
时间:2013-01-15 07:10:58

标签: android touch motionevent

在我的Android应用中,我有一个接收触摸事件的自定义View。但是,每次触摸它时它都没有反应 - 只是有时候。据我所知,如果我触摸屏幕,移动我的手指,然后松开 - 即使我只移动一点 - 事件被拾取,但如果我太快地点击屏幕让我的手指滑过它, 什么都没发生。我该如何解决这个问题?


public class SpeedShooterGameView extends GameActivity.GameView {
    public SpeedShooterGameView(Context arg0, AttributeSet arg1) {
        super(arg0, arg1);

    protected GameThread getNewThread(SurfaceHolder holder, Context context) {
        return new SpeedShooterGameThread(holder, context);

    // Program is driven by screen touches
    public boolean onTouchEvent(MotionEvent event) {
        SpeedShooterGameThread thread = (SpeedShooterGameThread) getThread();
        if (thread.isRunning()) {
            return thread.recieveTouch(event);
        } else {
             return false;

我非常确信行SpeedShooterGameThread thread = (SpeedShooterGameThread) getThread();中返回的对象正如我所期望的那样工作,但如果上面的代码看起来很好,我也会发布该类的相关代码。调用thread.recieveTouch(event);时,MotionEvent将被发送到另一个线程。


public class SpeedShooterGameThread extends GameActivity.GameView.GameThread {
    //... snip ...
    private Queue<MotionEvent> touchEventQueue;

    //... snip ...

    public synchronized final void newGame() { //called from the constructor, used to go to a known stable state
        //... snip ...
        touchEventQueue = new LinkedList<MotionEvent>();
        //... snip ...


    public synchronized boolean recieveTouch(MotionEvent event) {
        return touchEventQueue.offer(event);

    private synchronized void processTouchEvents() {
        synchronized (touchEventQueue) {
            while (!touchEventQueue.isEmpty()) {
                MotionEvent event = touchEventQueue.poll();
                if (event == null) {
                //... snip ....

    //... snip ...

1 个答案:

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public class SpeedShooterGameThread extends GameActivity.GameView.GameThread {
//The touchEvent member has been removed.

//... snip ...

    public synchronized final void newGame() { //called from the constructor, used to go to a known stable state
        // touchEvents is no longer initialized.



    public synchronized boolean recieveTouch(MotionEvent event) {
        //Immediately handle the MotionEvent here,
        //or return false if the event isn't processed

    // The processTouchEvents() method is removed.

    //... snip ...


public class SpeedShooterGameView extends GameActivity.GameView {
    public SpeedShooterGameView(Context arg0, AttributeSet arg1) {
        super(arg0, arg1);

    protected GameThread getNewThread(SurfaceHolder holder, Context context) {
        return new SpeedShooterGameThread(holder, context);

    // Program is driven by screen touches
    public boolean onTouchEvent(MotionEvent event) {
        SpeedShooterGameThread thread = (SpeedShooterGameThread) getThread();
        if (thread.isRunning()) {
            return thread.recieveTouch(event);
        } else {
             return false;