跨DAL操作的交易+ Web服务调用+日志记录

时间:2009-09-15 15:27:14

标签: c# transactions data-access-layer

I've already looked here并找到了一些关于管理交易的好建议。


customer = batchRefundToProcess.RefundCustomer;

                //Validate everything
                if (ValidateRefund(batchRefundToProcess) == false)
                    refund.RefundStatusId = (int)REFUNDSTATUSES.RefundDenied;
                    refund.ReviewedBy = displayUserName;
                    return false;

                //get this customer's payments
                List<RefundTran> trans = customer.ARTransactions;

                refund.RefundStatusId = (int)REFUNDSTATUSES.RefundInProcess;
                refund.ReviewDate = DateTime.Now;
                refund.ReviewedBy = displayUserName;

                List<RefundTran> paperTransactions = new List<RefundTran>();

                foreach (RefundTran transaction in trans)

                    if (customer.Balance < 0) //balance is negative if we owe them money

                        //processtransaction has the following side effects:
                        //1. refund detail is created for the tran
                        //2. customer is billed for the refunded amount, web service is called

                        var paperTransaction = processTransaction(customer, transaction, refund);
                        if (paperTransaction != null) //this transaction qualifies for a paper check for one reason or another

                //get total amount
                //basically, the sum total of all their paper check transactions plus whatever's left on their balance, if anything
                decimal paperCheckAmount = paperTransactions.Sum(pt => pt.Amount) - customer.Balance;
                if (paperTransactions.Count > 0)
                    //cut a check for all the transactions together
                    AddLineToFile(customer, paperCheckAmount, paperTransactions.First(), REFUNDFILETYPE.ElectronicCheck, refund.RefundId);


                refund.RefundStatusId = (int)REFUNDSTATUSES.RefundApproved;
                refund.ReviewedBy = displayUserName;
            } //end using block
            return true;


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看看http://andreasohlund.net/2009/08/24/achieving-consistency-using-nservicebus/ 它提供了一个类似要求的例子