是否可以在C#中读取所选进程的传出数据包?如果是的话,我应该使用什么API? 提前谢谢。
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我假设您正在尝试执行与 WireShark 或 Winsock数据包编辑器类似的操作。
很长的答案是是的,但你必须弄得有点脏。你很可能不得不将 C ++ DLL 注入“侦察”它的过程。但是,您可以通过 C#连接此 DLL ,并将您的界面全部放在 .NET 中。
您的第一步是创建 C ++ DLL ,这只需要一些导出:
bool InitialzeHook()
// TODO: Patch the Import Address Table (IAT) to overwrite
// the address of Winsock's send/recv functions
// with your SpySend/SpyRecv ones instead.
bool UninitializeHook()
// TODO: Restore the Import Address Table (IAT) to the way you found it.
// This function will be called instead of Winsock's recv function once hooked.
int SpySend(SOCKET s, const char *buf, int len, int flags)
// TODO: Do something with the data to be sent, like logging it.
// Call the real Winsock send function.
int numberOfBytesSent = send(s, buf, len, flags);
// Return back to the calling process.
return numberOfBytesSent;
// This function will be called instead of Winsock's recv function once hooked.
int SpyRecv(SOCKET s, char *buf, int len, int flags)
// Call the real Winsock recv function to get the data.
int numberOfBytesReceived = recv(s, buf, len, flags);
// TODO: Do something with the received data, like logging it.
// Return back to the calling process.
return numberOfBytesReceived;
这一切中最困难的部分是修补导入地址表(IAT)的功能。有关如何遍历它并在其中查找函数导入的各种资源。 提示:您必须通过序数修补 Winsock 导入,而不是名称。
结帐Inside the Windows PE Format (Part 2)和C++ Code Example。
完成所有操作后,您必须将您所做的 DLL 注入目标进程。这是 C ++ 伪造的代码(在我的脑海中):
// Get the target window handle (if you don't have the process ID handy).
HWND hWnd = FindWindowA(NULL, "Your Target Window Name");
// Get the process ID from the target window handle.
DWORD processId = 0;
DWORD threadId = GetWindowThreadProcessId(hWnd, &processId);
// Open the process for reading/writing memory.
HANDLE hProcess = OpenProcess(accessFlags, false, processId);
// Get the base address for Kernel32.dll (always the same for each process).
HMODULE hKernel32 = GetModuleHandleA("kernel32");
// Get the address of LoadLibraryA (always the same for each process).
DWORD loadLibraryAddr = GetProcAddress(hKernel32, "LoadLibraryA");
// Allocate some space in the remote process and write the library string to it.
LPVOID libraryNameBuffer = VirtualAllocEx(hProcess, NULL, 256,
LPCSTR libraryName = L"MySpyLibrary.dll\0";
DWORD numberOfBytesWritten = 0;
BOOL writeResult = WriteProcessMemory(hProcess, libraryNameBuffer,
strlen(libraryName) + 1,
// Create a thread in the remote process, using LoadLibraryA as the procedure,
// and the parameter is the library name we just wrote to the remote process.
DWORD remoteThreadId = 0;
HANDLE hRemoteThread = CreateRemoteThread(hProcess, NULL, 0,
0, &remotThreadId);
// Wait for our thread to complete and get the exit code (which is the return value).
DWORD loadedLibraryAddr = 0;
BOOL waitResult = WaitForSingleObject(hRemoteThread, INFINITE);
BOOL exitResult = GetExitCodeThread(hRemoteThread, &loadedLibraryAddr);
// TODO: Check that it was loaded properly
// if(lodadedLibraryAddr == NULL) { ... }
// Cleanup our loose ends here.
VirtualFreeEx(hProcess, libraryNameBuffer, 256, MEM_RELEASE);
您可以通过 C#平台调用(pInvoke)执行相同的操作。由您决定如何记录数据并将数据传回 C#监控程序。您可以在 C#中使用Named Pipes,NamedPipeClientStream
然而,这将会做到这一点,美妙的部分是它几乎适用于任何程序。同样的技术可以应用于任何类型的嗅探,而不仅仅是 Winsock 。
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