MY Loop // At window loading, be good to have some .className // set on the DIV elements which require them, so they show up. var ScaryMonster = window.onload=function portofOrigin(){ Div1ne.className = "AsBeforeBubba"; Div2wo.className = "AsBeforeBubba"; Div3hree.className = "AsBeforeBubba"; Div4our.className = "AsBeforeBubba"; Div5iver.className = "AsBeforeBubba"; }; // Then go ahead and define a shwack of functions the DIVS will // be manipulated by through the action of the LOOP code. // functions: ItemBar1 function ItemBar1COLOUR(){ timeoutIDxDiv1 = window.setTimeout(Div1neDOsomethingDoggoneIt, 160); } function Div1neDOsomethingDoggoneIt(){ Div1ne.className = "springME"; Div2wo.className = "defaultBORED"; Div3hree.className = "defaultBORED"; Div4our.className = "defaultBORED"; Div5iver.className = "defaultBORED"; } // functions: ItemBar2 function ItemBar2COLOUR(){ timeoutIDxDiv2 = window.setTimeout(Div2woDOsomethingDoggoneIt, 320); } function Div2woDOsomethingDoggoneIt(){ Div1ne.className = "defaultBORED"; Div2wo.className = "springME"; Div3hree.className = "defaultBORED"; Div4our.className = "defaultBORED"; Div5iver.className = "defaultBORED"; } // functions: ItemBar3 // here the Timer Function is defined for the Item #3 of the set of the Loop function ItemBar3COLOUR(){ // it is set to fire, if called, at 480/800 milliseconds timeoutIDxDiv3 = window.setTimeout(Div3hreeDOsomethingDoggoneIt, 480); } // This, is the Function which contains the code which // will be run if Item #3 is called. function Div3hreeDOsomethingDoggoneIt(){ // .defaultBORED is the *non~lit~up* state of appearance // of the divs while the loop is running. Div1ne.className = "defaultBORED"; Div2wo.className = "defaultBORED"; // while .springME is the *active* display appearance // of the div during "animation loop* Div3hree.className = "springME"; Div4our.className = "defaultBORED"; Div5iver.className = "defaultBORED"; } // functions: ItemBar4 function ItemBar4COLOUR(){ timeoutIDxDiv4 = window.setTimeout(Div4ourDOsomethingDoggoneIt, 640); } function Div4ourDOsomethingDoggoneIt(){ Div1ne.className = "defaultBORED"; Div2wo.className = "defaultBORED"; Div3hree.className = "defaultBORED"; Div4our.className = "springME"; Div5iver.className = "defaultBORED"; } // functions: ItemBar5 function ItemBar5COLOUR(){ timeoutIDxDiv5 = window.setTimeout(Div5iveDOsomethingDoggoneIt, 800); } function Div5iveDOsomethingDoggoneIt(){ Div1ne.className = "defaultBORED"; Div2wo.className = "defaultBORED"; Div3hree.className = "defaultBORED"; Div4our.className = "defaultBORED"; Div5iver.className = "springME"; } /* ****************************************** */ // This is the BEGIN POINT of the Main Timer Loop To create the faux~animation function SetThemUP(){ // This Function creates a TIMESTAMP anywhere you wish to // place one, by calling the function. function JustTIMEstamp(){ var OkayFIRE = +new Date(); return OkayFIRE; } // For Whatever reason this works as a holder for a whole lot of functions function wellrelaxCODEworkWITHmeHere(){ // The first item in this Function collection, is a TimeStamp. // Obtained by calling a Function which has code to make one. var newOkayFIRE = JustTIMEstamp(); // 1 of 4 Functions needed to build a friggin'
. // It is a Function which when called, appends the // assembled LB to the DOM as a child of the target DIV element. function SoWriteTimeStampToDivYello(){ var myDiv1 = document.getElementById("Aaaiyeeah"); var YellowTitleWrite = myDiv1.appendChild(document.createTextNode(newOkayFIRE)); return YellowTitleWrite; } // 2 of 4. sic. it needs to create a discrete html element... // the one referrenced above. function FancyShitForLBWIN1(){ var compLbr="var inTheLinebreaks"; var thirdcompOFintheLinebreaks = "=document.createElement('br');"; var AssembledDocCreateLB=(compLbr+ thirdcompOFintheLinebreaks); return AssembledDocCreateLB; } // 3 of 4. sic. and surprisingly, only works by directly // inserting a line break onto the variable being // cobbled together to provide a recycleable
construct... function middleware(){ var myDiv33 = document.getElementById("Aaaiyeeah"); var inTheLinebreaks7=document.createElement('br'); myDiv33.appendChild(inTheLinebreaks7); } // 4 of 4 and the final component for the asset // "reuseable
" which can be deployed in DIV "Aaaiyeeah" ONLY // but of course, as many times as required, so at least it is useful. function FancyShitForLBWIN2wo(){ var theAppending1stPart="myDiv42.appendChild("; var varNameProper=("inTheLinebreaks"); var fouthPart=");"; var assembleAppenderHerself=(theAppending1stPart + varNameProper + fouthPart); return assembleAppenderHerself; } // Oh, LookitThet, here it is, getting called. // So, this is inside the wrapper Function, inside the TIMER Loop. // Which has the effect that each time the LOOP gets called, // a record of the TIMESTAMP GO~Time is written out to display. SoWriteTimeStampToDivYello(); FancyShitForLBWIN1();middleware();FancyShitForLBWIN2wo(); //LINEBREAK // wellrelaxCODEworkWITHmeHere() end of function: } // then call all of em at one shot here: wellrelaxCODEworkWITHmeHere(); // these are the calling of the 5ive functions which are defined OUTSIDE of the MainTimerLoop; the STEPS or Components, // from which the LOOP is assembled. ItemBar1COLOUR(); ItemBar2COLOUR(); ItemBar3COLOUR(); ItemBar4COLOUR(); ItemBar5COLOUR(); // here is a call to the function in which the call is contained. // By Setting the number, the number of milliseconds of the // duration of the Loop Timer, is established. // Therefore // In order to have an even event duration, the events have got // to be timed, themselves, in a ratio of their number // to the length of time in milliseconds, which the Loop will Occupy. CommenceAnnoyance = window.setTimeout(SetThemUP,800); // SetThemUP() end of MAIN TIMER Loop :: psuedo~animation } /* ********************** */ /* ********************************* */ // Here begins parts of CODE suggested by Gordon. // while this is called by the *Reset* button to reset the divs // to their *Loop=OFF* appearance, AND clear the text // from the DIV which displays one after another, the // GoTime of the PerLoop Iterations of the MAIN LOOP. function DestroyTheMonster() { Stop(); Reset(); FTWxAnotherReset(); // that is a kludgy desperation~ploy // to try to get rid of the unwanted .class // which is still applied, and to reset all // 5ive to the NON~running state... appearance. } // This is the *** OFF SWITCH *** for the MainTimerLOOP. function Stop() { window.clearTimeout(CommenceAnnoyance); } function Reset() { var Aaaiyeeah = document.getElementById('Aaaiyeeah'); while (Aaaiyeeah.firstChild) { Aaaiyeeah.removeChild(Aaaiyeeah.firstChild); } Div1ne.className = "AsBeforeBubba"; Div2wo.className = "AsBeforeBubba"; Div3hree.className = "AsBeforeBubba"; Div4our.className = "AsBeforeBubba"; Div5iver.className = "AsBeforeBubba"; } function FTWxAnotherReset() { var Aaaiyeeah = document.getElementById('Aaaiyeeah'); while (Aaaiyeeah.firstChild) { Aaaiyeeah.removeChild(Aaaiyeeah.firstChild); } Div1ne.className = "AsBeforeBubba"; Div2wo.className = "AsBeforeBubba"; Div3hree.className = "AsBeforeBubba"; Div4our.className = "AsBeforeBubba"; Div5iver.className = "AsBeforeBubba"; } #TitleGhost{ position:absolute; top:11px; left:295px; width:496px; height:29px; background-color:#8ADFFB; font-size:19px; font-weight:bold; font-style:italic; font-variant:small-caps; color:black; border:3px solid navy; padding-top:3px; } #ControlPlace{ position:absolute; top:11px; left:19px; width:142px; height:42px; background-color:#33EFEA; border:2px solid buttonface; } #ControlPlace button{ position:absolute; top:6px; left:13px; width:112px; height:29px; background-color:buttonface; font-family:bookman old style; font-size:12px; font-weight:bold; color:navy; } #ControlPlaceSTOPPA{ position:absolute; top:72px; left:19px; width:142px; height:42px; background-color:#33EFEA; border:2px solid buttonface; } #ControlPlaceSTOPPA button{ position:absolute; top:6px; left:13px; width:112px; height:29px; background-color:buttonface; font-family:bookman old style; font-size:12px; font-weight:bold; color:navy; } #Aaaiyeeah{ /*Displays Unix TimeSTAMP of Each Loop Begin~Time*/ position:absolute; top:11px; left:819px; width:131px; height:430px; background-color:#C79C96; /* Impious Colours = "the lost art" */ color:#A48F04; /* Impious Colours = "GoldyGoldfish" */ border:2px solid black; overflow-y:scroll; } /* Main Display Box */ #BeginLoopingLikeAMadBastard{ position:absolute; top:137px; left:295px; width:492px; height:298px; background-color:#333333; border:5px solid purple; } /* 5 Divs In the main display */ #Div1ne.defaultBORED{ position:absolute; top:12px; left:11px; width:112px; height:29px; } #Div1ne.springME{ position:absolute; top:12px; left:11px; width:112px; height:29px; } #Div2wo.defaultBORED{ position:absolute; top:61px; left:11px; width:112px; height:29px; } #Div2wo.springME{ position:absolute; top:61px; left:11px; width:112px; height:29px; } #Div3hree.defaultBORED{ position:absolute; top:110px; left:11px; width:112px; height:29px; } #Div3hree.springME{ position:absolute; top:110px; left:11px; width:112px; height:29px; } #Div4our.defaultBORED{ position:absolute; top:159px; left:11px; width:112px; height:29px; } #Div4our.springME{ position:absolute; top:159px; left:11px; width:112px; height:29px; } #Div5iver.defaultBORED{ position:absolute; top:208px; left:11px; width:112px; height:29px; } #Div5iver.springME{ position:absolute; top:208px; left:11px; width:112px; height:29px; } #Div1ne.AsBeforeBubba{ position:absolute; top:12px; left:11px; width:112px; height:29px; background-color:#EEff78; border:2px solid #FC3B03; } #Div2wo.AsBeforeBubba{ position:absolute; top:61px; left:11px; width:112px; height:29px; background-color:#EEff78; border:2px solid #FC3B03; } #Div3hree.AsBeforeBubba{ position:absolute; top:110px; left:11px; width:112px; height:29px; background-color:#EEff78; border:2px solid #FC3B03; } #Div4our.AsBeforeBubba{ position:absolute; top:159px; left:11px; width:112px; height:29px; background-color:#EEff78; border:2px solid #FC3B03; } #Div5iver.AsBeforeBubba{ position:absolute; top:208px; left:11px; width:112px; height:29px; background-color:#EEff78; border:2px solid #FC3B03; } /* defining some .classNames, for some css statements controlled by the JavaScript */ #Div1ne.springME{ background-color:forestgreen; border:4px solid red; } #Div2wo.springME{ background-color:forestgreen; border:4px solid red; } #Div3hree.springME{ background-color:forestgreen; border:4px solid red; } #Div4our.springME{ background-color:forestgreen; border:4px solid red; } #Div5iver.springME{ background-color:forestgreen; border:4px solid red; } #Div1ne.defaultBORED{ background-color:#333333; border:2px solid white; } #Div2wo.defaultBORED{ background-color:#333333; border:2px solid white; } #Div3hree.defaultBORED{ background-color:#333333; border:2px solid white; } #Div4our.defaultBORED{ background-color:#333333; border:2px solid white; } #Div5iver.defaultBORED{ background-color:#333333; border:2px solid white; } Commence !!! Stop Madness! This Is JavaScript. Looping OR at Least Pretending To.
看看这是否有效...... 好吧,伙计们,你的功能上有一个漏洞。我只花了45分钟或者手动格式化450行,然后想想添加一个链接,并获得臭名昭着的烦人的Ooops! ANTI~jsfiddle.net废话? Pulllese!所以。似乎远远高于这项服务,服务于不同的目的...减轻或在内部结合类似的功能;只是不明白对它的偏见。我理解在S.O打算在网站上拥有大量代码的愿望....但是当后端抱怨链接时,mebbe很好〜调整,是吗? 咆哮
答案 0 :(得分:0)
function DestroyTheMonster() {
function Takes2woToTaengo() {
setTimeout("Reset()", 800); // this is the delay
function Stop() {
function Reset() {
var div = document.getElementById('Aaaiyeeah');
while (div.firstChild) {
Div1ne.className = "AsBeforeBubba";
Div2wo.className = "AsBeforeBubba";
Div3hree.className = "AsBeforeBubba";
Div4our.className = "AsBeforeBubba";
Div5iver.className = "AsBeforeBubba";