// Create Byte array of password string
ASCIIEncoding encoder = new ASCIIEncoding();
Byte[] _secretBytes = encoder.GetBytes(password);
// Create a new salt
Byte[] _saltBytes = new Byte[4];
_saltBytes[0] = (byte)(salt >> 24);
_saltBytes[1] = (byte)(salt >> 16);
_saltBytes[2] = (byte)(salt >> 8);
_saltBytes[3] = (byte)(salt);
// append the two arrays
Byte[] toHash = new Byte[_secretBytes.Length + _saltBytes.Length];
Array.Copy(_secretBytes, 0, toHash, 0, _secretBytes.Length);
Array.Copy(_saltBytes, 0, toHash, _secretBytes.Length, _saltBytes.Length);
// objective-c
NSUInteger len = [passwordData length];
Byte *secretBytes = (Byte*)malloc(len);
memcpy(secretBytes, [passwordData bytes], len);
// create new byte array for new salt
NSInteger saltInt = [salt integerValue];
Byte *saltBytes = (Byte*)malloc(4);
saltBytes[0] = (Byte)(saltInt >> 24);
saltBytes[1] = (Byte)(saltInt >> 16);
saltBytes[2] = (Byte)(saltInt >> 8);
saltBytes[3] = (Byte)saltInt;
// now create a hash byte array
NSUInteger hashLength = sizeof(secretBytes) + sizeof(saltBytes);
Byte *hashedBytes = (Byte*)malloc(hashLength);
// now copy the bytes over
memcpy(hashedBytes, &secretBytes, sizeof(secretBytes));
memcpy(hashedBytes, &saltBytes, sizeof(saltBytes));