - 至少,通过属性不受支持;基本上,AsReference=true 目前指的是KeyValuePair<int,A>,由于KeyValuePair<int,A>是一个值类型,所以这并不合理(所以这永远不会是作为参考;我在本地副本中添加了更好的信息。



理论上,我这样做的工作并不多; 基础已经有效了,奇怪的是它昨晚也在Twitter上单独出现 - 我猜“指向对象的字典”是一种非常常见的情况。在猜测中,我想我会添加一些属性来帮助描述这种情况,但是你现在可以使用几种不同的路径来解决它:


public void ExecuteHackedViaFields()
    // I'm using separate models **only** to keep them clean between tests;
    // normally you would use RuntimeTypeModel.Default
    var model = TypeModel.Create();

    // configure using the fields of KeyValuePair<int,A>
    var type = model.Add(typeof(KeyValuePair<int, A>), false);
    type.Add(1, "key");
    type.AddField(2, "value").AsReference = true;

     // or just remove AsReference on Items
    model[typeof(B)][2].AsReference = false;


我不喜欢这么多,因为它利用了KeyValuePair<,>(私有字段)的实现细节,并且可能无法在.NET版本之间工作。我希望通过代理动态替换 KeyValuePair<,>

public void ExecuteHackedViaSurrogate()
    // I'm using separate models **only** to keep them clean between tests;
    // normally you would use RuntimeTypeModel.Default
    var model = TypeModel.Create();

    // or just remove AsReference on Items
    model[typeof(B)][2].AsReference = false;

    // this is the evil bit: configure a surrogate for KeyValuePair<int,A>
    model[typeof(KeyValuePair<int, A>)].SetSurrogate(typeof(RefPair<int, A>));

public struct RefPair<TKey,TValue> {
    public TKey Key {get; private set;}
    [ProtoMember(2, AsReference = true)]
    public TValue Value {get; private set;}
    public RefPair(TKey key, TValue value) : this() {
        Key = key;
        Value = value;
    public static implicit operator KeyValuePair<TKey,TValue>
        (RefPair<TKey,TValue> val)
        return new KeyValuePair<TKey,TValue>(val.Key, val.Value);
    public static implicit operator RefPair<TKey,TValue>
        (KeyValuePair<TKey,TValue> val)
        return new RefPair<TKey,TValue>(val.Key, val.Value);

这会配置使用而不是 KeyValuePair<int,A>(通过运算符转换)的内容。


private void Execute(TypeModel model)
    A a = new A();
    B b = new B();

    b.A = a;

    b.Items.Add(1, a);

    Assert.AreSame(a, b.A);
    Assert.AreSame(b.A, b.Items[1]);

    B deserializedB = (B)model.DeepClone(b);

    Assert.AreSame(deserializedB.A, deserializedB.Items[1]);

为了完整性,如果您的代码使用Serializer.*方法,那么您应该配置默认模型,而不是创建/配置模型:< / p>

RuntimeTypeModel.Default.Add(...); // etc



答案 1 :(得分:2)



[ProtoContract(AsReferenceDefault = true)]
public class TEST
    public List<TEST> _Items { get; set; }

    [ProtoMember(1001, AsReference = true)]
    public TEST Parent;

    public string NameItemType;

    public void AddItem(TEST Item)
        Item.Parent = this;

    public TEST()


        TEST ci = new TEST(); ci._Items = new List<TEST>(); ci.NameItemType = "ROOT_ITEM";
        TEST ci_2 = new TEST(); ci_2._Items = new List<TEST>(); ci_2.NameItemType = "ITEM_02"; ci.AddItem(ci_2);
        TEST ci_3 = new TEST(); ci_3._Items = new List<TEST>(); ci_3.NameItemType = "ITEM_03"; ci_2.AddItem(ci_3);

        // --> Confirm references.
        bool AreEqual = false;
        if (ci == ci_2.Parent)
            AreEqual = true;
        if (ci_2 == ci_3.Parent)
            AreEqual = true;

        // --> Serialize.
        byte[] buf;
        using (System.IO.MemoryStream ms = new System.IO.MemoryStream())
            ProtoBuf.Serializer.Serialize(ms, ci);
            buf = ms.ToArray();

        // --> Deserialize.
        using (System.IO.MemoryStream ms = new System.IO.MemoryStream(buf))
            ci = ProtoBuf.Serializer.Deserialize<TEST>(ms);

        // --> Confirm references.
        ci_2 = ci._Items[0];  
        ci_3 = ci_2._Items[0];
        if (ci == ci_2.Parent)
            AreEqual = true;
        if (ci_2 == ci_3.Parent)  // HERE IS WHERE IT FAILS! 
                                  // THEY SHOULD BE EQUAL AFTER DESERIALIZATION!
            AreEqual = true;    

答案 2 :(得分:0)


public class UnitTest1
    public void AreObjectReferencesSameAfterDeserialization()
        A a = new A();
        B b = new B();

        b.A = a;

        b.Items.Add( 1, a );

        Assert.AreSame( a, b.A );
        Assert.AreSame( b.A, b.Items[ 1 ] );

        B deserializedB;

        var model = TypeModel.Create();

        using( var stream = new MemoryStream() )
            model.Serialize( stream, b );
            stream.Seek( 0, SeekOrigin.Begin );
            deserializedB = (B) model.Deserialize( stream, null, typeof(B) );

        Assert.AreSame( deserializedB.A, deserializedB.Items[ 1 ] );

public class A

public class B
    [ProtoMember( 1, AsReference = true )]
    public A A { get; set; }

    [ProtoMember( 2, AsReference = true )]
    public Dictionary<int, A> Items { get; set; }

    public B()
        Items = new Dictionary<int, A>();